Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Kevin Alan Hall
National Automotive Dealers Asociation
Member from 2003 to 2022
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Kevin Alan Hall
St Leo University school of business
Graduated in 2022 with A.S. in Business Administration
Association & Society Membership: Kevin Alan Hall
American Bar Association
Joined the American Bar Association online society as a Paralegal student and a observer of the legal system.
Educational Background: Kevin Alan Hall
A.S. business Administration
Graduated in 2022
Educational Background: Kevin Alan Hall
Certified Master Technician
I received a master's technician certification from Hyundai/ Kia Motors International.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Kevin Alan Hall
Goals, Professionally
- Graduate from the Paralegal Studies Program
- Enter the private sector with a reputable firm that advocates for children with disabilities.
- Become a value to the firm and the individuals represented.
Become the best that I can be as a student and an individual.
Become a full-time RVer so that I can take my family anywhere they want.
Interests: Kevin Alan Hall
Out Doors
I have always been an outdoorsman, My wife and I enjoy Hunting, camping, and shooting.
We also enjoy spending time with our families.
I am a practitioner of the Wiccan traditions
Leadership: Kevin Alan Hall
Assistant Manager
Assistant department manager with JC Penny during the Holyday season.
Leadership: Kevin Alan Hall
Shop Foreman
Shop Foreman, At Parks Motor Group,
Supervised a team of 6 technicians in the Ford accessories shop at Parks Ford In Gainesville, Florida.
My Bio: Kevin Alan Hall
Alan Hall
I have been in the following professions.
Licensed Practical Nurse for 10 years
Automotive Mechanic / Technician 25 years
I have been in retail management.
Teaching Philosophy: Kevin Alan Hall
Hands-on education
I believe that some students gain and retain knowledge with active learning. Getting their hands dirty. Hands-on education is a good way to teach students with learning disabilities or students with special needs. It allows them to not just read the material, but touch and feel the subjects.
Teaching Philosophy: Kevin Alan Hall
My teaching philosophy, Is to encourage students to work with their strengths and to not be afraid to ask for help if they need it. The students who lack in some areas should be nurtured and not left behind. I encourage all of my students to work together and learn from each other.
Travel (My Travel Experience): Kevin Alan Hall
Eastern United states
Worked on farms in Georgia
I lived in the Carolina mountains
Frequent mining and hiking in New York State