My Bio: Grace Lynn Suttera
My name is Grace Suttera and I offer a master's degree in school counseling. I'm a motivated professional that adds great value to any organization due to my collaboration and multitasking abilities. I'm committed to performing duties that are outlined by the American School Counselor Association.
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
The attached artifact demonstrates my understanding and competency in foundations. In this artifact I was able to identify the problem, apply the ASCA Ethical Standards and the ACA Code of Ethics, discuss federal mental health laws and applicable state codes, and determine the nature and dimensions of dilemma. Foundations include a wide variety of contributions, being able to identify laws while helping students overcome problems is a skill school counselors must have.
Foundations (.docx) 0.01mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
Counseling Prevention & Intervention
This artifact
addresses the gap of appearance rejection in relation to social media, how each gender views their appearance, and the effects on their mental health. Addressing this gap is crucial for counseling practices and promoting positive social media experiences for youth. This is just one example that demonstrates my competency for counseling prevention and intervention.
Counseling Prevention & Intervention (.docx) 0.01mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
Diversity & Advocacy
This artifact demonstrates my competency of diversity and advocacy because it discusses how b
lack people have been victims of unfair treatment involving racism and discrimination for years throughout history. There are organizations, such as the NAACP, that are dedicated to resolving these issues and promoting equality, while creating opportunities for Black people in education, healthcare, politics, counseling, and more.
Diversity & Advocacy (.docx) 0.02mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
This artifact demonstrates my competency for assessments because I discussed that there are several components that make up an assessment and many aspects to take into consideration. In addition, I discussed that people may take the same assessment but
will have different outcomes due to personal experiences and perspectives.
Assessment (.docx) 0.02mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
Research & Evaluation
This artifact demonstrates my competency of research and evaluation because I discuss how people are all unique based off of their 8 stages of development. With that being said, there's always a reason why someone acts the way they do. Weather that's how they were raised, spiritual beliefs, or something that happened in their early development stage. Doing research and evaluating someone will tell you all you need to know.
Research & Evaluation (.docx) 0.02mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
Academic Development
The attached artifact demonstrates my competency for academic development because it discusses the many of the stages of development and how it affects a child. Resiliency traits and social emotional learning, termination issues related to counseling, ethical consideration and theoretical approaches, legal and ethical concerns, creative approaches to counseling, and counseling interventions were all covered in this artifact. It demonstrates my academic development because there are different counseling techniques to use and it's important to know what one is best for your current student.
Academic Development (.docx) 0.02mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
Collaboration & Consultation
This artifact demonstrates my competency for collaboration and consultation. I collaborated and consulted with my peers and accepted their feedback on how I could be a better counselor.
My peers suggested that I listen more. Instead of having an answer or response right away, I should practice taking a few seconds and gathering my thoughts before I start talking out loud. Another suggestion my peers gave me is to practice goal setting. Before wrapping up a session I could come up with a goal for the next session. Since participating in self-evaluation and peer evaluation I have learned that I actually don't mind criticism because it makes me better and stronger.
Collaboration & Consultation (.docx) 0.01mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
This artifact demonstrates my competency of leadership by discussing counselors' duties and responsibilities.
Counselors should focus on creating a positive environment for students to feel comfortable and supported in every developmental stage. By understanding the factors that contribute to development, counselors can create unique programs that foster social, emotional, behavior, and physical success. Counselors should provide age-appropriate guidance for topics such as decision-making, conflict resolution, self-care, and goal-setting to help students develop essential life skills. A counselor is a leader and leads by doing.
Leadership (.docx) 0.01mb
Competency Assessments: Grace Lynn Suttera
The artifact attached demonstrates my competency is Scrip-Core because my site supervisor graded my performance as a 100%. I was graded on social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism.
Scrip-Core (.doc) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 694-Internship 2
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 693-Internship 1
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 692-School Counseling Practicum
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 661-School Counseling
Program Development & Evaluation
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 660-Principles of School
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 622-Assessment & Evaluation in School Counseling
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 611-Child and Adolescent
Counseling in the Schools
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 604-Foundations of School Counseling
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COUC 522-Career Development and Counseling
The career self-assessment assignment aligns with the assessment and research and evaluation AIA standard. For this assignment, I took an interest assessment that helps discover the type of work activities I found interesting.
Career Self-Assessment (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COUC 522-Career Development
and Counseling
The career development program proposal assignment aligns with the research and evaluation AIA standard. The purpose of this career developmental program is to help students get a better idea of what they might want to do in the future. It will also expose students to occupations they aren’t familiar with.
Career Development Program (.pptx) 15.31mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COUC 515-Research and
Program Evaluation
This Assignment aligns with the research and evaluation AIA standard. Qualitative research was used to determine how technology impacts students daily functioning.
Qualitative and Quantitative Reporting Assignment (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 512-Structured Groups
The psychoeducational group worksheet aligns with the collaboration and consultation AIA standard. This assignment was completed with a partner. We worked together to help students manage stress by providing them with coping skills. The second assignment is a scenario about a school counselor and how he handled a situation wrong. This would align with the foundation AIA standard.
COSC 512 (.docx) 3.12mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 510-School Counseling
This assignment aligns with diversity and advocacy, it also aligns with leadership. This assignment talks about solution focused therapy and the professional and ethical principles that need to be considered when using it with students. Leadership was demonstrated because the goal of the assignment is to lead students in a positive direction.
COSC 510 (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 505-Counseling Techniques
Both assignments align with the foundation AIA standard. Both assignments demonstrate how school counselors should talk to students in specific scenarios. Helping students with day-to-day life and conflicts is a part of the school counselor role.
COSC 505 (.docx) 0.21mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COUC 504-Multicultural Counseling
The first assignment aligns with the diversity and advocacy AIA standard. The paper talks about African American culture
including specific group characteristics, common attitudes and beliefs, customs and practices, immigration patterns, and key historical events. The second paper also aligns with diversity and advocacy. The paper talks about NAACP and its mission and purpose to achieve equity, political rights, safety, and social inclusion of Black people.
COUC 504 (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 501-Professional, Ethical, and
Legal Issues in School Counseling
The first assignment aligns with the foundation AIA standard. The paper discusses how a school counselor must follow school counseling standards and ethical guidelines. The send assignment also aligns with the foundation AIA standard because the paper talks about how the school counselor is put in a situation where they have to communicate with students, parents, teachers, and principles to best help the students. The school counselor is also helping the students face personal problems.
250222090531_COSC_501.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COUC 502-Human Growth and Development
The first assignments demonstrate counseling prevention and intervention. Spirituality can provide guidance for living a better life and making smarter choices. The second assignment demonstrates diversity and advocacy because the paper talks about how childhood trauma can affect people throughout life. The third assignment demonstrates leadership. The paper discusses that my own personal development process has shaped me into the person I am today, which includes getting my masters in school counseling to help support students.
HumanGrowthAndDevelopment (.docx) 0.03mb
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 690-Gate 3.0/Internship Application
This COSC 690 course includes the application process for Gate 3.0 and internship field placement for the school counseling program. This course is 0 credits and is Pass/Fail. Approval through Gate 3.0 and completion of the internship application process indicates approval to begin the school counseling internship.
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 513-Gate 2.5 Practicum Application
This COSC 513 course includes the application process for Gate 2.5 and practicum field placement for the school counseling program. This course is 0 credits and is Pass/Fail. Approval through Gate 2.5 and completion of the practicum application process indicates approval to begin the school counseling practicum.
Courses Taken: Grace Lynn Suttera
COSC 500-Gate 2/Orientation to School Counseling
This program provides a new student orientation during which a student handbook is disseminated and discussed, students’ ethical and professional obligations and personal growth expectations as counselors-in-training are explained, and eligibility for licensure/certification is reviewed.
Projects: Grace Lynn Suttera
Internship 1
The School Counseling Internship 1 course is the first of two field experience requirements for school counseling candidates designed to build both clinical and non-clinical counseling skills in the elementary or secondary school settings. The field experience occurs under the supervision of licensed school counselor on-site supervisor and faculty supervisor. Internship I will consist of fieldwork for 300 hours with a minimum of 120 hours as direct student services.
Internship1 (.pptx) 0.76mb
Projects: Grace Lynn Suttera
For my practicum I was at an elementary school. I learned to
build both clinical and non-clinical counseling skills under the supervision of licensed school counselor on-site supervisor and faculty supervisor. The practicum experience included a minimum of 100 hours.
Small Group PowerPoint (.pptx) 12.62mb