Darren Glenn Sr.
Healthcare Informational Literacy Systems Management
Course Exhibit
This project has met the outcome by breaking down the different types of systems that help run a health care facility, and how selecting the right system can benefit a healthcare outcome. For example pick the right system to run your facility can be the difference between HIPPA violations and protecting the patients data.
Legal Aspects of Healthcare Management
HTHS305 Portfolio Project
This project has met the outcome by understanding the legal and ethical laws that help protect and deliver a top-quality patient care. It has shown me that ethical laws effect patient care as much as the legal side and by analyzing and applying good management skills a facility can avoid any short comings.
Health Services Management
HTHS301 Portfolio Project
This project has met the outcome by understanding how leadership comes in different forms and when working in the workplace, as a manager you must understand the different styles of leadership and how to apply them to workers. This project allows me to understand the difference between a coaching style of leadership and a democratic leadership style, and how to best use.
Long Term Care Management
HTHS405 Portfolio Project Grading Rubric
This project has met the outcome by showing how long term care management, human resources development, financial and strategic planning go into managing a care facility with patient that require more than just normal care, for example it has made me aware that assisting living and senior living require different plans to operate the facility and how there is a difference in subacute care and post-acute care.
Healthcare Finance & Accounting Management
HTHS315 Portfolio Project Grading Rubric (rev.)
This project met the outcome by using problem solving skills to solve managerial and leadership issues, while understanding how to effectively operate a health care facility by using the correct accounting and management skills. This project has shown me how running a heath care facility is more than just patient care.
Logic and Reasoning
Examination of Fallacious Argumentation Project
This project met the outcome by helping to find better ways to have positive impact on social issues to promote personal and career growth. This project has shown me how important understanding your community is to the growth of your business, while being aware and learning what is needed.
MATH309 Portfolio Project
This project met the outcome by using quantitative and scientific reasoning, which is the ability to use mathematics and information to solve real world problems, by using data analyzing you analyze and interpreted data to help organizations make better decisions. It helps also by using the data to help organization make investment decisions. The project helped by allowing me to understand the data and research that goes into running an organization.
Healthcare Finance & Accounting Management
Expense Report McGregor Medical
This project met the outcome though employ strategies to analyze a budget to support details regarding healthcare finance within the office, it helped show the process of maintaining a budget in the workplace to continue to show improvement. And how important excel is to maintain order to have a dependable budget. This course has help me understand the focus that is needed as well as the organizing and analyzing the must take place in order to have a successful budget.
Principles of Psychology
Portfolio Project Grading Project
This project met the outcome because it transferred knowledge, skills, and behavior that is needed for work alliance, which relies on strong relationships. It shows how human relational skills go beyond knowledge of business models and professional experience to include personal traits. It helped show that professional skills and relational skills differ from person to person. This course has shown how your personal experiences can interact with your professional life to understand new situations and make thing work.
Advanced Research, Writing, and Presenting
Persuasive Research Paper Final Submission
This project met the outcome because it demonstrates an understanding of how to evaluate, interpret, analyze, and integrate research from outside sources, and an understanding of persuasive writing skills that show communication skills in the written format and will be needed in the workplace, working in any administration office you will need communication skill that easily explain your intention. For example, sending out emails to office members, needs to clearly be understood and this course has help me improve my writing, so the email is understood without question.