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Hamed Yassin Morales

Massachusetts college of Pharmacy and Health Science

Phone: 239 766 0400

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CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
SPPD III Leadership reflection

Leadership is essential in any collaborative activity, especially in solving clinical cases. This week, it was my turn, along with some classmates, to take on the leadership role. One instance where I think I successfully implemented leadership was when I initiated a conversation with the people next to me to get the progress moving. Another instance was when I answered a question posed by the professor.


While I felt my efforts were somewhat helpful, I recognize that I could have done better. For example, one instance where leadership was not successfully implemented was when I believed we had enough information to make a plan for the purulent cellulitis. I tried to start a discussion on making the plan, but it didn't go anywhere. Another example was when I asked a question to gather more information, but afterward, I felt like I was going on an unnecessary tangent.


The biggest issue I faced was not understanding the process of clinical cases. Although it was similar to things we had done in the past, I still wasn't comfortable with knowing where we were supposed to go. So, I felt unsure about leading the group without knowing where to guide them to.With more experience and a better understanding of clinical cases, I could have taken a more active leadership role. With more experience and a better understanding of clinical cases, I could have taken a more active leadership role.

CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
APPE Internal Medicine IPE (Updated 2024)
Date: 10/21/2024
Rotation Type: APPE Internal Medicine
Comments: ?
423APPE) 1. During this APPE rotation, which of the following health care professionals did you interact with? Select all that apply: Physician (MD or DO)
423APPE) 2. Values and Ethics (VE) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to values and ethics were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Promote the values and interests of persons and populations in health care delivery, One Health, and population health initiatives. (VE1)
Uphold the dignity, privacy, identity, and autonomy of persons while maintaining confidentiality in the delivery of team-based care. (VE3)
Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes. (VE5)
Collaborate with honesty and integrity while striving for health equity and improvements in health outcomes. (VE6)
Practice trust, empathy, respect, and compassion with persons, caregivers, health professionals, and populations. (VE7)
Maintain competence in one's own profession in order to contribute to interprofessional care. (VE9)
Support a workplace where differences are respected, career satisfaction is supported, and well-being is prioritized. (VE11)
423APPE) 3. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in working with team members to maintain a climate of shared values, ethical conduct, and mutual respect.: Working with team members was a daily thing during this rotation. On most days I would review a couple of patients, after which i would have to communicated my recommendation with the physician and pharmacist leading the antibiotic stewardship. This taught me how work with a team and communicated more effectively.
423APPE) 4. Roles and Responsibilities (RR) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to roles and responsibilities were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes. (RR2)
Incorporate complementary expertise to meet health needs including the determinants of health. (RR3)
Practice cultural humility in interprofessional teamwork. (RR5)
423APPE) 5. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in using your knowledge of your own role and team members' expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.: When i review patients I had to apply my clinical knowledge in order to know if their therapy was effective. I would based every thing on guidelines and current practice at that hospital. An example would be when I recommended to descalated therapy once susceptibility came back from a culture.
423APPE) 6. Communication (C) is a core competency for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to communication were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Communicate one's roles and responsibilities clearly. (C1)
Use communication tools, techniques, and technologies to enhance team function, well-being, and health outcomes. (C2)
Communicate clearly with authenticity and cultural humility, avoiding discipline-specific terminology. (C3)
423APPE) 7. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where competently communicated in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.: One encounter when. i commybicated respectufully and responsibly with team members was when I was giving my recommendation. I would also try to be as clear as I could be. I also treated them with respect.
423APPE) 8. Teams and Teamwork (TT) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to teams and teamwork were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Describe evidence-informed processes of team development and team practices. (TT1)
Appreciate team members' diverse experiences, expertise, cultures, positions, power, and roles towards improving team function. (TT2)
Practice team reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. (TT3)
Apply interprofessional conflict management methods, including identifying conflict cause and addressing divergent perspectives. (TT5)
423APPE) 9. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in applying teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.: Everyday my role might adapt a little. One day i was working patient i pick from a list, other days i would focus on patient that blood cultures came back positive. While similar, they were different enough jobs which you had to adapt on how to do.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Student Interventions, Interactions with Diverse Patient Populations (Updated 2024)
Date: 10/16/2024
Rotation Type: APPE Internal Medicine
Comments: ?
Patient Sex: M
Patient Ethnicity: White
Patient Age Category: Geriatric (65 years old +)
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber, student prescriber or a member of the health care team (other than pharmacy)?: Yes
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: 2
Disease/Disorder: Infectious Disease
As part of this encounter, please select the values and skills that have contributed to your growth and development as a future pharmacist:: Collaboration
Problem Solving
Based on the values and skills you selected above, describe (in at least 5 sentences) how this experience made you think and act as future pharmacist.: This experience help me understand the importance of modifying therapy based on drug shortages. While using IV azithromycin could have been fine, now that there is a IV bag shortages, this affect what therapy might be optimal. This experience also help me understand collaboration. Collaboration was needed because after I identified an intervention i needed to communicated it to the physician and the pharmacist running the antibiotic stewardship. Problem solving was also present because it require me to think critcally on whether IV was truly need, and how to effectively manage therapy on an entire hospital with a drug shortage going on.
Type of Intervention: IV to PO Conversion
Outcome of Intervention: Recommendation Accepted by Provider
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: Yes
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Student Interventions, Interactions with Diverse Patient Populations (Updated 2024)
Date: 08/27/2024
Rotation Type: APPE Institutional Pharmacy Practice
Patient Sex: M
Patient Ethnicity: White
Patient Age Category: Adult (19-64 years old)
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber, student prescriber or a member of the health care team (other than pharmacy)?: Yes
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: 5 or more
Disease/Disorder: Neurologic Disorder (including pain management)
As part of this encounter, please select the values and skills that have contributed to your growth and development as a future pharmacist:: Collaboration
Based on the values and skills you selected above, describe (in at least 5 sentences) how this experience made you think and act as future pharmacist.: As a pharmacist, It is important to work together as part of the team members. Communicating effectively and collaboration are very important. Throuh this rotation I was showed how a pharmacist is basically constantly communicating with the provider, nurse, ect. While communicating its important to be self aware of your role and to be proffesiong. I wil focus on improving my communication skills and making sure I communicate effectively.
Type of Intervention: Dose Adjustment
Outcome of Intervention: Recommendation Accepted by Provider
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: Yes
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
APPE Institutional IPE (Updated 2024)
Date: 09/11/2024
Rotation Type: APPE Institutional Pharmacy Practice
423APPE) 1. During this APPE rotation, which of the following health care professionals did you interact with? Select all that apply: Physician (MD or DO)
Nurse practitioner
423APPE) 2. Values and Ethics (VE) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to values and ethics were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Promote the values and interests of persons and populations in health care delivery, One Health, and population health initiatives. (VE1)
Uphold the dignity, privacy, identity, and autonomy of persons while maintaining confidentiality in the delivery of team-based care. (VE3)
Value diversity, identities, cultures, and differences. (VE4)
Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes. (VE5)
423APPE) 3. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in working with team members to maintain a climate of shared values, ethical conduct, and mutual respect.: During my medication reconcilation, i collabarated as part of the team, with the nurse and doctos. Using information I gathered we were able to clarify medication list along with adherence. This teamwork ensured patient safety.
423APPE) 4. Roles and Responsibilities (RR) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to roles and responsibilities were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable. (RR1)
Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes. (RR2)
Incorporate complementary expertise to meet health needs including the determinants of health. (RR3)
423APPE) 5. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in using your knowledge of your own role and team members' expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.: I was collecting information from a patient, I started to noticed when fill history dint match what the patient said he was taking. Upon further question, the patient admit to non compliance due to insurance issues. This is critical information in order to switch the patient to a medication that might to be as good but one that he could afford.
423APPE) 6. Communication (C) is a core competency for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to communication were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Communicate one's roles and responsibilities clearly. (C1)
Use communication tools, techniques, and technologies to enhance team function, well-being, and health outcomes. (C2)
Communicate clearly with authenticity and cultural humility, avoiding discipline-specific terminology. (C3)
Promote common understanding of shared goals. (C4)
Practice active listening that encourages ideas and opinions of other team members. (C5)
Use constructive feedback to connect, align, and accomplish team goals. (C6)
Examine one's position, power, role, unique experience, expertise, and culture towards improving communication and managing conflicts. (C7)
423APPE) 7. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where competently communicated in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.: I was respectable with all team members of the health care team. Making sure to ask if the patient was busy with a nurse or doctors before potentially interrupting them. Also if at one point a health care provider came then I was able to exit out if needed because my part could have been done later.
423APPE) 8. Teams and Teamwork (TT) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to teams and teamwork were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Describe evidence-informed processes of team development and team practices. (TT1)
Appreciate team members' diverse experiences, expertise, cultures, positions, power, and roles towards improving team function. (TT2)
Practice team reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. (TT3)
Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness (TT6)
Operate from a shared framework that supports resiliency, well-being, safety, and efficacy. (TT9)
423APPE) 9. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in applying teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.: I adapted over time learning to be more efficient on my role. At the beginning I would need direction to follow up on med fill history not matching with what they were taking but I was able to spot that and follow up on it on my own by the end. I would also adapt by focusing on the patient that need to be done that day.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Institutional: Student Interventions, Interactions with Diverse Patient Populations
Date: 08/25/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Patient Sex: M
Patient Ethnicity: White
Age: Adult (19-64 years old)
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: Yes
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: 1
Disease/Disorder: Cardiovascular Disorder
Type of Intervention: Adverse Drug Reaction
Outcome of Intervention: Recommendation Accepted by Provider
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: Collaboration
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: Yes
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Community: Student Interventions, Interactions with Diverse Patient Populations
Date: 08/25/2023
Rotation Type:Wor/Man IPPE Community Wor/Man IPPE Community
Patient Sex: M
Patient Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
Age: Adult (19-64 years old)
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: No
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: 1
Disease/Disorder: other
Type of Intervention: Patient education
Outcome of Intervention: Patient education
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: Care giving
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: Yes
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
IPPE Community Rotation Reflection Part 2
Date: 10/27/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Community
Write Reflection Here:: Every since I started pharmacy school I planned on working in community pharmacy. I have been wanting to be a pharmacist since I was a little kid since it was so close to home. This experience made me that much more certain that I am in the right career path. It was amazing working in this place and the people working there couldnt have been nicer. Two events that which made me reaffirmed this was one was the call which i was previusly mention where I spoke with a nurse in order to do give her the full medication list. As previously stated, this was very rewarding for me. The other event would be in the last week when I finally knew enough about the otc isle infront and I could some people that were asking question. I enjoyed a lot interaction with the patients which is why I felt that was missing when doing my IPPE institutional. Overall, great experience and super kind and welcoming staff.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
IPPE Community Rotation Reflection Part 1
Date: 10/14/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Community
Write Reflection Here:: I had a call with a nurse in order to give her a full list of a patient in common medications. We went through every medication and i told her the name, the dose and the frequency it was taken. I also spoke about the last time the patient pick it up. It felt really exciting cause i was finally doing something which i was taught about so much in pharmacy school. This was a very positive experience, though i did have some nerves, I did end up helping the nurse and it felt very rewarding. I felt this way cause I was finally putting into practice the knowledge I was taught in pharmacy school. It felt like all the effort i put in school was worth it. I plan to pursue community pharmacy further in my career path. I really enjoyed my overall exerience in this cvs and wish I could end up working in a place like that one day.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
IPPE Institutional IPE
Date: 09/01/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): Yes
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): Yes
As you complete the following questions, please think about all of the interprofessional observations and/or interactions you had during this IPPE rotation.: Yes
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: Agree
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: Strongly agree
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: Strongly Agree
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: Strongly Agree
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: Strongly Agree
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: Agree
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: Strongly Agree
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: Strongly Agree
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: I haven't had a chance to do this yet
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: Agree
Please provide one example of an interprofessional observation and/or interaction that you had during this IPPE rotation in one to two sentences.: I dint really interact with other profesion since wordmark pharmacy is very closed off with only pharmacy and technicians but I was able to see how that pharmacist call the nurse in order to fix errors and/or get more need information.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Administraton: Buisness plan reflection
We choose the 4th opportunity, I like this one because I felt like it will be the closest to my future career and the most helpful for me. That opportunity had to do with being a regional pharmacy supervisor of a small chain of community pharmacies, and  I plan to fo into community pharmacy right after graduating. Our team dynamics were that complicated, we should group up together and decide what to do while throwing out ideas. After we choose which idea to do, we divided every section and everybody choose 2-3 parts to do. We then made a Google doc so we can all work in the same document and see what each of us is doing.  The biggest challenge was definitely picking a good idea. In the beginning, no idea came to me and we took a while to choose something to do. While creating a business plan, I had to think and research a lot about entrepreneurship and how marketing works. Even though I haven't employed these skills it definitely helps to practice them while writing this business plan. In the future, If I every do make it to work as a supervisor in a chain of community pharmacies then the skills I have learned in class and put into practice while making this business plan will definitely be very useful 230428054215_Hamed_Reflection_Questions_2023_2_1_.docx (.docx) 0.19mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Learning Styles (PILS) Reflection
Learning Styles (PILS) Reflection (.docx) 0.02mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
APhA Career Pathway Reflection
APhA Career Pathway Reflection (.docx) 0.01mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Reflection on the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”
Reflection on the book “Who Moved My Cheese?” (.docx) 0.01mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Hamed Yassin Morales
Service-Learning: Concluding Essay
Goals (Personal & Professional): Hamed Yassin Morales
Career Goals Statement & Reflection
Career Goals Statement & Reflection (.docx) 0.01mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Hamed Yassin Morales
APhA Career Pathway Survey Results
APhA Career Pathway Survey Results (.pdf) 0.10mb
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Hamed Yassin Morales
Roles & Responsibilities Reflection
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Hamed Yassin Morales
Reflection on the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down"
Reflection on the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" (.docx) 0.01mb
Projects: Hamed Yassin Morales
Buisness plan project
230428054518_Entrepreneurship_final_project_opportunity4_1_.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Hamed Yassin Morales
DIgital health seminar
Co-Curricular Activities: Hamed Yassin Morales
Leadership and managment abilities seminar
This activiy was very insightful. It taught me ways to be a good leader and further develop my management abilities. A good tip from the talk was to keep track of time and making sure everything is getting done in a timely matter. Setting Deadlines is a good way to do this. It is also important to always keep the big picture in mind. A way to do this taught in the lecture was making a map/course of future deadlines and end goal. Making sure we have small deadlines and bigger ones put into the map/course in order to be more effective. Also it the mist of planning it is important to keep the big picture in mind and what everything is leading to. The presenter also talk about challenges they faced and creatives way the found to solve them which was very helpful. All the tips on how to be a good leader can be used when working as a pharmacist since they are the leaders when the work. They have to lead all the technicians in order to have safe and effective health care for our patients.
Co-Curricular Activities: Hamed Yassin Morales
CPR activity
Co-Curricular Activities: Hamed Yassin Morales
QPR gatekeeper training for student pharmacies

I discovered that QPR training was helpful for realizing my professional limitations as well as for growing in self-awareness. I now have a better understanding of my own prejudices and presumptions, which will enable me to support people who are struggling more skillfully.


I had a great time throughout the QPR training as a prospective healthcare practitioner. I can now recognize patient suicide warning signals and make the required referrals to mental health specialists because of the training.


In addition to helping me in my future as a healthcare professional, I think this training will also enable me to support friends and family members who may be in need. I can use the QPR training I received to improve both my personal and professional relationships.


Overall, I am appreciative of how QPR training has aided in my own development. I've gained the ability to face challenging circumstances with understanding and compassion because of this training, and I've also learned how crucial it is to ask for help when you need it.


I intend to keep honing my abilities in mental health and suicide prevention in the future. I really believe that more individuals ought to participate in this training.

QPR gatekeeper training for student pharmacies co curricular (.pdf) 0.28mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Hamed Yassin Morales
Overview of Masters and PhD Programs

By knowing about the several PhD and Master's degrees that may be completed in addition to a PharmD, I have been able to reaffirm the professional attitudes and values expected of pharmacists. To pursue these higher degrees, one must have a strong commitment to the pharmaceutical industry and a drive to continuously improve one’s knowledge and skills. The importance of continuous education and professional development, both of which are necessary for being a successful and well-respected pharmacist, has been highlighted by this. I believe that in order to gain the trust of patients and other healthcare providers, pharmacists must demonstrate a variety of crucial attitudes and actions. One of the most important is a commitment to patient-centered care. Pharmacists must be able to engage with patients effectively, pay attention to their concerns, and work together with other healthcare professionals to ensure that patients receive the best care possible. Integrity is another important quality. In all of their professional dealings, pharmacists are required to conduct themselves honestly, openly, and in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Keeping patient information private, avoiding conflicts of interest, and being open about any potential biases or constraints in their practice are all examples of this. Another important factor in building confidence in pharmacists is professionalism. This entails being dependable, prompt, and considerate to coworkers, clients, and other medical professionals. Pharmacists must be prepared to accept accountability for their actions, admit wrongdoing, and look for chances to better themselves. To build trust with a wide spectrum of patients, pharmacists must also exhibit crucial behaviors and attitudes such as cultural competency and compassion. Being able to successfully interact with patients from various cultural backgrounds as well as being aware of and respectful of various cultural ideas and customs are part of this. All things considered, knowing about the many PhD and Master's degrees that may be finished in addition to a PharmD has reaffirmed the significance of these attitudes and values in the pharmacy industry. By upholding these principles, pharmacists can build trust with patients another medical professionals and help to enhance everyone's health outcomes.

Overview of Masters and PhD Programs co curricular (.pdf) 0.28mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Hamed Yassin Morales
Breast cancer Walk
The breast cancer walk assisted me in honing my leadership skills. I persuade a few friends to participate in the cancer walk with me and raise awareness. As a leader, I was able to have a positive effect on my community. I was able to get some family members to contribute a small amount of money as well. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to work in teams and hone my leadership abilities. I served as the chess team president, planning activities to recruit new players and hosting competitions. This has helped me hone and strengthen my leadership abilities. The personal trait that counts most to a leader is empathy. To be able to support your team, you must be able to comprehend their difficulties. A leader without empathy would be unable to decide what is best for the team as a whole. Breast cancer walk co curricular (.doc) 0.02mb
Licenses & Certifications: Hamed Yassin Morales
Naloxone Training certificate
250309014356_Naloxone_Certificate.pdf (.pdf) 0.93mb
Licenses & Certifications: Hamed Yassin Morales
Puerto Rico license

Licenses & Certifications: Hamed Yassin Morales
OSHA certificate
OSHA (.pdf) 0.24mb
Licenses & Certifications: Hamed Yassin Morales
BLS certificate
BLS certificated (.pdf) 0.20mb
Licenses & Certifications: Hamed Yassin Morales
Apha: immunization Certificate
240328103309_Hamed_Yassin_1_Immunization_Certificate_of_Achievement_Revised.pdf (.pdf) 0.13mb
Licenses & Certifications: Hamed Yassin Morales
Intern license
240328103145_Intern_license_front.jpg (.jpg) 0.16mb
Presentations: Hamed Yassin Morales
Capstone Project Presentation
250309014557_Capstone_Presentation.pptx (.pptx) 5.68mb
Resume & CV: Hamed Yassin Morales
250309021419_Hamed_Yassin_Resume_updated_with_APPEs.docx (.docx) 0.10mb
Resume & CV: Hamed Yassin Morales
IPPE rotation: community CVS Anne Kilcoyne
Shadow the pharmacist at the CVS. Mostly dealt with prescription filling and answering medication question that i could. 
Resume & CV: Hamed Yassin Morales
Rotation IPPE: insittutional Woodmark pharmacy Stephen Seigler
Shadow the pharmacist at Woodmark pharmacy and learn how a long term care pharmacy opperates. 
Resume & CV: Hamed Yassin Morales
Languages spoken
Spanish and English