Juliana Bennici
PharmD Candidate, Class of 2027
St. John's University
I was always taught as a child that your dreams can turn into reality, so I have always strived to make my dreams come true. No matter how hard life gets, it is not my nature to give up. My great interest in Chemistry and Math is what made me choose Pharmacy. Chemistry has always have been one of my favorite subjects to learn in school. Medicine has always caught my attention because of the fasinations that goes along with the research and creation of it. I am also very passionate about helping and taking care of others. Choosing Pharmacy allows me to explore my interests in chemistry and medicine while also expressing my passion for helping others. My vision of pharmacy practice is to always help people that are in need of care. I also intend to create an environment that is safe and ethically professional. My goals are to become a pharmacist, always able to help any patient in need and live up to standards of being a pharmacist. I will achieve my goals by working incredibly hard in the pharmD program by applying what I learn to my future. Becoming a Pharmacist is very important to me because I believe God put me on this Earth to help and protect others and there is no better way to apply my purpose than becoming a pharmacist. My positive attributes are hardworking, caring, supportive and determined.
The goal(s) I have for myself during the next 1-5 year(s) are as follows:
~ Maintain a high GPA for the next 6 years throughout this program.
~ Being able to apply for a job to become a pharmacist technician
~ Being able to understand the expectations of being a pharmacist
The goal(s) I have for myself for the next 5-10 years are as follows:
~ Being able to graduate from the pharmD program and recieving my doctorate degree
~ To either have a job as being a compound pharmacist or working in a local pharmacy
~ Being able to be incredibly successful in the future
The goal(s) I have for myself for the next 15 years are as follows:
~ Being able to make a difference in the pharmaceutical business
~ Being able to share my knowledge of pharmacy with others
~ Being able to make a change with my knowledge of medicine for the world
St. John's University- Queens, New York- September 2021- May 2027
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Expected May 2027
Pharmacy (Six-year Pharm.D) Major
Pharm D Candidate, 2027
St. Joseph by the Sea High School- Staten Island, NY; September 2017- June 2021
Graduated June 2021
Advanced Regents Diploma
PHS-3504- Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology
In this course I learned the structure and function of the major human body systems.
PHS-2301- Biomedical Lab I
In this course I was able to learn the basic fundamental concepts and calculations and how to apply my knowledge while performing experiments.
PHS-2201- Biopharmaceutical Chemistry
In this course I was able to understand the chemical principles and properties that govern living systems.
PAS-2201- Introduction to Pharmaeconomics
In this course I learned economic principles and how to relate it to patient care.
THE-3300- Moral Theology of Health Care
In this course I was able to learn how moral decision making can relate to health care.
PHS-2101- Public Health for the PharmD
In this course I learned how the role of a pharmacist plays in the public health system.
THE-2400- Christian Spirituality and Mysticism
In this course I learned the differences between spirituality and mysticism.
PHI-3000C- Metaphysics
In this corse I learned how to think critically and apply my knowledge to various philosophical readings.
BIO 2000- Fundamentals of Biology II- Introduction to Cell and Molecular biology
In this course I learned the basic fundamentals of living organisms at the molecular and cellular levels.
RCT- 1005C- Interpersonal Communication for Pharmacists
In this course I learned different communication methods and how to incorporate them in a pharmacy work setting.
CHE-1130- Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry III
In this course I was able to further learn and create a better understanding of organic chemistry.
CHE-1131L- Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry III Lab
In this course I was able to use the knowledge I learned from lecture and use it to perform experiments.
CHE- 1132R- Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Recitation III
In this course I was able to work with peers and ask questions to further my understanding of organic chemistry.
PAS-2301- Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice
In this course I was able to identify key components of pharmacy practice.
CHE 1120 - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II
In this course I learned the rest of general chemistry and started to learn organic chemistry.
CHE 1121L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II Lab
What I learned in this course was how to perform in a chemistry lab. I learned when it comes to chemistry it requires a lot of patience and thought while doing experiements. I had a very good learning experience in this course.
CHE 1122R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II Recitation
In this course I was able to work with my peers and solve chemistry questions together. By working in groups it helped me get a better understanding of the material.
CPP 1101 - Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
In this course this is where I truly feel where the beginning of my pharmacy career has started. I learned in more depth about the career path. It truly excited me and I can not wait to see what happens as I continue this program.
MTH 1260C - Core: Calculus Applied-Pharmacy and Allied
In this course I was able to learn about Calculus and I was able to better my knowledge on this subject.
PHI 2240- Moral Life-ETH Health Care
In this course I was able to understand and further my knowledge on bioethics.
THE 1000C - Core: Perspective on Christianity
In this course I was able to investiagte and evaluate Christianity in the Roman Catholic Church. I was able to learn and appreciate more about my faith.
Fall 2021
CHE 1110- Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry
What I learned in this class was the introduction on what general chemistry is. It was a tough course to learn but I do feel like I did learn a lot about General chemistry and was able to understand the fundamentals of chemistry.
CHE 1111L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Lab
What I learned in this course was how to perform in a chemistry lab. I learned when it comes to chemistry it requires a lot of patience and thought while doing experiements. I had a very good learning experience in this course.
CHE 1112R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Recitation
In this course I was able to work with my peers to get a better understanding on the material that we have learned in our lecture class. By working in groups it helped better my knowledge on the material that was being taught.
MTH 1250C - Core: Statistic Applied-Pharmacy/Allied Health
In this course I learned a completely new type of math that I have not really been taught before in high school. It was probably the biggest challenge I faced this semester. But I studied to the best of my abilities and passed the course.
DNY 1000C - DNY: The Arts in NYC
In this course I was able to learn politics and theater based in New York and how it can relate to everyday problems in society. This class was very interesting and I learned so many new things that I did not once know before.
PHR 1000 - Introduction Seminar for Pharmacy Students
In this course I was able to be introduced to the pharmacy program and I learned what to expect in the next six years while being in this program.
PHI 1000C - Core: Philosophy Human Person
In this course I was able to learn about the fundamental principles of human morals. It was a great learning experience and it was so different from any other course I have taken.
ENG-1100C - Core: Literature in Global Context
In this course I learned about so many different genres in literature and i was able to compare how these certain genres can help point out the social issues that happened in the stories I have read. I throughly enjoyed having this class this semester.
Start date: July 26th 2022, still employed
Position: Pharmacy intern
- counts and fills prescriptions
- assist patients at the cash register
- makes phone calls to patients, insurance companies and doctor offices etc.
Junior Athletes- 149-325 Maguire Ave Staten Island, NY 10309
Start Date: January 2019
End date: March 2019
Position: Soccer Trainer
- Trained children ages 3-5 about the basics of soccer
- Set up drills along the entire field
-Made sure all the kids were playing safely with each other
Staten Island Soccer Club- (no exact location), Staten Island, NY
Start date: April 24th 2021
End date: June 8th 2021
Position: Soccer trainer
Description: - Trained kids ages 3-5 about the basics of soccer
- Instructed drills along the entire field
- Provided a safe environment for all the children participating
National Honors Society
Induction: May 2021
Must have an 85 or above average for all 4 years of high school.
Catholic H.S. Scholarship
Sponsoring organization- St. John's University
Date recieved: December 22, 2020
Description: To recieve this scholarship you must have attended and graduated from a catholic high school.
Academic Achievement Scholarship
Sponsoring organization: St. John's University
Date recieved: December 22, 2020
Description: Achieved by having a certain gradepoint average.
Explore New York Award
Sponsoring organization: St. John's University
Date recieved: December 22, 2020
College Advantage Program
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
Date recieved: December 22, 2020
St. John's Legacy Award
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
Data recieved: December 22, 2020
Description: Someone in your family has attended and graduated from St. John's University.
Engagement Grant
Sponsoring organization: St. John's University
Data recieved: December 22, 2020
Future Johnny Award
Sponsoring organization: St. John's University
Data recieved: December 22, 2020
Honor Roll- St. Joseph by the Sea High School
2018-2019- Semesters 1 and 2
2019-2020- Semesters 1 and 2
2020-2021- Semesters 1 and 2
Our Lady Help of Christians (Church Service) 7396 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10307
Start and end date: October 2018- May 2019
Hours: 2 hours every week
Description: Every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:30 I went to my parish and helped the teachers that teach CCD classes. I would help the teacher hand out papers, collect papers and even help teach the class. I learned patience, responsibility and hoe to educate children.
Ladies of Charity (School service) 5150 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10312
Start and end date: September 2017- June 2019
Hours: 1 hour every week
Description: One day a week we would get together and come up with ideas for fundraisers and would donate the money to a specific charity. I learned how to get creative and test my mind to see what I can come with on how to help others.
Our Lady Help of Christians (Church Service) 7396 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10307
Start and end date: May 2019
Hours: 1 hour for the day
Description: I was asked by a friend to help set up a barbecue for the Feast day at my parish. I felt very accomplished by doing this because it made me feel closer to God and I got to get closer to my community.
Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center 1025 Old Country Road suite 115, Westbury, NY 11590
Start and end date: November 6 2021
Hours: 5 1/2 hours
Description: I went to this center for the day to help out the workers. I helped feed the patients, did arts and crafts with them and helped them get around the center. I really enjoyed this because it was a new experience for me. I learned that you need a lot of patience to cooperate with the patients.
One of my biggest accomplishments during my many years of playing soccer was becoming the JV captain of my team. It was the biggest honor I was ever given. It proved to me after my many years of training it finally payed off for something. This is where I learned what true resposibility is. I also made friendships where it would last a life time. My best memories were made by being a part of this team. During my freshmen year of high school we made it to the championship game and won it! The following year where I was captain I had the honor of leading my team into the championship game, we sadly lost but it was still an amazing experience. That year I was also given the Peggy Ryan Sportsmanship award from my coach. I made many accomplishments being a part of this soccer program in high school and I would never change a thing about it. I am forever grateful for the opportunities I was given.
Pharmacy: A First year reflection
What is a pharmacist?
A pharmacist plays a very big role in society. These are the types of people the world depends on; without pharmacist the world would be limited to many resources. A pharmacist are the people who study and create medicine. Medicine plays an important factor in our society; people depend on it. A pharmacist knows everything about each medicine or vaccine that will benefit a person’s body when it is in need. They are the ones you ask questions to when in need a help in a pharmacy.
Why did you personally choose Pharmacy as your major?
I chose pharmacy as my major because I saw a pharmacist as someone who can help others. I have been told throughout my life that I always care for others more than I care for myself. A pharmacist helps everyone in every way they can. Knowing I can save maybe another person’s life one day is something I will finally call an accomplishment. I also find the job to be very interesting. I have a great interest for chemistry and consider it to be one of my favorite subjects.
Why did you choose to study pharmacy here at St. John’s University?
I chose to study pharmacy at St. John’s university because I really liked the thought of entering the program instantly as a pharmacy student. St. Johns also gave so many opportunities that will benefit me in the long run. The professors definitely seem extremely helpful and will help me be successful in the future. I also just really liked the campus environment, so I knew this is why I will be attending here.
My Top five strengths and reflection: Achiever, Arranger, Woo, Communication, and Harmony
What surprised me about my strengths was how it was words that I would never have thought would be a strength of mine. But as I look into it, these words do make sense on why they are my top strengths. For example, my achiever strength shows that I work hard and always make myself stay productive. Arranger shows that I like to pick apart things and rearrange it in order for it to become more productive. I feel like as a pharmacist you would need this strength just in case there was ever a problem you can just break down the problem and then solve it. Woo shows my strength of not having the fear of meeting new people. This can help as a pharmacist because it is part of your job to meet new people everyday and they should have the confidence to speak to new people. Communication helps put my thoughts into words. As a pharmacist it will help me tell others my thoughts or opinions. Harmony shows how you are one to agree with others and not to argue. As a pharmacist you should always be on the same page with your co-workers. I plan on using these strengths to help me become the best pharmacist I can be.