Competency Assessments: Allyson Crawford
Evaluation and Management Coding Portfolio Project
Mock training document meant to teach front desk staff to code E/M services in an office setting.
Competency Assessments: Allyson Crawford
Mock PCS Training Course
This is a presentation of a mock training course for new coders learning about PCS Coding. The course includes a review of body systems, ICD-10-CM coding guidelines, and introduction to PCS codes.
Competency Assessments: Allyson Crawford
Competency Assessments: Allyson Crawford
Universal Healthcare Persuasive Essay
Information Literacy and Communication
Competency Assessments: Allyson Crawford
ICD-10-CM Coding scenarios
A mock letter to showcase ICD-10-CM coding skills.
ICD-10-CM Example (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Allyson Crawford
McCracken County High School, 2007-2011
Educational Background: Allyson Crawford
Bryant & Stratton College 2022-2024
Medical Coding and Reimbursement