Educational Background: Megan Reis
Taking a real-life crisis situation and analyzing it.
Educational Background: Megan Reis
Crisis intervention Hybrid Model
Explaining how Hybrid Model is used in real-life scenarios.
Educational Background: Megan Reis
Multicultural Project
(Career Development III)
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world. This shows my diverse knowledge of multicultural differences and the challenges that are present in my career field.
230621015912_1686958960_Multiculture_project2_1_.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Megan Reis
All About the Benjamins
(Math 201)
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. This chart shows that I can take mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions about my future and budget money and become financially literate.
230621014735_MATH201_W3_It_s_All_About_The_Benjamins_.xlsx (.xlsx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Megan Reis
WK 7.5 Reflection
(Family Theory & Services)
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. This shows my reflections on learning and how to practice and adjust what I have learned to improve my skills for improvement and get better in my field.
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Educational Background: Megan Reis
WK 5 Reflection
(Family Theory & Services)
Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. This shows that I take skills I have learned from a class or from a workplace and adapt them to situations such as life and learning and help with situations.
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Educational Background: Megan Reis
Portfolio Reflection
(Theory, Assessment & Intervention)
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats. This shows my knowledge of technology and the ability to utilize it to accomplish a goal. It shows my ability to showcase my talents and knowledge in Microsoft programs.
230621124631_Portfolio_reflection.pptx (.pptx) 0.47mb
Educational Background: Megan Reis
WK5 Portfolio
(Into Counseling & Case Management)
Demonstrate an understanding of patient/client/customer service needs within the continuum of human and social service environments. This shows my understanding of client needs within social services environments and how to recognize struggling issues a client may present.
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Educational Background: Megan Reis
Multi culture project
(Career Dev III)
Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to perform diverse administrative responsibilities in human and social services. This shows my knowledge and skill sets to perform diverse administrative responsibilities.
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Educational Background: Megan Reis
WK 2 Reflection
(Abnormal Psychology)
Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various human and social settings. This shows I can communicate effectively in different Human & Social service settings. It also shows that teamwork and adaptation are crucial for my career.
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Educational Background: Megan Reis
Week 6 report
(Intro to Health & Human Services)
Demonstrate ethical and legal communication techniques specific to human and social services environments. This chart shows my understanding of ethical & Legal techniques.
230621121646_HTHS110_Week_6_Report_2_.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Megan Reis
Portfolio Project Wk. 5
Culture Competence Human Services)
This portfolio project shows how I can find the correct services for my client within the community to get them the proper help to live healthy and stable life.
230621121313_Portfolio_Project_wk_5.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Megan Reis
Putting together a budget
This shows my skills of putting together a budget, and planning for my future expenses.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Megan Reis
My goals
My next adventure is to complete an associate's degree in Early childhood education, after this, I am going to go after my bachelor's degree in Human & social Services at another college.
Honors & Awards: Megan Reis
ABG Honor Society
invited to the Alpha Beta Gamma Honor Society
230701032327_ABG.pdf (.pdf) 0.67mb
My Bio: Megan Reis
My Bio
I am 39 years old and enrolled in Bryant & Stratton College, I will have my associate's degree in Human & Social Services in August 2023. With over 10 years of customer service, from being a delivery driver to working at call centers, I am very good with people.