Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Patient Outreach Health Screenings Event (Oct 2, 2022)
I attended the second shift of the health screening on October 2nd, 2022. It was placed at the Our Lady and Lourdes Church from 11 am to 1 pm. There were many P1 students attended with provision of Dr. Pondrom. It was my first time attending an outreach activity since covid-19 pandemic started so it was great to be back and see everyone.
P4- Patient Outreach (Oct 2, 2022) (.JPG) 0.87mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Innovation/Entrepreneurship (May 28, 2021)
The film festival was created for pharmacy students to share their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, how it impacted medical professionals and patients, and express their feelings and ideas to overcome the challenge. It was my pleasure to participate in the film and talk about my experiences with patients. The film festival should continue to gather pharmacy students and help everyone understand the pharmacists' duties in improving patients' health.
P4- Innovation/Entrepreneurship (May 28, 2021) (.pdf) 0.16mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Leadership- APhA/CPhA WCU Communications VP (2021-2022)
Being a part of the APhA/CPhA WCU executive board was one remarkable experience I will never forget. I started from zero, where I needed to learn how to play teamwork, communicate, create events and take meeting minutes. After one year of holding the position of Communication VP, I gained many experiences, improved my leadership skills, met new people, and had more opportunities for my career.
P4- Leadership- APhA/CPhA WCU Communications VP (2021-2022) (.jpeg) 0.25mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Pharmacy and Pharmacist Advocacy- Legislative Day on Campus (Oct. 22, 2021)
The Legislative Day happened on October 22, 2021, last year. I had a chance to participate in person and meet all my classmates. As annually, we went over many pharmacy topics and new bills that may improve the pharmacy profession and benefit pharmacists. Representatives from different organizations, including APhA/CPhA, ASHP/CSHP, ACCP, and SNAPhA. They were all presidents, vice presidents and those who could use their voices to make a difference. Legislative Day is essential for pharmacists to participate and ask for what they deserve.
P4- Pharmacy and Pharmacist Advocacy- Legislative Day on Campus (10/22/21) (.pdf) 0.15mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Career Development- Attended Local Professional Organization- San Gabriel Valley (Jan. 25, 2021)
The meeting happened virtually on January 25, 2021, last year. Representatives from different schools were members of the APhA/CPhA organization. The meeting was in 1 hour and covered all topics on how to improve the organizations and discussed the problems we had in pharmacy. It was an excellent opportunity to participate, meet new people, and learn about the profession.
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Career Development- Radio Talk (Jan. 27, 2021)
APhA/CPhA WCU has its radio talk show once or twice a month to raise awareness of chronic conditions. I had a chance to represent WCU pharmacy students to answer questions on how smoking relates to lung and heart problems. Being on the radio with everyone was new, so I would love to be a part of the show again. I hope all the information provided was beneficial to listeners.
P3- Career Development- Radio Talk (.png) 1.82mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Patient Outreach Health Screening- Immunizations (Oct. 2, 2020)
I attended the first shift of the immunization on October 2nd, 2020. It was placed at a carwash shop near the Rx Pharmacy that we cooperated with. We did not have many patients pass by due to the lack of pedestrians, so we had to give shots to each other to fulfill the requirement for co-curricular activity. I hope we will have a more convenient location next time to attract more patients.
P4- Patient Outreach Health Screening- Immunizations (10/2/2020) (.pdf) 2.86mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Tran Nguyen
P4- Self-Awareness- Motivation Workshop (Oct. 25, 2021)
On October 25, 2021, I attended the Motivation Workshop hosted by Dr. Louie and Mr. VanBooven. It was a perfect time for me to look back and relax. I learned new techniques to motivate myself when the work is overloaded. Studying full-time and working part-time at the same time was not easy. Tasks might be overwhelming. Sometimes, I lost my motivation. I needed to figure out where to start and how to handle everything at once. Therefore, the workshop was beneficial to me in terms of managing time and stress.
P4-Self-Awareness-Motivation Workshop (.pdf) 1.61mb