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Makarios Habashi

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Resume & CV: Makarios Habashi
240322014635_CCV.pdf (.pdf) 0.24mb
Resume & CV: Makarios Habashi
IPPE Institutional Rotation Reflection Part 1
Date: 10/04/2022
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Write Reflection Here:: A patient came to collect their serum treatment, I ran their name and DOB and checked with them. Hospital does not accept insurance and all her credit cards were rejected. She did not have enough cash on her to pay the required amount which was very expensive. She said she can use her debit card but she wanted a reimbursement form for the insurance. What happened is that the system automatically rejects credit cards issued from insurance companies because they are made for copays and similar processes. This is because if the reimbursement request was denied the company can withdraw their money from the hospital and dispute the charge. I did not understand the idea and was very confused on how credit cards charge amounts with different terms of use and the is an automatic consent we agree on when we accept a certain card from a certain company. I feel like I still have so much to learn when it comes to insurance and payment processing and I think my academic courses will not be enough. I need to spend more time either by researching the topic or working an internship in on of the insurance companies; especially the one's that offer work from home opportunities.
Resume & CV: Makarios Habashi
220328010614_Resume.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Co-Curricular Activity: Leadership
230407034204_Co_Curricular_Activity_Documentation_Form_Leadership_1_.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Co-Curricular Activity: Innovation
230407032907_Co_Curricular_Activity_Documentation_Form_Innovation_and_Entrepreneurship_1_.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Health Outcomes Research
230407030419_Co_Curricular_Activity_Documentation_Form_Self_Awareness_1_.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Co-Curricular Activity: Innovation
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Co-Curricular Activity: professionalism
220404095902_Co_Curricular_Activity_Documentation_Form_Professionalism.pdf (.pdf) 0.13mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Co-Curricular Activity: Leadership
220328120922_0456760_Co_Curricular_Activity_Documentation_Form_Leadership.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Makarios Habashi
Co-Curricular Activity: Self-Awareness
220328121040_Co_Curricular_Activity_Documentation_Form_Self_Awareness_3_15.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Makarios Habashi
APhA Career Pathway Evaluation
220328015725_APhA_Career_Pathway_Evaluation_Program_for_Pharmacy_Professionals_American_Pharmacists_Association.pdf (.pdf) 0.10mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Makarios Habashi
Career goals assignment
220328010953_0456760_Career_goals_assignment.pdf (.pdf) 0.07mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
APPE Readiness Survey
240320101255_APPE_Readiness_exam.pdf (.pdf) 1.28mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
Leadership Reflection
240320093148_2023_SPPD_IIIA_Leadership_Reflection_Rubric_1_1_.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
240320092926_Document7.pdf (.pdf) 0.08mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
IPPE Community Rotation Reflection Part 2
Date: 10/01/2022
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Community
Write Reflection Here:: The second most interesting encounter was when one of the technicians miss counted a control, I believe it was Alprazolam. He used the drug to sleep and the drug was not miscounted, the vial was completely empty. The man was furious when he came as he had to stay awake most of the night. He said he will complain to the highest level as what he endured is a mistake that resulted in patient's harm. I believe that falls under category E. I was surprised that a simple mistake can go up to category E that quick. That made me rethink my duty as a pharmacist to double check every thing, redundancy in the system is not a mistake. It is there for a reason, to prevent simple mistakes from turning to disasters and permanently effecting someone's life.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
Pharmacy Administration: Business Planning Project Reflection
220429022638_Buisness_Plan_Oppurtunity_6_copy.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
Service-Learning: Concluding Essay
220328023047_Concluding_essay.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
SPPD I: Opportunities for Enhancement Reflection
220328021140_0456760_Student_Personal_and_Professional_Development_1.pdf (.pdf) 0.09mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
SPPD I: Reflection on the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”
220328020843_Habashi_Makarios_0456760_1_.pdf (.pdf) 0.04mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
SPPD I: APhA Career Pathway Reflection
220328020746_0456760_Reflection_on_the_APhA_Career_Pathway_Activity.pdf (.pdf) 0.08mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Makarios Habashi
SPPD I: Learning Styles (PILS) Reflection
220328020645_0456760_Reflection_on_the_Pharmacists_Inventory_of_Learning_Styles_PILS_.pdf (.pdf) 0.05mb
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Makarios Habashi
IPPE Institutional Rotation Reflection Part 2
Date: 10/26/2022
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Write Reflection Here:: Every system has aa redundancy in it to reduce the gap resulting from human error, but sometime the elements of such redundancy can cancel each other as we each member of the health providing team counts on the other members to catch his /her mistakes. From the first week I noticed we have no legit way to add patient specific medications to the omni cells. Instead we we override the system and add the medication to the machine directly. the only way to track the medication is when the technician go over the patient list and remove the medication for discharged patients. we do not remove medications from discharged patient from the fridge or the freezer in case the drug was discontinued in the time between making it and delivering it. in the fridge there is a drug for a patient that was discharged a week ago and the omni cells there are medications for patients that has been sitting there for too long. the medication will remain there until the patient is discharged. the opens a room for mistakes every time a nurse opens the fridge to get a medication for the same or a different patient, that means for patient specific medications we have no redundancy in the system or an automated system, to regulate it. I heard about one incident when the wrong medication reached the patient but I can name multiple occasions when I saw the same medication in the fridge for over a week. obviously if it is there for that long it is either discontinued or expired. we solved the problem temporarily when we cycle counted all the omni cells but soon the medication will bile once more. the omni cell tech has no access to the system while he is stocking to check if the medication is discontinued or not and relying on memory alone is unreliable. the only reasonable solution is to find away so we can assign bins in the omni cell connected to a mock drugs in the omni cells, that will force us to enter an expiration date every time a patient specific drugs is entered. of course we need to add an extra barcode for the omni cells that we will need to affix to every patient specific. This will add more work load on then tech and might lead to more mistakes but it is the only solution I could think of. These encounters reminded of my background as a programmer and how I met need to revisit my old skills as they might become handy in the future.
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Makarios Habashi
IPC II: Reflection on the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”
220429023252_New_Microsoft_Word_Document_6_.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Makarios Habashi
IPC I: Roles & Responsibilities Reflection
220328022853_Roles_and_responsibilties.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Licenses & Certifications: Makarios Habashi
Naloxone Training Certificate
240320095253_Naloxone.pdf (.pdf) 0.21mb
Licenses & Certifications: Makarios Habashi
MTM Certificate
240320094817_3381_7_265145_1710989206_MTM_Certificate_of_Achievement_Revised.pdf (.pdf) 0.48mb
Licenses & Certifications: Makarios Habashi
Diabetes Certification
240320094349_2353_6_265145_1688761129_Diabetes_COA_Revised.pdf (.pdf) 0.08mb
Presentations: Makarios Habashi
Capstone Presentation
240320095649_Capstone_presentation.pptx (.pptx) 20.60mb