Evan W Beharry
PharmD Candidate
St. John's University
Being able to maintain a 3.0 GPA at least
Being able to pass all my classes
Being able to manage my work and school at the same time
Being able to obtain an internship within the Industry Pharmacy field
Being able to create a study plan that I can stick to
Being able to maintain a high position in an industrial pharmacy job
Become financially stable
Properly take care of my family
Move somewhere nice with my family
Establish my own independent pharmacy practice
Be able to pass on my skills to those interested
Pharmacy (Six-year Pharm.D) Major
Pharm D Candidate, 2028
A course where we learned concepts, theories and facts that attempt to explain and integrate what we know about living organisms. This covered the basic principles of living organisms at the molecular and cellular levels.
CHE-1130, CHE-1130L, CHE-1130R: Introduction to General & Organic Chemistry III
The third part of 3 courses set to cover both General and Organic Chemistry with the primary focus on the basics for each subject. This was split into two weekly meetings for lecture, one weekly meeting for lab, and one weekly meeting for recitation. We gained hands-on experience with organic material as well what type of process is used to create it while in lab. We reviewed the concepts previously covered in lecture while in recitation in order to solidify our foundational knowledge.
CPP 1101: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
In this course, we covered basic medical terminology as well as the wide variety within the Pharmacy field. We worked in groups to discover what a Doctorate in Pharmacy can lead to in a career aspect and individually learned medical terminology from diseases to medications/treatments.
PAS 2301: Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice
In this course, we look at the social view on the Pharmaceutical issues from both perspectives (pharmacist and patient). We covered different views, certifications, history of pharmacy and a lot of what shapes the pharmacist like code of ethics.
PHI 3000: Metaphysics
This course in itself took views from different philosophers and gave us the opportunity to break down their metaphysical views. We held class discussions as well did virtual discussion boards to help build these views as a class with everyone providing input.
RCT 1005: Interpersonal Communications Pharmacy
This course goes over the communications aspect of pharmacy. We discussed how to communicate pharmacist to pharmacist, pharmacist to patient as well as worked in groups to help develop cases and examples to give examples of what we keep in mind when talking in a pharmaceutical environment.
THE 2850: Introduction to Islam
This course served as an entry way into what it means to be a Muslim and the basics of Islam. We went over Quranic verses as well as explored the history through movies, text and a self guided trip to places of worships and museums.
CHE-1120: Intro to General & Organic Chemistry II
Here we continue to learn General Chemistry with lecture, lab and recitation. Now we also get introduced to organic chemistry. We get to see how involved it is with pharmacy.
MTH-1260C: Calculus Applied to Pharmacy/Allied Health
In this course, we learn the basics of calculus from derivatives to integrals. We do a lot of calculations and in the end we see how it relates back to health sciences.
CPP-1101: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
Here we get deeper into really understanding pharmacy. We learn about the different branches of pharmacy. We also learn medical terminology from diagnosis to diseases to treatments, etc.
THE-1000C: Perspectives on Christianity
This course provides us the knowledge of Christianity's journey from the beginning to now. As we read through the bible and through history, we are engaged to provide our own personal understanding of it. We see what teachings and what messages we can discover for our own from a knowledge perspective.
PHI-2240C: Moral Life Ethics Applied to Pharmacy and Allied Health
Here we learn the basics moral ethics to help us approach a health setting. We learned about the basics of health care, patient care, care within different settings, etc. The course was more based on student discussions with our fellow classmates leading some lessons.
ENG-1100C: Literature in Global Context
This course had us learning different aspects of literature across the globe. We engaged in readings, discussions with fellow students, and developed our own personal portfolio for our writings. It consisted of our pieces developed through the semester.
An engaging course where we discussed what it really meant to a person. We used different concepts from past philosophers as well as our own to formula a further understand of one another.
MTH-1250C-0: Statistics Applied to Pharmacy/Allied Health
We learned different formulas as well as probability and statistics to gain a further understanding of how to predict as well as collect information. We then took this information and see how it would work in the line of Pharmacy and other health professions.
DNY-1000C-505: Discover New York: The Global City
We really did discover New York. From its rich history to actually going to different landmarks and just engaging with the subject in a whole new light. An experience that will never be forgotten.
FYW-1000C-500: First Year Writing: Writing Across Difference
We engaged in many different forms of writing relating to race, difference, and language. We were able to realize that our bad experiences with these subjects simply brought us closer together.
PHR-1000-0: Intro Seminar for Pharmacy Study
As we begin our journey towards obtaining our degree, we get a taste of what the career path has to offer. We meet our professors as well as many other students in the exact same position as us.
CHE-1110-0: Intro to General & Organic Chemistry
In this course, we learn about the wonders of chemistry. We engage in this with lecture, lab, and recitation. Three separate classes that all come together to reinforce our understanding of the subject.
Oct 2023 - Current
Demo and display current as well as recent Meta products with customers in order to promote interest as well as traction.
June 2021 - Current
Engage with customers to find their needs, provide solutions, and work as part of a team in order to maintain a strong connection with everyone around us.
Maintained a 90+ Average
Date Received: December 12th, 2021
Description: As a scholarship recipient please note that you must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year and maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to retain your scholarship.
June-August 2019 110 hours
Assist children in learning as well as engaging in physical activities in order to keep their minds and body engaged while school is not in session.
- I never thought I could be considered analytical or strategic because I do not see myself as that type of person
- I can use my strength to build the perfect team for accomplishing our goals. To create such an incredible work environment with a good patient-pharmacist relationship that everyone will get what they need.
I originally chose Pharmacy as a major because my father was pressuring me as an 8th grader to choose a career path to focus on. I was a kid and all everyone could complain about is money, so I simply searched up “jobs that make good money” and Pharmacy was #3. From then, I just stuck with it. As I progressed through high school, I was able to discover what a pharmacist is and how much they can help people. This seemed like such an important title and something I could do so I stuck with my choice and I am going to see it through.
I chose St. John’s University for two reasons. One was the convenience of the location. My sister goes to the high school right across the street so I can easily pick her up after school. I wouldn’t be leaving the city so I could keep my job and not pay for residency. It is also a commute that I am used to because I went to that same high school. My second reason for choosing St. John’s University was for the scholarship. My final decisions for school were University at Buffalo and St. John’s University. Due to the simple reason that St. John’s offered more than Buffalo did, I made the decision to accept. The Pharmacy program here seems amazing and I am glad I chose this school to spend the next 6 years with.