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Cristal Savannah

I am a Boss Lady who will do anything and everything to everyone happy.
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What are admitting privileges? Admitting privilege is the right of a healthcare practitioner, by virtue of membership as a hospital's medical staff, to admit patients to a particular hospital or medical center for providing specific diagnostic or therapeutic services to such patient in that hospital. Each hospital maintains a list of health care providers who have admitting privileges in that hospital. Admitting privileges of some physicians may be limited to consultative services only.
Assignments: Cristal Savannah
Career Development
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Assignments: Cristal Savannah
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What is a digital badge? A digital badge is an indicator of accomplishment or skill that can be displayed, accessed, and verified online. These badges can be earned in a wide variety of environments, an increasing number of which are online.
Case logs provide a record to show a list of actions taken with a patient, facility of encounter, and date of service.

The entries below are the case logs I've submitted for during my academic career.
Continuing education or professional development is required in many fields, including all healthcare providers, teachers, insurance professionals, financial advisors, accountants, architects, engineers, emergency management professionals, school administrators, attorneys, and more. The continuing education unit (CEU) is described as ten hours of participation in an education program.
Educational Background: Cristal Savannah
Graduate June 2025
What are EPAs? The entrustable professional activity (EPA) concept allows faculty to make competency-based decisions on the level of supervision required by trainees. Competency-based education targets standardized levels of proficiency to guarantee that all learners have a sufficient level of proficiency at the completion of training.

Trust is a central concept for safe and effective health care. Patients must trust their physicians, and health care providers must trust each other in a highly interdependent health care system. In teaching settings, supervisors decide when and for what tasks they entrust trainees to assume clinical responsibilities. Building on this concept, EPAs are units of professional practice, defined as tasks or responsibilities to be entrusted to the unsupervised execution by a trainee once he or she has attained sufficient specific competence. EPAs are independently executable, observable, and measurable in their process and outcome, and therefore, suitable for entrustment decisions. Sequencing EPAs of increasing difficulty, risk, or sophistication can serve as a backbone for graduate medical education.
What is a fellowship? A Fellowship is the period of medical training, in the United States and Canada, that a physician, dentist, pharmacist,or veterinarian may undertake after completing a specialty training program (residency). During this time (usually more than one year), the practitioner is known as a Fellow. Fellows are capable of acting as an Attending Physician or a Consultant Physician in the generalist field in which they were trained, such as Internal Medicine or Pediatrics.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Cristal Savannah
being rich and the boss
my goals is to become a healthcare manager and having my own practice

This portfolio module contains a list of professional and productivity mobile apps I recommend:

What are patient assistance programs? Pharmaceutical manufacturers may sponsor patient assistance programs (PAPs) and provide financial assistance or free medications to low-income individuals. For my patients with limited financial resources, I have compiled a list of suggested PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS which may help ease financial burdens.
READINESS is an eLearning platform that hosts eLearning Centers for various colleges and institutions. The entries below are the specific activities I have completed.
What is REMS? A Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) is a strategy to manage a known or potential serious risk associated with a drug or biological product. A REMS will be required if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determines that a REMS is necessary to ensure the benefits of the drug or biological product outweigh its risks. A REMS can include a Medication Guide, Patient Package Insert, a communication plan, elements to assure safe use, and an implementation system.
What is a residency? Residency is a specific stage of graduate medical education. It refers to a qualified physician, podiatrist, dentist, pharmacist, or veterinarian (one who holds the degree of MD, DPM, DDS, DMD, DVM, DO, BDS, PharmD, or BDent; or MB; BS, MBChB, or BMed) who practices medicine or pharmacy, usually in a hospital or clinic, under the direct or indirect supervision of a senior medical clinician registered in that specialty such as an attending physician or consultant.
Resume & CV: Cristal Savannah
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Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world. TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) is a global set of conferences curated by the American private non-profit Sapling Foundation, formed to disseminate "ideas worth spreading".