My Bio: Seth Eby
To whom it may concern,
My name is Seth Eby, out of Greencastle, PA. I reside there with my wife and 4 children. We live a quiet life and strive to be outdoors as much as possible. Growing a big family and raising well rounded children was always in our life plan, and that played into my future career as well.
I attended Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, West Virginia as my undergraduate work. I graduated there at the top of my department in the Spring of 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Health and Physical Education. Upon graduation, I have spent the last 12 years within the education field working at 2 different middle school’s first as a health teacher and then as a physical education teacher.
During the time of Covid when students were primarily virtual with their learning, my eyes were truly opened to the nature of mental health being so intertwined the student’s academic learning. So many of the students were so focused on talking, or venting, compared to only completing the academic lessons. With this newly changed philosophy, I entered graduate school at Liberty University to pursue a Master’s Degree in School Counseling. My ultimate goal is to better equip myself through the schooling to better serve the students I will be working with walking into this counseling world. Every day is another step forward within this new journey I am very passionate about now.
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
This video is from my Legal and Ethics class. The Foundations section of the AIA focuses on making ethically wise decisions within the world of counseling. This document contains a video link that I created responding to an unethical counseling situation within a prison. It shows me critiquing the report, the unethical behavior, and how I would apply that to my learning within the field.
240503121700_Court_Case_Video_Link.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
Counseling Prevention and Intervention
The Counseling Prevention and Intervention standard calls for the students to be proficient in the areas of finding, and creating, techniques that properly help the students. We as the counselor need to be aware of multiple theories and how their individual techniques can be applied to the hurting clients. This is a word document that I created in a chart format researching multiple counseling theories and the techniques used within them. This shows the importance of each theory and how I am prepared to use them accordingly.
240503123122_Theories_Chart_Assignment_final.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
Diversity and Advocacy
The Diversity and Advocacy standard revolves around being culturally minded and aware of others. A strong counselor must be an advocate for everyone and aware of their own personal biases. This document is a powerpoint that was created within my multiculturalism class at Liberty. It was an amazing experience focused on Asian Americans. Within that project, I got to experience a webinar and interview 2 Asian Americans on how their lives were shaped through the lens of their culture. This was an amazing project to take part in and make sure I am constantly aware of the lens I look at life through.
240503124520_cultural_immersion_experience.pptx (.pptx) 1.24mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
Assessment is all about using data to inform your Comprehensive Counseling Program. As the counselor you need to find ways to gain assessment data and also use forms of assessment to evaluate your effectiveness of your interventions and programs. This is a PowerPoint created within Internship 1 in which I used a large amount of data within the project. By viewing the PowerPoint, you can see how I used a needs assessment to show the need of the careers guidance lessons, data to find the most important class to present, and finally a Google form pre and posttest to evaluate the validity of the lessons.
240503125425_culminating_project.pptx (.pptx) 2.43mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
Research and Evaluation
The standard Research and Evaluation within the AIA speaks for itself. A proficient counselor must be able to use research skills and data associated with it to effectively benefit their clients. This article came from my research class within Liberty. It was a mock situation for girls within my high school. It was showing how I would build the design to effectively research the link between social media and anxiety within the female students. Research and finding the data to prove the validity of the research was the cornerstone of the project.
240503012132_Building_a_Research_Design_assignment.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
Academic Development
One of the aspects of the Academic Development Competency focuses on having the intern prepare the students for a full range of post secondary options. This artifact is an excel spreadsheet of the student's acceptance into the James Rumsey Technical program. Throughout Internship 1, I was responsible for our high school's technical education program. I was in charge of working with James Rumsey to get our 10th graders signed up for going there during 11th and 12th grade. I had to set up the program's presentations, plan the field trip, organize the interview dates and paperwork, and work in tandem with the James Rumsey counselor to communicate with the students who were accepted. This is a list showing the students who got accepted from our school and the organization of each program. The names and student numbers have been blacked out for confidentiality.
240503015827_James_Rumsey_Acceptance_Spreadsheet.xlsx (.xlsx) 0.01mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
Collaboration and Consultation
Collaboration and Consultation is all about looking outward to better equip yourself and the students you are working with. Within the counseling world, there are many students that will come to us that need outside resources to better help them. This document is an example of that. The high school I am currently working at works closely with Eastridge Counseling Services. They are a local agency that can provide long term therapeutic services that our school is not equipped for. Upon our referral, we have licensed counselors who come into our school to provide therapy, as well as provide sessions outside of the school building.
Project Aware Referral (.doc) 0.07mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
AIA describes Leadership as showing professionalism and work ethic to provide the best situations for the students. Working hard to go above and beyond for your students is key to helping them succeed. Here is a letter of recommendation to prove my efforts within this area. This was written about me from a former school counselor as I was going through the process due to being nominated for our county's teacher of the year.
Letter of Recommendation (.pdf) 0.04mb
Competency Assessments: Seth Eby
To prove proficiency as a professional school counselor, I am adding my SCRIP CORE evaluation. This was conducted during my fall Practicum semester during my elementary placement at Potomack Intermediate in Martinsburg, WV.
SCRIP CORE Evaluation (.pdf) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 501 – Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School Counseling
Here is my Benchmark Attitudes and Beliefs Reflection, which shows my philosophy of counseling
Benchmark Attitudes and Beliefs (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 501 – Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School Counseling
Here is the Ethical Vignette paper, which shows my mastery of taking an ethical scenario and applying ASCA and ACA codes to the situation.
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 502 – Human Growth and Development
Here is my Benchmark Addiction in Adolescence essay, which shows my understanding of addiction and how it applies to the younger generation. As a school counselor, I will need to understand and notice signs and symptoms to help the students the best way possible.
Benchmark Addiction in Adolescence Essay (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 502 – Human Growth and Development
Here is my Benchmark Trauma essay, which shows my understanding of working with student trauma. The goal is to get students to work towards resilience, and this essay depicts this concept.
Benchmark: Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Assignment (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 502 – Human Growth and Development
Here is my Benchmark Development Analysis Paper. It depicts me taking the human development concepts and theories and applying it to myself. It shows my understanding of how a person develops, and specifically details those concepts within my own life.
Benchmark Developmental Analysis Assignment (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 504 – Multicultural Counseling
Here is my Benchmark Interview paper. It shows my process of interviewing Dr. Gestoso who helped to plan and run a social justice group in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Interview Paper (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 504 – Multicultural Counseling
Here is my Benchmark Research and Events paper. For this paper, I was given the opportunity to research and study the Asian American community. This paper shows my understanding of the cultural and the unique aspects of the families.
241120070736_cultural_immersion_research_and_events.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 504 – Multicultural Counseling
Here is by Benchmark Research assignment, which depicts me researching and studying my own cultural background. I then take this aspect and apply it to the world of counseling.
Research Paper (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 505 – Counseling Techniques
Here is my Benchmark Counseling Skills Assignment. This is a transcription assignment focused on enhancing my skills. It shows what was said with the client, and how I could improve the counseling within the session.
Benchmark Counseling Skills (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 505 – Counseling Techniques
Here is my Finals Skills paper. This paper is showing me analyzing my skills throughout a session. Then at the bottom of the page, I justify my reasoning for the numbers I chose.
Benchmark Final Skills Scale (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 505 – Counseling Techniques
Here is my Live Supervision link. This shows a video of me using my counseling skills while being observed.
Live Supervision
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 510 – School Counseling Theories
Here is my Benchmark Theoretical Approach Assignment. This paper is devoted to understanding multiple counseling theories and being able to apply them to a counseling session.
Theories of Counseling (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 512 – Structured Groups
Here is my Benchmark Psychoeducational Group Assignment. This was a partner project in my Liberty class where I worked with a lady to teach a lesson about coping skills. Here is the outline of what our lesson looked like, which ended up being a 40 minute lesson.
Psychoeducational Group Assignment (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 512 – Structured Groups
Here is my Critical Incident paper where I had to analyze a scenario and justify how I would handle the situation.
Critical Incident Paper (.docx) 0.01mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 515 – Research and Program Evaluation
This is my Benchmark Quantitive Research Paper. I had to study a previous case study, which talked about using mindfulness therapy. It showed mathematically through research why it would be a positive use within the counseling setting.
Quantitive Research Paper (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 515 – Research and Program Evaluation
This is my Benchmark Research Proposal Assignment. This is a research proposal that I created for my current high school. It involved 126 female students and focused on the use of social media and how that affected anxiety levels.
Research Proposal Assignment (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 522 –Career Development and Counseling
This is the Benchmark Career Self Assessment Paper. It first goes through what the O'Net Interest Profiler is, which is all about taking a survey to figure out what career aligns with your life. It then details a credit counseling career and what that would look like.
Career Self Assessment Paper (.docx) 0.04mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COUC 522 –Career Development and Counseling
This is my Benchmark Career Development Program. It's a PowerPoint depicting how I could incorporate a career program within the high school I work at. It details the program, talks about why we need it, and then discusses the financial implications of the program.
Career Development Program (.pptx) 0.52mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 604 –Foundations of Education
This is my Benchmark Philosophy in Practice Paper. This paper builds the foundation of education being a holistic priority for children. It defines how education helps to mature the students both emotionally and relationally.
Philosophy in Practice (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 611 – Child and Adolescent Counseling in the Schools
This is my Benchmark Child and Adolescent Counseling Assignment. It depicts the struggles and trauma young students go through, and how I can work through reaching them in a counseling situation.
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Counseling (.docx) 0.04mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 622 – Educational Assessment and Intervention
This is by Benchmark Exploring Reliability and Validity Assignment. This is a foundational paper based upon assessments within the counseling world. Data should drive everything, and this paper depicts how to accomplish this.
Exploring Reliability and Validity (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 660 – Principles of School Counseling
This is the Benchmark School Counseling Parent Teacher Presentation. This is a Powerpoint presentation that is based on information I would present to parents about our school counseling program. The foundation of it is to be presented on a "back to school" evening. It sets up information about the program and how the department is used within the school building.
Parent Teacher Presentation (.pptx) 4.74mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 661 – School Counseling Program Development & Evaluation
This is my Benchmark Brochure Assignment. This shows a brochure that I would hand out to parents and students on a back to school night. It helps to depict how the counseling department is used within the school building.
Brochure (.docx) 5.80mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 661 – School Counseling Program Development & Evaluation
This is the Benchmark Data Presentation Assignment. This is a PowerPoint showing how to create a Google Form and use data to be a foundation for the counseling program. This specifically talks about showing how social media negatively affects a 9th grade freshman class.
Data Presentation (.pptx) 1.03mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 692/COUC 692 Practicum
Here is my Benchmark Case Conceptualization for Practicum. This was a paper written to give a background on my one on one elementary student. It diagnoses what his struggles are and how I am going to work with him.
Case Conceptualization (.docx) 0.05mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 692/COUC 692 Practicum
This is my Practicum evaluation. This Final Pre-AIA document shows how my supervisors evaluated my skills.
School Counseling Final PRE-AIA (.pdf) 0.04mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 693- Internship 1
Here is my Case Conceptualization for Internship 1. It gives a background on the high school boy that I worked one on one with, and it also shows how I will work with him throughout the sessions.
Internship 1 Case Conceptualization (.docx) 0.06mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 693- Internship 1
Here is my Evaluation for Internship 1. It shows how well my supervisor felt that I did within the Internship 1
Final Pre-AIA Internship 1 (.pdf) 0.20mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 694- Internship 2
Here is my Case conceptualization for Internship 2. This is where I am working with a Sophomore girl working through her attendance and discipline situations. This paper gives a background of the girl, and how I am going to counsel her during our weekly sessions.
Internship 2 Case Conceptualization (.docx) 0.05mb
Courses Taken: Seth Eby
COSC 694- Internship 2
Here is my Final AIA Rubric evaluation. This proves how successful I was throughout my Internship 2 experience at Spring Mills High School. This was filled out by my head counselor, the counseling supervisor.
Final Pre-AIA Internship 2 (.doc) 0.06mb
Projects: Seth Eby
Practicum Culminating Project
Here is the Culminating Project during Practicum. This was a PowerPoint that was created to analyze my 6 week small group with the boys that called themselves the CCK, "Cool Counseling Kids", group. It shows what we worked on together, and the data to back up the positive effects from it.
Practicum Culminating Project (.pptx) 8.69mb
Projects: Seth Eby
Internship 1 Culminating Project
Here is the Culminating Project I created for Internship 1. This was a 4 lesson guidance unit built on careers. This was data driven and given to a freshman class. The Powerpoint discusses each lesson, the activities, and the pre and posttest data to support the unit.
Internship 1 Culminating Project (.pptx) 1.90mb
Projects: Seth Eby
Internship 2 Culminating Project
Here is the Internship 2 Culminating Project PowerPoint. This was a 4 lesson guidance unit built on cell phones and anxiety. This powerpoint depicts each lesson, the activities, and the data that supports the project.
Internship 2 Culminating Project (.pptx) 19.92mb
Internships: Seth Eby
Field Experience Summary
Here is the Field Experience Summary. Liberty asked me to analyze my field experience throughout practicum and internship placements. This discusses the amazing opportunities I was able to take part in.
Field Experience Summar (.docx) 0.02mb
Internships: Seth Eby
FES-Field Experience Summary Documentation
Here is the documented Field Experience Summary. This shows the hours I accumulated at each of my placements. It shows all of the indirect and direct hours that I was able to take part in at both the elementary and secondary level.
FES (.docx) 0.03mb
Exam History: Seth Eby
Praxis Scores
Here is the Praxis Score I received by taking the Professional School Counseling exam. This is the score that shows I have passed and learned the information to become a professional school counselor.
Praxis Scores (.pdf) 0.35mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
ASCA Membership
Here is my ASCA Membership Card. This shows that I have membership through this nationally recognized organization for professional school counselors.
ASCA Membership (.pdf) 0.02mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Behavioral Guidlines: The Use of Seclusion Certificate
Here is the certificate I earned that shows the use of seclusion. The understanding of how to properly attend to a struggling student.
The Use of Seclusion (.pdf) 0.16mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Child Abuse and Neglect Certificate
Here is the Child Abuse and Neglect Certificate I earned through my training. A strong school counselor must be able to see warning signs and symptoms to help keep their students safe.
Child Abuse Recognition (.virginia) 0.11mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Cultural Competency Training Certificate
Here is the Cultural Competency Training Certificate that I received. It is an example of how I am prepared to meet all students needs regardless of what situation they are coming from.
Cultural Competency Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.34mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Dyslexia Awareness Training Certificate
Here is my Dyslexia Awareness Training Certificate. This shows that I went through the training and have been prepared to work with exceptional students. Understanding students will be coming to me from all aspects of life will help me reach them and their personal needs.
Dyslexia Awareness Certificate (.pdf) 0.05mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
AED/CPR Training
Here is the E Card for the AED/CPR training that I went through. A school counselor should be well rounded and able to help out within any emergency situation. We should be prepared in any situation that comes upon our path, and this training has helped me to enhance my skills.
AED/CPR Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.20mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Schools and Grief Training Certificate
Here is my Schools and Grief Training Certificate. As much as we would like to dismiss it, death and grief are part of the counseling world. This certificate shows that I went through a training to be prepared for this. Learning skills to help students work through this grief is ideal for any practicing school counselor.
Schools and Grief (.pdf) 1.72mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Supporting Caregivers of Youth with Substance Use Problems Affected by Trauma Training Certificate
This is the certificate I earned by going through the training focused on supporting caregivers of youth with substance use problems. The trauma that comes with this situation can be overwhelming. Being prepared for these situations and having the skills to be proficient is something that school counselors should constantly be working on.
Supporting Caregivers Training Certificate (.pdf) 1.72mb
Licenses & Certifications: Seth Eby
Recognition of Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training: Psychological First Aid (PFA) Certificate
This is my Psychological First Aid Training Certificate. Every school counselor should be prepared to handle stressful situations. We need to be prepared with the skills to handle the circumstances that are brought before us. This training was an exceptional opportunity to grow my skills in this area.
Psychological First Aid (.pdf) 1.89mb