Linus Lay is a P4 pharmacy student at the University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI.
Linus completed his highschool education in New Jersey and came to the University of Rhode Island in the hopes of becoming a healthcare worker for his community back home.
Linus's passion is the development of technologies aimed to ease the workflow of healthcare practitioners and pharmacies in the hope of reducing stressors in the workplace and improving their quality of life.
Become a pioneer in the development and progression of advanced technologies for the purpose of improving healthcare providers and pharmacists quality of life/work
Update electronic prescribing systems for Retail Pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS)
Become a professor at a university, teaching an Informatics related elective
Invent programs or inventions related to improving the workflow and relieve stressors for healthcare care providers and pharamcists
Conduct simulation projects using 3D technology as holographic projections and presentations of what happens when a human takes a specific drug (pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics by visual 3D model scale of humans)
Participate in program research or artificial intellligence that may help pharmacists (i.e. AI as an encyclopedia on medication, maintaining storage of over thousands of drugs compared to human memory of TOP 200 drugs)
"To help patients, we should help healthcare workers as well."
Publish a fictional or non-fictional work (art or novel)
Invent a useful device/project for health
Improve the quality of life in the healthcare profession
Bachelor of Science, Pharmacy
Walgreens: Florham Park, NJ: Customer Associate: Summers 2018-2020
Fine Arts Center Resource Center: Kingston, RI: Librarian: 2016-2021
URI Avedisian Hall: Kingston, RI: IT support staff: 2020-2021
September 2020-October 2021 (2 months) East Providence, RI
Preceptor: Christine Eisenhower
May 2021- July 2021 (2 months) Hackettstown, NJ
Preceptor: Valerie Anselmo
July 2021-August 2021 (2 months) Morristown, NJ
Preceptor: Shridevi Patel
Volunteer for gardening medicinal plants around the college of pharmacy
Volunteer for opioid awareness and naloxone education
Fluent in the traditional Chineses Mandarin and completed high school level education in NJ
1st dose: 01-28-2021
2nd dose: 02-27-2021

Awarded for 10 years of music theory and performance at the expert level
September 2018-May 2021
Edcuated professors and staff on IT use in college of pharmacy (University of Rhode Island)
Section Leader/Chair
Liaison Leader for college of pharmacy garden and greeenhouse
Responsible for leading efforts in managing and growing medicinal plants
Presented by Linus Lay, Pharm.D. Candidate from the University of Rhode Island Class of 2022.
This presentation reviews the upcoming 2022 NAPLEX and MPJE exams for graduating student pharmacists. The review helps focus on key areas as what both exams are, what are the exam contents, how do students prepare/study for the exams, and a few details on other healthcare licensure exams. This presentation was created on behalf of RxInsider, a B2B multimedia publishing and technology company for the "business of pharmacy," and its sister company CORE Higher Education.
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Presented by Linus Lay, Pharm.D. Candidate from the University of Rhode Island Class of 2022.
This presentation was in-service to RxInsider, a B2B multimedia publishing and technology company for the "business of pharmacy." Pharmacy Informatics is a rising field in the specialties of pharmacy. This presentation provides a brief background on the responsibilities of an informatics pharmacist, short history of the specialty curriculum, and the current education for the field of informatics for student pharmacists.
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Walgreens Pharmacy Morristown, NJ
Presented updates to pneumococcal vaccine scheduling for older adults to pharamcists and pharmacy technicians

Hackettstown Regional Medical Center NJ
Presented current recommendations for osteoporosis treatment and compared efficacy data between medications to pharmacy staff.

Presented by Linus Lay Pharm. D. Candidate from the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy class of 2022
This presentation was complied for education for the University of Rhode Island College of pharmacy. Heparin in burns focuses on Heparin in clinical practice, how effective it is utilized in burn patients, medication use and administration, and final critiques and comments.
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Presented information panel on pharmacogosy in the university through a virtual audience.
PACE-RI Health Center East Providence, RI
Updated Extrapyramidal symptoms/tardive dyskinesia recommended medications for PACE-RI medical director
PACE-RI health center East Providence, RI
Updated CDC adult immunization charts/sheets including latex and updated Influenza guidelines for PACE registered nurse
Hackettstown Medical Center Hackettstown, NJ
Updated 2014 antidote list of medications in pharmacy inventory and current shortages for hospital PMT committee
University of Rhode Island Concert Band
Performance of Balmages, Boysen, and Sousa in the Fine arts center Kingston, RI
15 years of saxophone experience, played instrument in a range of concerts including Marching Bands, Jazz Bands, and Concert Bands.
2 years of Marching Band with the University of Rhode Island Rams.
4 years of Concert band with the University of Rhode Island Concert Band with Dr. Brian Cardany.
Database of presentations conducted over pharmacy applied professional practive experiences.

Completed several videos using windows movie maker
Beginner in Davinci Resolve 17 Video Editor
Worked in home gardens and medicinal plants in university: 2010-present
Cultivated medicinal aloe plants, banana plants, fungus...
Black Belt 1st Dan in Karate: 2010-2016
20 Ways is a quarterly publication includes marketed services and prodcuts for specific health systems pharamcies. The catalog supports community/retail specialty, long-term care services, hospital systems, and infusion healthcare centers.

Platinum pages is a great resource for discovering manufacturer products and business aimed to improve pharmacies and pharamcists. The catalog ranges from adherence products, automation & robotics, drug distributors/wholesalers, refrigeration/refrigerators, USP <800> compliance, and much more.

Provided over 200 trivia facts and questions for explor tiktok as part of pharmacy recruitment.

Reviewed and recommended changes to CORE exploration center for CVS Health.