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Christopher D. Mudd

Address: 2134 Sparrow Court
West Richland, Wa. 99353
Phone: 509-713-4445

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My Bio: Christopher D. Mudd

My name is Chris Mudd. I am 47 years old and I work for Firestone Auot Repair for 24 years. I am married 25 years. I have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. I am currently attending Bryant& Stratton college for medical billing and coding.

Affiliations (Universities & Colleges)Updated: 07-22-20
Educational Background: Christopher D. Mudd
Educational Background
Goals (Personal & Professional): Christopher D. Mudd

My goals professionally is to complete my degree in medical billing and coding, earn experience in the field, and eventually make it a career working from home. My personal goals is to be able to spend more time with my wife and children while working from home and being able to travel when I want with my family.

Resume & CV: Christopher D. Mudd
200722010121_Resume_CDM.docx (.docx) 0.04mb