Assignments: Lisa Harper
I have learned the importance of working in a diverse culture. I learned to be more aware of how AI treat others that are from a different background that I am.
Assignments: Lisa Harper
Successfully completed course to obtain diploma in Healthcare Business Administration
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Lisa Harper
Completed in person during completion certified nursing assistant. Also when in LPN school.
Courses Taken: Lisa Harper
Completed courses needed to continue in my major to obtain my associate degree.
Educational Background: Lisa Harper
This has taught me to think. To think about what I want and what would be best for me. How am I presenting myself? What kind of employee and team player am I?
Educational Background: Lisa Harper
I learned what customers really need. Listening to customers and delivering the resources and services. Planning ahead and researching.
Funding Health and Human Services
Educational Background: Lisa Harper
I learned to plan an event, organize, and delegate all while working as a team by communicating with everyone involved.
: Management Principles (.docx) 0.04mb
Employment History: Lisa Harper
Employment History
I have remained in the healthcare field for twenty years with a wide variety of experience and skills.
240612104629_Lisa_Harper.pdf (.pdf) 0.08mb
Exam History: Lisa Harper
I have completed multiple exams during this process.
Interests: Lisa Harper
I am interested in helping employees to be successful. I want to make sure they have the tools they need, and they enjoy their employment.
This portfolio module contains a list of professional and productivity mobile apps I recommend:
My Bio: Lisa Harper
I have dedicated twenty years to healthcare. I started as certified nursing assistant. I attempted to complete LPN school and had to resign due to personal reasons. I worked in the UHC call center helping retired individuals with their health insurance. After three years I gained experience with care coordination. I learned about Medicaid and Medicare with those employers. Registering patients in the emergency room and a pediatric urgent care was fulfilling. I had the opportunity to work as a medical assistant in a GI office. Working as a medical administrative assistant in a jail was the most satisfying job thus far. Being a scheduler at a LTC facility was difficult, especially when you are staff challenged. I am currently a care coordinator and I feel like there is more for me to do. I should be doing more to help not only patients but employees as well.
My Team's MyCred Portfolio Links: Lisa Harper
Lisa Harper MyCred
I have learned how to accept feedback. Personal responsibility for finances is also something I learned. Being able to locate resources to aid with my budgeting and savings was useful. Personal experience and how to ask for a raise was taught as well.
My Team's MyCred Portfolio Links: Lisa Harper
Lisa Harper
This course helps me to develop more socially. It teaches me how to communicate better with others. That is verbal and non-verbal. Healthcare is a multicultural word and being able to socialize with others is important.
My Team's MyCred Portfolio Links: Lisa Harper
Lisa Harper
Through this course, I am able to become a better team player in my current position and in my future position. Healthcare is integrated and requires collaboration from many different roles.
Skills: Lisa Harper
Open to feedback and growth
TED Talks: Lisa Harper
Ted Talks
Listened to multiple Ted talks during completion of my major in certain courses.