Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
CRJU155 Letter to a judge
I enjo6ed this course and I think did well overall. A big thankful for working with me when some assignments had be turn in late. I learned a lot of important information in this course and cant wait to use it in my future career. I know that all the assignments may not be up your standards or not what you ask ask for just know that I gave you must best work I could.
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
CRJU155 memo to supervior about plan
I enjo6ed this course and I think did well overall. A big thankful for working with me when some assignments had be turn in late. I learned a lot of important information in this course and cant wait to use it in my future career. I know that all the assignments may not be up your standards or not what you ask ask for just know that I gave you must best work I could.
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
CJRU155 memo to supervisor about risk factors
I enjoed this course and I think did well overall. A big thankful for working with me when some assignments had be turn in late. I learned a lot of important information in this course and cant wait to use it in my future career. I know that all the assignments may not be up your standards or not what you ask ask for just know that I gave you must best work I could.
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
youtube video of my Cred account
THink I did ok in this course. I know turned some work in late. I started this course off strong and good but I did not end it the way I liked it to happen. I was very nervous when I did the video for the this project and hope I got some of the things you where looking for.
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
Multicultural Awareness Project
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
Research paper about 2 future careers
This course was challenging at times for me. Overall I think did well in course. Thank you teaching me some new things and I can't wait use them in my future career.
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
Pasted course work
One is a care plan I made up for a person that has diabetes and the of is a paper I wrote about people living with asthma.
Educational Background: Samantha Carbaugh
Berkeley Springs High 2004
Bryant & Stratton College 2019- presentday
I graduated from Berkeley Springs High School May 30th of 2004.
I now taking cousres at Bryant& Stratton College from March 2019- presentday.
The course in Early Childhood Care and Development I earned a diploma.
Now I'm taking cousre for Early Childhood Education,AAS.
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Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Samantha Carbaugh
Volunteer at ECE Center
I volunteered back in Feb.-May of 2016. I helped prepair some activites the children would be doing that week. I clean the toys. I set up and sometimes put away the cots for nap time. Set up for parties/ class gettother. I would ride the bus for field trips and keep count of the chhildren I was helping with make sure that all the children made it on and off the bus with the bus driver doulbe checking me. I made copies, put togehter the children's folders that need to be sent home for the week. I also did some washing on cot liners , blankets for the children and their reading bags that got sent home every week expect week school breakers where coming.