Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Managing Human service delivery
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Individuals with a Criminal Record
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
HUSS355 - Social program development
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Human social service program development
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Demonstrate professional competencies related to the successful planning and implementation of human services, inclusive of values, attitudes and ethics common to the field.
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Vegan Essay
Word Essay
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Terminating Employee's
Portfolio project - Terminating employee's
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Eng302 Persuasive Argument essay
Eng302 Project Essay
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Eng302 Persuasive essay
Eng302 Project Essay
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Week 2 Case Study Assessment
Week 2 Case Study Assessment
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Disaster Planning and Management
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Personality in the workplace
People are unique in every way therefore they display personality differences within the workplace and learning how to collaborate with co-workers.
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Psyc111 Portfolio Powerpoint
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
ECON195 – Macroeconomics
ECON195 – Macroeconomics
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Math309 - Portfolio Project
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
BUSS230-Project Management
BUSS230 Project Management
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
HUSS220-Assessment and treatment options
Assessment and treatment options
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Public health issues
Sophia Doumbia
RE: Wk 4 Rough Draft
Hello Nicole
Thank you for your rough draft post this week. I enjoyed that you used your personal experiences with Bipolar Disorder to craft your argument when it comes to your family. Your opening statement was very catchy and leaves me wanting to read more.
In your workplace ethics perhaps you speak on what you the caregiver went through at your place of business having your children in the back of your mind.
In your reference page, Highlight the entire text, under the HOME tab click Paragraph arrow, - under indention, click hanging. That will put your reference page in APA format. Overall good job
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Quanttitive reasoning
1. What is the assignment/authentic assessment? This assignment checks for basic knowledge and literacy of the class content studied and reviewed to ensure accurate application in completing this class.
2. Why does it meet the outcomes in your course? It prepares graduates for careers working at hotels, catering companies, casinos, and sporting venues; in travel and tourism; and in many other areas.
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Cultural competance
In this course I learned how to:
• Identify and describe the various social and cultural factors of diversity that affect an individual’s institutional prejudice and discrimination
• Define cultural competence and evaluate the importance to administering quality human and social service care.
• Identify areas of potential conflict between human and social service providers and a patient's cultural beliefs and values
• Assess the role of one’s own personal social and cultural identity in relation to others of similar and different backgrounds in the delivery of human services
• Use knowledge of health-related cultural/ethnic beliefs, values, and practices to design a plan of care for culturally and ethnically diverse populations.
Portfolio project Infant mortality rates
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Describe the ethical theories and philosophical approaches followed for assessing moral/ethical decisions in typical health care scenarios.
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
How Disorders affects ability to employ
PSYC120 – Portfolio Project.
The company has specifically asked that you also write a narrative that explains how each selected disorder might affect a person’s ability to be employed. The company plans to share this information with employers in hopes of increasing education and reducing the stigma surrounding psychological disorders.
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
HUSS225 – Introduction to Counseling and Case Management Strategies
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
My cover letter and resume meet this outcome because they exhibit the skills, knowledge and courses that I have gained through my classes and previous work experience. These items highlight my workplace capabilities of dependability and perseverance and will be used to market myself to potential employers and gain my job as an enthusiast. These documents show a potential employer what assets I can offer to their company.
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Crisis Intervention PP
. The instructional methodologies used have been specifically chosen for their effectiveness in preparing students to achieve both academic and career success. These methodologies include the integration of key workplace competencies throughout the curriculum; outcomes-based learning; active, experiential learning activities and assignments; authentic assessment; portfolio; and others. This course is designed to bridge together the workplace, the real world, and the classroom.
W7.5: Portfolio Project Reflection
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Elevator speech
My specialized elevator speech meets this outcome because it highlights the workplace capabilities of communication skills and dependability that I have learned at BSC and will use to briefly introduce and market myself to a potential future employer.
Specialized Elevator Speech
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
workplace ethics
My CPRA ethics assignment for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome and my program-specific ethics outcome. For this assignment, I had to conduct research on ethics specific to my field of study, create an ethical situation for the workplace, choose a solution, and back up my solution with scholarly research. This shows my ability to apply ethics research to my career field and problem-solve solutions based on that research. I also included a reflection essay to self-assess my strategies and outcomes on this assignment and consider improvements for similar assignments/work in the future. The Workplace capabilities I used in completing this assignment were Information literacy and productivity. This assignment connects to my future career because I will be in a career field working with senior adults.
CPRA Ethics Paper
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Crisis Intervention video
I learned how to identify and explain the characteristics of a crisis; theories of crisis and crisis interventions; and current crisis intervention models
Portfolio Project video presentation
Academic Service: Nicole P Thomas
Case Notes
Portfolio Project - Case notes
Educational Background: Nicole P Thomas
Bryant and Stratton College
AAS - Human and social service