Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
This degree in General Management will supply me with versatile knowledge of principles and theories that can work around workplace situations to ensure the business operates cohesively together. In this program, we focused on critical thinking in considerations of financial, operational, personal, and marketing management and responsibilities of self and for firms. The most essential skills that I have developed were Leadership/ Management, Collaborative, Finance Skills, Critical thinking, and Communications because they will help me become a well-rounded person with an understanding of project experiences, networking with others, and staying on track with cross-functional teams as an effective General Project Manager. I can collaborate with strategic business understandings that leverage Human Resources, Accounting, and Marketing opportunities by using these investments to grow and achieve success in business environments. These abilities will also enhance my developmental efforts of professionalism, technical, and enterprising with a higher quality standard in the talent of organizations and community activities.
Acedemic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Human Resources / General Management
Becoming a general manager will supply me with versatile knowledge of principles and theories that can work around workplace situations to ensure the business operates cohesively together. In this program, we focused on critical thinking in considerations of financial, operational, personal, and marketing management and responsibilities of self and for firms. The most essential skills that I have developed were Leadership/ Management, Collaborative, Finance Skills, Critical thinking, and Communications because they will help me become a well-rounded person with an understanding of project experiences, networking with others, and staying on track with cross-functional teams as an effective General Project Manager. I can collaborate with strategic business understandings that leverage Human Resources, Accounting, and Marketing opportunities by using these investments to grow and achieve success in business environments. These abilities will also enhance my developmental efforts of professionalism, technical, and enterprising with a higher quality standard in the talent of organizations and community activities.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Sales and Service Principles
BUSS 120
Ethical Decisions in Sales
For this project, I applied knowledge of making informed ethical decisions in collaborative work environments. I applied skills of creativity and negotiating to scenarios of solving ethical dilemmas and making sales in marketing strategies effective with business correspondence. I can develop and adapt various strategies to increase market share and use persuasion to improve the customer’s experience satisfaction.
Acedemic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Accounting 205
ACCT 205
Income Statements
I gained knowledge in mathematical and quantitative reasoning concepts in the business environment. This project allowed me to apply accounting principles in general financial statements to analyze, interpret, and report financial transactions. I can use strategies for reasoning and establish methods of inquiry to adjust processes for making informed decisions and conclusions.
Acedemic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Logic and Reasoning
PHIL 310
Performance Management
In this project, I gained knowledge in collecting, synthesizing, and evaluating ideas by using persuasion in communications. This allowed me to affirm the consequence in a scenario using critical thinking, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills in the form of tables to validate evidence and derive a sound conclusion. Using this method, I can translate, formalize, and evaluate arguments to make logical decisions in recreating reasoning of theories, practices, and/or perspectives in multinational environments.
Acedemic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Organizational Psychology
PSYC 310
Cultural Diversity
I gained knowledge in interpretations of the basic language structures of psychology to adapt and use them in collaborative work processes. This project was about the impacts of cultural diversity that require active listening, empathy, and interpersonal skills for transferring information in formal learning. I used strategies of sourcing information, videos, and a PowerPoint presentation to formally educate others on awareness of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.
Acedmic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Office Applications
Acedmic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Performance Management
BUSS 410
Performance Management Project
In this report, I demonstrated leadership and teamwork in making decisions according to policies and guidelines in organizational environments. This allowed me to improve on professionalism, technical, and problem-solving skills in evaluating role responsibilities in the workplace. I can analyze scenarios and investigate information to make ethical decisions associated with legal manners.
Acedmic Service
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Management Principles
BUSS 215
Bobcat Fundraiser
In this project, I exercised leadership in managing and organizing a fundraiser with local resources in diverse communities. This project allowed me to practice leadership skills in formal communications and public speaking in multiple departments of management. I can construct and develop various functions of management in projects to make informed decisions ethically in organizing and practicing social responsibility in the community and organizational events.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman
Project Scheduling
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
What is the assignment? The bases of the project demonstrate different manipulations of graphs, charts, and bar graphs.
Why does it meet the outcomes in the course?
We were to input the data and research information as to how it will relate to my career.
Skills used, gained or enhanced from the assessment? Microsoft office uses of spreadsheets of data, how to create your own graphs and filling information.
How are these important in your perspective field of study? The skills of creating spreadsheets and how to organize and maintain its data will be vital in my career.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My CDP Part 2 Action Plan meets this outcome because it highlights my goals for improving my soft skills as well as my hard skills in the areas of graphic literacy, workplace documents and applied math. I will use this action plan to continue improving my skills and leveraging my strengths in my future career.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
This presentation highlights the evidence that I have so far in my ePortfolio to meet program and institutional outcomes. I created action steps in this presentation to help me achieve my career goal. I have included a reflection on my continued professional growth and what I must do to reach my career goal.
Career Development Action Plan Part 4
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My ePortfolio Presentation for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome. For this assignment, I had to reflect on how two artifacts in my ePortfolio serve as evidence for the associated outcomes. For each artifact, I had to explain the knowledge and Workplace Capabilities that were used/improved by the projects, and how that knowledge and WPCs will be valuable in my future career as a Human Resources Specialist.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My ePortfolio Presentation for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome. For this assignment, I had to reflect on how two artifacts in my ePortfolio serve as evidence for the associated outcomes. For each artifact, I had to explain the knowledge and Workplace Capabilities that were used/improved by the projects, and how that knowledge and WPCs will be valuable in my future career as a Human Resources Specialist.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My CPRA ethics assignment for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome and my program-specific ethics outcome. For this assignment, I had to conduct research on ethics specific to my field of study, create an ethical situation for the workplace, choose a solution, and back up my solution with scholarly research. This shows my ability to apply ethics research to my career field and problem-solve solutions based on that research. I also included a reflection essay to self-assess my strategies and outcomes on this assignment and consider improvements for similar assignments/work in the future. The Workplace capabilities I used in completing this assignment were literacy and work discipline_. This assignment connects to my future career because it utilize my skills and training effectively _.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My cover letter and resume meet this outcome because they exhibit the skills, knowledge and courses that I have gained through my classes and previous work experience. These items highlight my workplace capabilities of managerial potential and teamwork and will be used to market myself to potential employers and gain my job as a manager. These documents show a potential employer what assets I can offer to their company.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My cover letter and resume meet this outcome because they exhibit the skills, knowledge, and courses that I have gained through my classes and previous work experience. These items highlight my workplace capabilities of Customer Service Orientation and Teamwork and will be used to market myself to potential employers and gain my job as a Human Resources Specialist. These documents show a potential employer what assets I can offer to their company.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
My specialized elevator speech meets this outcome because it highlights the workplace capabilities of Managerial potential and literacy that I have learned at BSC and will use to briefly introduce and market myself to a potential future employer.
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda m Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda Bowman
Academic Service: Yolanda M. Bowman
Yolanda M. Bowman