Monday, October 10th, 2022 from 12:30-1:30pm in Room 214

Western university of health Sciences
I recently attended the APhA-ASH MRM 2023 leadership event, and I am so glad I did; it was a great experience, and I will do it again if available. The event was an amazing opportunity to learn about leadership, network with other pharmacy students from different pharmacy schools, and gain valuable insights into the profession of pharmacy.
The event was well organized and informative, the speakers were knowledgeable and engaging, and the networking opportunities were plentiful. One of the most important things I learned at the event is that leadership is not about being in charge; it is about empowering others to do their best. I also learned that there are many different leadership styles and that the most effective leaders are able to adapt their style to the situation. I had the opportunity to network with many other pharmacy students at the event; I was able to learn about their schools, their experiences, and their goals. I also had the opportunity to make some new friends. One of the highlights of the event was a lecture by a Walgreens representative about the internship program. The representative provided us with valuable information about the program, and they were always available to answer any questions we had. They also gave away a lot of gifts. We had so much fun being on different teams and playing games. My team and I won a beautiful gift from Walgreens after answering pharmacy-related questions correctly. Overall, I had a great time volunteering at the APhA/ASP MRM 2023 leadership event. I learned a lot, and I networked with other students, and gained valuable insight into the profession of pharmacy. I would highly recommend this event to any pharmacy student interested in learning more about leadership.

American Red Cross: San Deigo
As a pharmacy student, I am committed to providing the best possible care for my patients. This includes not only working in the pharmacy and providing counseling and so on, but it also promotes healthy lifestyles. One way I can do this is by donating blood. Blood donation is a safe and easy way to help others, especially these days when there is a big shortage of blood. It took me about 30 minutes to complete the entire process, and it can save a couple of patients. According to the American Red Cross, there is always a need for blood, and every donation makes a difference. A a pharmacy student, I understand the importance of blood donation, and I know that blood is a vital component of medical care and that it is often used in life-saving procedures. I also know that the demand for blood is always high and that there is often a shortage. That's why I committed to donate blood as an intern pharmacist. I believe that it is my responsibility to do everything I can to help others. I have also learned a lot of the process of dating blood since this is my 3rd time doing it, and I was interested to ask why other donors took a long time to finish until I found out that they are donating plasma, which takes 2 hours to complete. I encourage all people, especially those healthy ones with no HIV/Cancer/heart disease, to consider donating blood. It is a rewarding experience that can make a real difference in the lives of others.

I volunteered at the APhA/CPhA-ASP on October 22nd, 2022, to fulfill the co-curricular activities for professionalism. I had the opportunity to check people's blood pressure and glucose levels and provide patients with recommendations for improving their health. Working as a team with other students and pharmacists helped with patient waiting. I found this experience to be very rewarding, and I was able to help people learn more about their health and make positive changes. I enjoyed working with other volunteers and learning from them. Many people were not aware of the risks associated with high blood pressure and diabetes, and their reading level was high; I was able to provide them with information about these conditions and how to manage them. I have been able to communicate effectively with patients from all walks of life and explain complex medical information in a way that people could understand without using abbreviations. Overall, i had a very positive experience volunteering at the APhA/CPhA North Oaks Pharmacy Health Fair. I learned a lot about patient care, communication, and teamwork. I would encourage another pharmacy student to volunteer when it is available. It is a great way to gain experience, learn new skills, and make a difference in your community.

Time: 2 hours
This is the second time I have donated my blood through one of the blood donation centers that the Red Cross runs. This experience is still exhilarating, just like the first time. The feeling of the blood rushing out of my arm pouring into the blood bag is humbling, especially knowing that this blood bag will go to help someone in need. While I was on the bed donating blood, I kept on thinking about the idea that some other human being had injured himself and required my blood to stay alive. This act of selflessness is the core principle that guides the path of all men and women that work in the health industry; we all work for a common goal, which is the enhancement, easement, and improvement of the lives of other humans beings.
The first time I donated blood, I was afraid of losing a lot of blood during the process, but this time, I felt no fear because I knew that I was doing the right thing; also, I knew that the process was not that painful, and losing a lot of blood is actually a good thing for the immunity system.
I have turned into a donation advocate; I have been telling my family members and friends that they should be donating ass well to help out.
I will always perform the blood donation for the rest of my life to do my role in helping the medical society with the blood shortage that we are having.
(Feb 5th, 2022)
Time: 5 hours
In February this year, I volunteered to work with a pharmacy called The Better Life pharmacy; this experience was amazing, giving me a look into my future working as a pharmacist; at the beginning of the day, the pharmacist gave me a complete hands-on training on how to mix the covid vaccine and how to load it in the retractable syringes and talked about a lot of the safety working when dealing with shard object that would be in contact with the patient's blood, he also showed me how to measure the different vital signs for a patient (blood pressure, blood glucose level, temperature, and weight).
After that training, the pharmacist had me read a lot of training regarding medications (their mechanism of action, effective levels, and drug-to-drug reactions). The pharmacist had an impressive amount of knowledge regarding the different diseases, their symptoms, and treatments; The pharmacist taught me a lot of new stuff and reminded me of many things that we studied during the first year.
We had several patients that came in to get the vaccine, the pharmacist administered the shot while explaining the procedure stepwise, and he allowed me to administer the shot when I was ready to do so. Later on that day, we had a patient who complained that he did not take his high blood pressure medication because they had run out, I had the opportunity to measure his blood pressure, and it was slightly elevated.
This experience was everything I had expected to be in the future; because of this experience, I have been motivated to continue my education with more enthusiasm until the day that I reach my dream and become a pharmacist myself to help serve my community and better the life of my patients and society around me.
Date: 04/01/2022
Three meetings, 45min-1hour each meeting
Back when I attended Community College, I participated in a program called EOPS. This program helps students by providing them with early admission, and it also helps first-year students by showing them all the features they could use on campus. As a member of that program, I guided many first-year students into their first year at college. I showed them how to pick classes and what are the best features of our campus like the library, tutoring, group meeting, and all the other features.
We attended this information session as second-year pharmacy school students. It was a lot similar to what I used to do when I was with the EOPS program; I explained all the benefits that the student could use while they were on campus. I wish I could go back in time and attend one of those sessions before joining West Coast University. Because when I first became a member of this university, I did not know about access to tutoring; also, I did not know a lot about financial aid applications, tuition programs, and the available scholarships.
During the session, we discussed all of the stuff I mentioned earlier with the new students and all the prerequisites to getting into this college. We even gave them our contact info so that they could contact us directly if they have further questions or require help during their application. Also, we discussed the cost of getting a seat in this university and how much the expected annual payment for the classes so that they have full awareness of their financial situation. Still, we informed them about all the scholarships they could apply for to help with the payment, which is something I wish I had known beforehand.
One of the best things about this college that we discussed with the new students is that the teachers and professors answer our emails and questions quickly, unlike our previous experiences where the teacher would need about 72 hours to respond.
Moving forward, I would always advocate for West Coast University since I have a very positive experience studying here; I'll make sure to attend any chance to participate in one of those information sessions in the future in order to guarantee more students would be enrolled into this beautiful university on their path to a successful education.

Total hours: 60 minutes

Total Hours (Approx.): 1:30

Total Hours (Approx.): 1:30
Total Hours (Approx.): 2

Total Hours (Approx.): 1

Total Hours (Approx.): 1

Total Hours (Approx.): 3

Total Hours (Approx.): 1

Total hours: 60 minutes
Career development was really helpful. The staffs tought us how to build our CV. They went over their CV to show us the correct way of writing the CV.

October 12, 2021 - October 12, 2021
Total Hours (Approx.): 1
August 19, 2021 - August 19, 2021
Total Hours (Approx.): 1

March 21, 2021 - March 21, 2021
Total Hours (Approx.): 2
As a part of my path to becoming a better pharmacist, I had the pleasure to experience a co-curricular activity that enhanced my life experience; for the first time in my life, I donated blood; this was such an empowering moment in my life. I felt that I'm giving life to other people by helping them with the time in my blood.
In order for me to go through this, I had to overcome my fear of losing a lot of blood; the people at the red cross blood drive are highly motivating, and they helped me throughout the experience by providing support, advice, and a ton of positive energy; They also measured my ability to donate blood and made sure it won't be dangerous on me to do so; they also made sure that I don't have any blood transmitted diseases to make the process safe for the blood receiver. The Red Cross is one of the biggest blood suppliers in the United States of America; This makes me feel that I'm a part of a great organization even though my contribution was a small one, but I believe that I will be doing it again in the near future.
Blood donation is one of the most Humane things anyone could do because it could help a patient that is in severe need of blood in order to survive; donating blood gave me the feeling that I contributed something to society, and I made a change in someone's life, and my will carry on in someone's else's body. Blood donation not only benefits other people, but it also benefits me since depleting red blood cells will force my body to generate new blood cells; this will give my system an all-over boost.
I definitely recommend anyone that did not go through this experience to be brave and try donating blood at least once in their life.

March 02, 2021 - March 02, 2021
Total Hours (Approx.): 8
Being in the first year of pharmacy school, I enjoyed participating in Patient Outreach Health Screenings Events as part of a volunteering group for a co-curricular professionalism experience.
Many people are still afraid of getting a COVID vaccine, but on the other hand, many people understand the need for a COVID vaccine, and they are brave enough to receive the vaccine shots. I had the pleasure of assisting in giving them their vaccine doses by participating in the Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center vaccination department.
The day started with education for one hour about all the different vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, and johnson and johnson), the difference in their mechanism, how long the person should wait before taking the second dose, and the side effects to be expected the education session by a hand-on training on how to prepare the vaccine dose in a syringe. Being an intern pharmacist, I have been trained on how to give a vaccine shot to people; after the training, I started filling up the syringes and made sure that they did not have any air bubbles; after that, the department pharmacist gave me the chance to administer the vaccine in on of the stations, at the end of the day we all cleaned up the vaccination center and prepared it the location for the next day.
Volunteering for such a good cause trying to protect society from a virus that destroyed social norms, giving the vaccine, and trying to heal my city, one patient at a time and one vaccine shot at a time, made me feel good about myself. I am trying right now to find another volunteering opportunity as soon as I have some time available on my calendar because it is an experience everyone needs to go through doing something and expecting nothing in return; the people wear excellent, and they gave me lots of encouragement, many people thanked me for volunteering, and they made my day by smiling at me.

October 30, 2020 - October 30, 2020
Total Hours (Approx.): 3
I learned that patients should always come first and not forget to take care of ourselves. The legislative basis has two houses ( senate and assembly).
We also learned about how CPhA helps us to become patient advocates. CPhA is the largest organization set for any pharmacist. In addition, if we become CPhA members, we can get a free gift and a deadline to sign up for it. Therefore, as a pharmacist, we should know where to find the answers to patient problems even though we don't commit to memory.

September 24, 2020 - September 24, 2020
Total Hours (Approx.): 1
AHF is AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the best medical center to offer HIV treatment. It has one of the best customer services and patient advocacy. AHF Healthcare Centers provide advanced medical care for those patients who are diagnosed with HIV. They also have a good research team for HIV medications. Pharmacy and healthcare center collaboration for the billing process, which means that.

August 24, 2020 - August 24, 2020
Total Hours (Approx.): 40 minutes
The career services center provides us with helpful information to obtain a job whether in a retail pharmacy or hospital.
Also, this service will assist us with instructions about different topics, including writing a resume, job search, follow-up interviews, and workplace etiquette.
Also, we need a Letter of intent, three letters of recommendation, supplemental documents, and curriculum vitae to apply for pharmacy residency.
However, the career center does not guarantee employment.