Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
ENGL202 - Portfolio Project Final Draft Submission- Tymandra Williams
This portfolio project was for me to choose a topic based on my career field, program, or academic interest and use that to explore the research process, including a thesis statement; writing research questions; collecting and analyzing sources; and reporting or writing on my findings. This paper aims to explore each side and present evidence that correctly proves that working from home can be the new norm.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Career Development III - Multicultural Awareness Project
- This Project will reflect all steps taken for the Multicultural Awareness project as this project will best showcase my ability to participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
I have chosen to use the social network LinkedIn to develop a connection with Emma Pucel Frazee, a Co-Owner/Operator of PMG Management LLC a franchise company of Jersey Mike's Subs. As a young multi-racial American woman pursuing a business associate degree and seeking to open my own small business someday here in Minnesota. It was important to research the impact culture and cultural differences have within the workplace before I started writing my business plan, hence my decision on interviewing Emma who is a small business owner herself.
Career Development III - Multicultural Awareness Project
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
MATH201 001 College Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning: Small Buisness Loan Budget Plan
As my main goal for my future occupation is to start a small business of my own that I can one day hand down to my children, this project directly relates to this goal as I can use this project to apply for an actual business loan. Through lectures, weekly discussions, and research articles provided, I was able to establish a complete financial picture of my personal assets. This project showcases my skills in budgeting information to calculate ratios and proportions to analyze my financial situation and determine if I am ready to apply for a small business loan. Following established methods of inquiry and using a similar template, I will be able to use my mathematical reasoning to update my new financial budget plan to form new conclusions and create a new small business loan budget plan to bring to a bank for a small business loan.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
ECON195 002 Macroeconomics
In the project of quantitative reasoning, I applied and analyzed the impact of market forces relative to the supply and demand model. This project contained two separate scenarios that required me to use knowledge learned through lectures, articles, and videos of macroeconomics to determine initial market equilibrium and how to examine several changes of equilibrium when economic conditions change. This relates to my current occupation as I have to examine and adhere to new tax laws yearly when servicing my LiveOps client Intuit Turbo Tax as a product expert, it is my responsibility to have set transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and real-life experiences.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
ACCT205 004 : Accounting Principles II
Project: The Full accounting cycle of Northridge LLC
In this project, I assumed a promoted Senior Accountant position for Northridge LLC. Attached is the excel spreadsheet breakdown of the entire accounting cycle for the month, including the journal entries, trial balance adjustments, closing entries, and the financial statements demonstrating the knowledge of numeric measurements within the Northridge LLC accountant department.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
BUSS230 005
Introduction to Project Management
Project Management - The Evaluation of The One World Trade Center Construction project
In this portfolio Project, I was to assume the role of a student completing an internship within a local construction company that has expressed an interest in possibly hiring me after evaluating my evaluation of the construction of The One World Trade Center. The program outcome of recognizing management and leadership skills was met through my research of The One World Trade Center as I met each deliverable, including the initiating process of the construction project identifying the internal and external stakeholders involved aids with personnel interactions and project influences in determining the decision-making process.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
BUSS213 005 Business Law and Ethics (2 of 2) How Business Law & Ethics Differentiate between ethical and unethical behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations within today's dynamic work environment.
This project includes a two-part submission, including a memorandum and a PowerPoint, both written for a scenario regarding a CEO of a multi-media entertainment corporation called Laguna productions that holds personal identifying information related to customers, employees, and shareholders. This is the powerpoint portion of this project.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
BUSS213 005 Business Law and Ethics (1 of 2) How Business Law & Ethics Differentiate between ethical and unethical behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations within today's dynamic work environment.
This project includes a two-part submission, including a memorandum and a PowerPoint, both written for a scenario regarding a CEO of a multi-media entertainment corporation called Laguna productions that holds personal identifying information related to customers, employees, and shareholders. The Memorandum identity’s any applicable federal and state laws imposed on Laguna productions when PPI is stolen, as well as defends the fact that the board members’ sentiment that not purchasing software security is not an acceptable risk for the company as they are legally liable for consumers PII. The memorandum depicts the explanation of legal responsibilities held by such corporations within the global environment.
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Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
BUSS215 008: Management Principles
How to build your own fundraiser
This project was meant to showcase my ability to apply the essential functions of management, including staffing, planning, organizing, controlling, and leading, creating a scenario fundraiser to raise funds for new sports equipment. I based my scenario on my old high school, Columbia heights Highschool, in Columbia Heights, Minnesota, with the idea of a Columbia heights jamboree fair in mind. Instead of the funds going to the city, they would be collected for our sports equipment goal of $1,600 equipment cost. Each aspect of management includes real-time locations and survey responses to make this fundraiser as natural as it can be. Look at this artifact, and you tell me if you feel the functions of management were applied correctly and if you would be interested in an actual event like the one in this project. This project directly relates to my future career. I will need to know the five functions of management to open my own company and effectively and efficiently know how to pass my company down to my children.
This course project demonstrates the following skills: • Apply the five primary functions of management: staffing, planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. • Analyze how the fluctuating global market has impacted the role of management and organizational structure. • Differentiate between the potential responses of managers and leaders in various work scenarios through the study of cases. • Evaluate the social responsibility and ethical issues confronting managers today through real life case studies remove. • Develop and demonstrate an understanding of how strategic planning meets organizational and departmental business objectives.
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
This project of mine demonstrates my ability to Formulate ethical decision-making skills that can be applied in the workplace, Select and apply current technology skills to specific business applications such as social media and cloud technology, and formulate ethical decision-making skills that can be applied in the workplace.
Tymandra Williams - Portfolio Project Final Submission
Academic Service: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
College Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning
This is my assignment which meets the institutional outcomes including Information Literacy and Communication, Relational Learning, and Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning. I have shown that I can transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. I have Utilized appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/ or oral formats.
Mathematics Artifact
Courses Taken: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
VOIM112 – Office Applications – Spreadsheets & Databases
In this Project, I assumed the role of a Human Resources (HR) Representative working for XYZ Imports. This small business has recently experienced a great deal of growth and expansion. The company I work for manages its payroll systems, but due to the growth in the company’s workforce, XYZ Imports has no choice but to outsource the payroll to a third-party organization called ADP. As the HR, I am responsible for collecting data requested from ADP, such as information related to each employee, as mandated under the Fair Labor Standards ACTS. I provide it in an excel spreadsheet format to set up payroll for our company XYZ through ADP. This project shows my ability to use Excel to design, create, and modify spreadsheets to create charts and macros, as well as apply spreadsheet and database principles to business problems, both skills required in any office administrative or self-employment occupation used in today’s work-from-home technology. As I am currently self-employed, I have practice with computer technology applications in working from a home office environment. Still, I aim to improve my workplace efficiency to open my own company someday.
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Courses Taken: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
BUSS120 001
Sales & Service Principles
This project directly relates to my current occupation as a customer service sales associate by allowing me to analyze, process, and apply an ethical decision to three common work scenarios. In this paper, I showcased my ethical decision-making skills by writing what ethical actions I would take if I were to be presented with a scenario that could lead to unethical or legal consequences. All scenarios fall under my career choice in business.
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Courses Taken: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
BUSS110 001
Marketing Principles
For this portfolio project, I was to assume the role of Account Executive for an up-and-coming marketing firm, and I have just landed myself as the lead on a few large accounts. Before I can work with any of these accounts on a new strategy for the upcoming year, I must assess each of their current marketing plans – identifying the strengths and weaknesses and also determining if they properly address all components of the marketing mix (4 P’s). I must analyze the marketing plan of KitchenAid (craft Mixer) and Craftsman (tool Storage). My supervisor wanted the report to be directed to him. Even though the accounts were technically my audience, he wanted to receive my report (assessment and analysis) before I presented them in a meeting to each account. I was able to showcase my skills in selecting and applying current technology skills, such as using the Google search engine to identify the account’s products. I used Microsoft word to make the requested report and outlined the four marketing P’s for the said manager to take a look at before presenting to the accounts.
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Educational Background: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Bryant & Stratton College
Major: Business Associates degree
Start date: 9/2019 to Current
Bryant & Stratton College: Online
Curriculum Information:
Current Program: Associate of Applied Science
Major: Business
Student ID: B00580205
Educational Background: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Metro Heights Academy (Highschool - Graduate class of 2014)
I graduated at 16 from Metro Heights Academy an Area Learning Center (ALC) designed to help students achieve their educational and career goals in a nontraditional learning environment. I was offered a comprehensive and rigorous high school curriculum delivered within a personalized, flexible, and nurturing environment. Students receive assistance in meeting graduation requirements and have opportunities to gain vocational skills and work experience. During my final years of high school, I was enrolled in the PSEO program and attended Minneapolis Technical and Community College until I graduated high school. My major at this time was ASL (American Sign Language) as I did want to be an interpreter. Metro Heights Academy also allows students to work part-time while attending school and receive work credits.
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Goals (Personal & Professional): Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Tymandra's Life Goals
I have decided to pursue both a professional and personal goal of one day opening my own store and being able to hand down my business to my children someday. I will reach this goal by obtaining the knowledge required to open and run my own business, which I have learned throughout my educational journey with Bryant & Stratton College (Business Associates: Major). After obtaining this knowledge and degree, I will finalize my business plan that is already in the works and present it to the legal teams necessary to obtain legal, local, and all required license to open my business. As I will need funding for this big decision, I am currently working on obtaining an administrative assistant position to keep my employment secure and use my financial literacy skills to write up the financial plan that will be presented to lenders in search of a Small business loan.
Honor Societies: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Alpha Beta Gamma (ABH) Honor Society
Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG), in existence since 1970, is the international honor society for students who attend two-year colleges. Membership in ABG provides an opportunity for the development of leadership qualities and is an excellent addition to applications to four-year colleges and
employment applications.
I am a proud ABG Honor student.
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My Bio: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Biography of Tymandra Williams
Hello, my name is Tymandra Williams. I am the fiancée of Johnathan Rush and the proud mother of two wonderful boys, Alikye and Areyes. I am twenty-seven years old and was born and raised in Minnesota. As the weather is always changing here, it is a very beautiful state with plenty of Work, education, and Career opportunities here. I graduated high school at 16 with some college experience as I attended Minneapolis Community Technical College through PSEO courses. I am a very adaptive and open-minded person with always changing life plans. I have always been a very artistic person growing up, and I was involved with music, tattoos, and body piercings, and even designer art of all sorts. I wanted to be a sign Language interpreter, then I wanted to be a lawyer, and now I am an Independent Contractor who goes where the work is needed. As I now have two beautiful children, I want to get my associate degree in business so that one day I can open my store and pass it down to my children someday.
Resume & CV: Tymandra Jean-anne Williams
Cover Letter
This is one of my first cover letters written. I am still updating this Cover letter to better fit my occupational interest in future inquiries.
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