Julianna DeWitt
Student enrolled in Associate Degree of Criminal Justice Science at Bryant & Stratton College
This project meets the outcome "Follow established methods of inquiry, and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions." For this project, I had to take three different types of skill test to see how I will choose my careers based on my mathematical scores.

This project meets the outcome "Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations." For this project, I had to explain my formal and informal knowledge I have on career choosing.

This project meets the outcome "Utalize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in a visual, written, and/or verbal format. For this project, I had to calculate how much my I will owe on my student loans after graduation and how much my salary should be. I presented this in powerpoint with a voice-over.

This project meets the outcome "Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various justice professional settings." For this project, I had to discuss shoplifting and employee theft trends to create a holiday-prevention plan for my store.

This project meets the outcome "Recognize safety and security issues such as threat awareness, safety procedures, and the basic equipment used to secure suspects or prisoners." For this project, I had to state which categories inmates in prisoners are sectioned off in.

This project meets the outcome "Prepare and evaluate reports, memos, and other documents to meet the professional standards of the justice system or private security field." For this project, I had to pretend I was working with my boss on a clients case. I had the responsibility of figuring out how to hold the client accountable and also get him the help he needs in a memo to my boss.

This project meets the outcome "Identify and characterize the origins, and components that comprise the justice system at the federal, state, and local level. For this project, I had to exlain the deatails of the federal, state, and local criminal justice system.

This project meets the outcome "Distinguish job functions and responsibilities of both public and private agencies serving the justice sectors." For this project, I had to state the differences and similiarities of both private and public securities in an essay.

This project meets the outcome "Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations." For this project, I had to choose a technology and act like I was proposing it to my employees. I had to explain how it could be beneficial and how it could improve our job.

This project meets the outcome "Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world." For this project, I had to express how I have learned formally and informally in my personal and professional life and how I will use what I have learned in the future.

This project met the outcome "Adapt and applyinformation technology, skills, and abilities to justice applications." For this project, I had to act like I was an officer and I had to introduce a new training proposal. Lack of training is one of the biggest problems in the federal, state, and local justice system level.

I earned a 3.75 to earn this certificate of achievement.

I earned a 3.38 GPA to earn this certificate of achievement.

I earned a 3.88 GPA to earn this certificate of achievement.

My name is Julianna DeWitt. I just turned 20 years old. I live in Muskegon, Michigan but will be moving to Holton, Michigan very soon. I recently got engaged and had a baby boy in September. I go to school online at Bryant & Stratton College and I am studying Criminal Justice. I have hopes to be a lawyer in the distant future but my plans for after graduation are to seek a paralegal job.