Paloma R. Vachon
Bryant & Stratton Online

After I graduated from high school I decided to pursue my interest in animal care. I enrolled in the Veterinary Technology course offered by Hartnell College in Salinas. After graduating, I worked for an emergency veterinary hospital in San Jose. This was a very satisfying job. I felt that I was able to advocate and care for the most defenseless part of our society, who are unable to speak for themselves.
In the 90's, sensing the growing importance of computers in the home and workplace, I took an AS degree in Microcomputer Management from Cabrillo College. After graduating I worked, for a short time, as a tester for Starfish Software, validating their TrueSync technology. Then, life happened, and I left the workforce to raise a family.
My son, born three months premature, rode a school bus from a very early age (he loved it). His school bus driver noticed my interest in driving and encouraged me to get a class B license. I did and soon I was the one driving my children to their school.
Driving a school bus is stressful and challenging. Imagine navigating mountain roads in a 40-foot bus filled with 40 screaming children and you will understand. After fourteen years as a bus driver, I needed a change. When a custodial position opened up at my school district I leapt at the chance to do something different.
Two years ago, as the country went into lockdown due to the pandemic, I decided to make another career change. Pursuing my interest in numbers and their practical application, I began an AS degree in accounting at Bryant and Stratton College. I expect to graduate in June of 2022.

This PowerPoint meets my course outcome and shows my ability to describe the importance of personal responsibility and financial literacy for employment and career mobility. This assignment shows my ability to utilize appropriate technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.

This meets the institutional outcome of synthesizing professional experience, networking, and secondary research to support career plans. It also shows my ability to participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.

Maintain clean campus and classrooms
Flexible to meet the needs of teachers and staff
Responsible for ordering and stocking supplies
Bus Operator 1 duties include leading yearly safety/bus evacuations for all grade levels.
Transport regular and special ed children K-12 to and from school.
My future career goals consist of moving out of the physical labor workforce and into the business world. I hope to show my value and continue in the workforce for the foreseeable future.