Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
Healthcare Tech Final Proof Reading Template
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
CAPS265 Multicultural Project Final
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
CAPS 265 Multicultural Awareness Project
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
ENGL202 005 Research and Writing
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
An academic paper discussing my choice and degree program, along reason for choosing the current care of Human and social services.
Engish 202 presentation (.pptx) 0.96mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
COMM104 007 Learning Communities
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Reading skills are the capabilities received through reading, such as comprehension, fluency, and independence. These competencies supply human beings with the capacity to grant a particular means to the flip phrases on a page. These skills are necessary because we study something in some shape every day.
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
HUSS130 Cultural Competence in Health Services.
Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
An academic paper discussing how HIV/AIDS affects the
the general population of people today
Cultural competence Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
HUSS-235 Crisis Intervention
Support the assessment of client concerns and available resources to match support services to improve the quality of life of the client/customer/patient.
Portfolio Project Presentation and Case Report. In my report,
there will be a case report, home visit, crisis call analysis, and
an evaluation of services for my client.
Crisis Intervention Portfolio Project (.pptx) 2.44mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning
Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to perform diverse administrative responsibilities in human and social services.
Project to get me thinking about repaying my student loans after I graduate.
Quantitive Reasoning Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.04mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
SOSC116 007 Career Development
Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various human and social settings.
A Theorist reflection comparing the opinions of philosophers and learning experiences. To new learning experiences.
Portfolio Project Final (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
HUSS220 009 Theory, Assessment, and Interventions of Addiction
Demonstrate ethical and legal communication techniques specific to human and social services environments.
Mental Perspective's mental viewpoint expresses those practices impacted by close-to-home learning and experience.
Career Connect Powerpoint (.pptx) 1.24mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
HUSS225 002 Counseling and Case Management Strategies
Demonstrate an understanding of patient/client/customer service needs within the continuum of human and social service environments.
A PowerPoint presentation discussing case management, what case management formulating a plan service needs within the based-on a given regarding a client.
Vision Board (.docx) 1.02mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
Sosc 115 Career Development l
This is my assignment which meets the programmatic outcome for explaining and showing the attainment of an institutional outcome.
Portfolio Project Final (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
Family and Theory Services
This is the assignment that I feel reaches the programmatic of showing the attainment of a program outcome.
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
James Madison High School
Accredited High School Diploma 3.8 Gpa
Educational Background: Chelsie Pierce
Bryant and Stratton College
Associates Degree in Human and Social Services
Expected Graduation: August 2023
Goals (Personal & Professional): Chelsie Pierce
Professional Goals
Some of my future career goals as a work towards my social work degree are as follows:
- Advancing my education
- Gaining more professional experience in the social work field
- Learning a relevant skill that I don't already know
- Educating others about social work and its benefits