Academic Service:
Criminal justice 225
Thank you for everything you have done, and for your time and dedication to teach me in this course. I
Academic Service:
criminal justice
Academic Service:
criminal justice
Academic Service:
criminal justice
Formal learning is planned and guided by an instructor and is usually online and leads to getting a degree or certification it is intentional. Informal learning happens without warning happens more naturally, also you learn from life’s experiences
The most important points that in have learned about searching, applying, and interviewing for a job. During a job search keep your resume short, maintain a strong digital presence, Try learning new skills. Visiting the company website and leverage your current relationship. When you go to apply for a job always read the application and use critical thinking, planning mindfulness and conflict management. They are beneficial in any professional position and are highly sought-after after by the employers. When you are called in by the employer for an interview always dress professionally remain calm and collect during the interview process. Make sure you are far above the rest. Focus on being the best you can be, do not fake your self-advertising. Investigate the culture of the culture or work environment of the company have good understanding of why you want the job that you are applying for and why you think you would make a suitable candidate for the position. The most important points when interviewing for a job is to show up on time and even15 minutes early prior to the interview. Dress and act professionally show an employer that you are serious about working for the company, and that you are not a slacker whose does not care about the company or the role for which you
Academic Service:
criminal justice
Academic Service:
criminal justice