Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
HURS205 Final Draft portfolio Project
Elon Musk is a good leader but has also made mistakes
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
W7 Reflection
Career plan reflection
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
outcome 12
I know how to participate in social, academic and professional communities for individual growth and how to function as a citizen of a agricultural world.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
outcome 11
I can follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and to make decisions.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 10
I knw how to employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust to the learning processes for continual improvement.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 9
I know how to transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
outcome 8
I know how to use the appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 7
I now know how to evaluate the impact individual and group behavior has on an organization.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 6
I now know how to assess management and leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
outcome 5
I know how apply certain technology skills
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 4
This proves I understand and can acknowledge the difference between ethical and unethical behaviors of individuals, groups, and organizations with todays work environment dynamic.
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 3
I now Know how to apply laws in human resources
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 2
This document shows that I know and understand how to make informed decisions in human resources
Academic Service: Calley Kozlowski
Outcome 1
This shows my knowledge of how to organize and integrate the components I will need to know to understand the decision process in Human Resources.
My Bio: Calley Kozlowski
My Bio
Hello, I am Calley Kozlowski. I graduated from Watertown High School.I live in Watertown, Ny and currently work at Car-Freshner as a Machine Operator. I am studying Human Resources at Bryant & Stratton College. i hope that when I finish my degree to get an internship for the Human Resources Departmment at Car- Freshener.After that i am hoping to be able to get a job in Human Resources after the internship.
I like to craft, draw, and paint in my free time. I also love being outdoor's. I like to hike, go swimming in the lakes, and I also love four wheeling! I am a very positive person. I am very well known by peer's and coworker's as a social butterfly. I love to talk and interact with other's. I am a very outgoing person and I am very hard-working.
I have good communication and collaboration skill's. I have learned about how to make good decision making skills and often use those skill's to come up with positive solution's too issues. I have good presentation skil's especially using microsoft power point. I also have good oral presenation skill's.