My Bio: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
My Bio
I am an assistant manager and a full-time student at Bryant and Stratton Online. I am happily married and live in Missouri. My first step toward achieving this goal is to become an elementary school teacher. My hobbies include playing video and board games, hunting, fishing, bowling, watching movies, collecting Hot Wheels, collecting comic books, and reading.
I look forward to what lies ahead for me and my career. I am looking forward to something I have always dreamed of.
Educational Background: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Early Childhood Education and Development
I am enrolled at Bryant and Stratton for my Early Childhood Education and Development to obtain my Associate's degree. My expected graduation date is January 2026.
Licenses & Certifications: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
I received my ServSafe Manager Food Handlers Certification in 2022
Licenses & Certifications: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Dean's List
Dean's List for Spring 2024, Fall 2024, and Winter 2024.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Start Teaching
I start my teaching path around February 2026
Goals (Personal & Professional): Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Graduate College
Complete my college degree by January 2026.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Portfolio Project- 2024
Implement developmentally appropriate and inclusive activities and guidance strategies designed to positively impact child behavior and to support growth in all domains.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
ECED 103 Career Connect
Incorporate developmentally appropriate guidance strategies to positively impact child behavior and social-emotional development.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
ECED 105 Portfolio Project
Observe, document, and assess evaluate to support young children and families teaching and learning.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
ECED106: Portfolio Project
Create respectful, reciprocal relationships with children
Portfolio Project
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
ECED 104 Portfolio Project
Integrate health, safety, and nutrition practices according to local, state, and national standards.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
ECED 103 Portfolio Project
Design, execute, and assess meaningful, challenging curricula that promote comprehensive child development and learning outcomes for every child.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Career Development Plan
Participate in social, academic, learning, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Formal and Informal Learning
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Career Development Plan
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for credential improvement.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Business Writing Reflection
Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Assignments: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Graphic Litearcy
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
Resume & CV: Joshua Aaron Wayne Wingard
Teacher Aide
My Current Resume. I added a cover letter for a local school near me until we review how to make one.
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