Profile Photo

Christian Garner

Campbell University College of Pharmacy

Address: 111 Phillips Landing Dr
Morehead City, North Carolina 28557
Phone: (252)-269-5344
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My Bio: Christian Garner
Christian Garner Bio

My name is Christian Garner and I am a fourth year student pharmacist at Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences.  I attended Campbell University for undergraduate training, where I received a Bachelor of Science with a concentration in Clinical Research.  My areas of interest include internal medicine, infectious diseases, and critical care. I am originally from Morehead City, North Carolina and my hobbies include various outdoor activities including golf, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, hunting, and fishing.  I am currently pursing a PGY1 residency in acute care, where I plan to advance my clinical knowledge, develop my precepting style, and become a prestigious clinical pharmacist.

Educational Background: Christian Garner
Educational Background

Bachelor of General Sciences

  • Campbell University: 3+1 Clinical Research program

Graduate Program

  • Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
Long-Acting Injectable Certification
240301074619_LAICertificate.pdf (.pdf) 0.30mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
Pharmacist and Patient-Centered Diabetes Care Certificate
Completed through APhA Diabetes Certification (.pdf) 0.08mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
NCBOP Intern License
NCBOP Intern License (.pdf) 0.24mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
Immunization Certification
220513021538_Vaccination_Certification.pdf (.pdf) 0.57mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
HIPAA and OSHA (BPP) Training Certificate
230317083034_coreorientationcertificate2023.pdf (.pdf) 0.16mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
CITI Certification - GCP
CITI Certification GCP (.pdf) 0.15mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
BLS Certification
BLS Certification (.jpg) 0.06mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christian Garner
CITI Certification - Basic Course
CITI certification (.pdf) 0.15mb
Resume & CV: Christian Garner
ChristianGarnerCV (.pdf) 0.16mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Christian Garner
North Carolina Association of Pharmacists
Co-Curricular Activities: Christian Garner
Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Co-Curricular Activities: Christian Garner
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc
Co-Curricular Activities: Christian Garner
White Coat Ceremony
March 2022
Goals (Personal & Professional): Christian Garner

As a student who represents Campbell University's PharmD program, I have several personal and professional goals I wish to achieve.  My personal goals include establishing life-long connections with my peers in and out of the academic setting, improve my physical health, learn to appreciate advice from peers, and surround myself with people who encourage my success.

My professional goals include working for a pharmaceutical company that will advance my knowledge of medications, improve the general health of the public, educate patients on the importance of their prescriptions, and become successful enough to own my own pharmaceutical company.  My most important professional goal after I graduate from pharmacy school is to develop a cure for diabetes and be part of the extensive research that is required to develop this cure.  

Interprofessional Education (IPE): Christian Garner
February 6 2024
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Christian Garner
2nd Year IPE PLACES Event
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Christian Garner
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Christian Garner
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Christian Garner
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Christian Garner
IPE First Year Event
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community Service Reflection Essay Spring 2024
240415094612_CommunityServiceReflectionSpring2024.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Student Pharmacist Reflection Paper
240328055625_Student_Pharmacist_Reflection_Essay.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Importance of Meeting Deadlines Reflection
240301091005_Importance_of_Meeting_Deadlines.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community Service Reflection 2023
240301090935_Community_Service_Reflection2023.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Week 4 Hospital IPPE Assignment
Week 4 Hospital IPPE (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Week 3 Hospital IPPE Assignment
230707102047_Week3AssignmentEntrepreneurship.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Week 2 Hospital IPPE Assignment
230707101938_Week2AssignmentAdvocacy.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Week 1 Hospital IPPE Assignment
230707093901_Week1AssignmentNetworking.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Professionalism and Growth Reflection
230417074902_ProfessionalismAndGrowth.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
2nd Year Community Service Reflection
230417022708_CommunityServiceReflection.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
IPE Reflection
IPE Reflection (.docx) 0.01mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community IPPE Feedback Assignment
220609105005_Week_4_Feedback_Assignment.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Comunity IPPE Communication and Critical Thinking
220609101242_Week_3_Communication_Critical_Thinking.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community IPPE Week 4 Assignment
220608081147_Week_4_Assignment.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community IPPE Week 3 Assignment
220513020332_Week_3_Assignment.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community IPPE Week 2 Assignment
220513105649_Week_2_Assignment.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community IPPE Week 1 Assignment
220513100632_Week_1_Assignment.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
P1 Reflection Assignment
220418102020_P1_Reflection_Paper.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
IAT Reflection
220418101317_IAT_Assignment.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Community Service Self-Reflection
211116073415_Community_Service_Self_Reflection.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Professionalism Reflection
Professionalism Reflection (.docx) 0.01mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
Trust Assignment
Trust Assignment (.docx) 0.01mb
Reflective Journal: Christian Garner
PI Reflection Paper
PI Reflection Paper (.docx) 0.02mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Christian Garner
Community Service Spring 2024
240415094649_CommunityServiceSpring2024.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Christian Garner
Community Service Fall 2023
Community service form (.docx) 0.04mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Christian Garner
Community Service Documentation 3rd Semester
Community service form (.docx) 0.06mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Christian Garner
Community Service Documentation 2nd Semester
220418091746_Community_Service_Form.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Christian Garner
Community Service Documentation 1st Semester
Community Service Documentation (.pdf) 0.46mb
Association & Society Membership: Christian Garner
North Carolina Association of Pharmacists
Association & Society Membership: Christian Garner
Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Association & Society Membership: Christian Garner
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Advanced Ambulatory Care II
Anticipated April 2025
Atrium Health - Downtown Health Plaza
Dr. Charles Herring
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Advanced Community
Anticipated March 2025
Rocky Mount Medical Park Pharmacy
Dr. Thomas McDowell
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Ambulatory Care
Anticipated February 2025
Atrium Health - Downtown Health Plaza\
Dr. Charles Herring
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Patient Care Elective (Nephrology)
Anticipated November 2024
ECU Health Medical Center
Dr. Kelsey Tuttle
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Advanced Hospital
Anticipated September 2024
CarolinaEast Medical Center
Dr. Katherine Blowe
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Advanced Ambulatory Care (Cardiology)
Anticipated July 2024
UNC Rex - NC Heart and Vascular
Dr. Jennifer Ruiz Veve
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Internal Medicine
Anticipated June and October 2024
Atrium Health - Wake Forest Baptist
Dr. Grace Barr
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
APPE - Geriatrics
Anticipated May 2024
ECU - The Brody School of Medicine
Dr. Ann Marie Nye
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
Hospital IPPE
Anticipated June 2023 at Carteret Healthcare with Dr. Debra Pittman.
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Christian Garner
Community IPPE
Completed May 2022 at Walgreens Pharmacy in Holden Beach, NC with Dr. Angela Pyatte.
Presentations: Christian Garner
Lipid Elective Journal Club Presentation
240301090432_PHRD_686_Journal_Club_.pptx (.pptx) 1.15mb
Presentations: Christian Garner
Hospital IPPE Presentation
240301090342_Beyond_Use_Date_BUD_vs_Expiration_Date_and_USP_Updates.pptx (.pptx) 0.31mb
Presentations: Christian Garner
P&T Committee Presentation
240301090235_FioricetFiorinalProject.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Presentations: Christian Garner
PHRD 722 Presentation
240301090154_FinalPresentationCOPY.pptx (.pptx) 0.74mb