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Mouna Dallal

Pharmacy Student

University of Findlay College of Pharmacy


University of Findlay
PharmD Candidate
P4 Status
Class of 2025
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My Bio: Mouna Dallal

 I am currently completing my APPE rotations for the 2024-2025 academic year. So far, I have completed 5 rotations which include Medication Therapy Management, General Medicine, Academia, Institutional, and Ambulatory Care.  After I graduate in 2025, I plan to work in a retail pharmacy for a few years.  After I gain exceptional retail experience, I plan to open my own private pharmacy. 

Goals (Personal & Professional): Mouna Dallal
Career Goals for 2024-2025


a)     Conduct at least 10 more counseling sessions for patients with new medications. 

b)    Interact with 3 different health care providers related to specific patient cases


a)     Be more interactive with staff at my APPE sites 

b)     Work on comfort and confidence when interacting with patients during counseling and appointments


a)     Counsel more patients on prescription medications like inhalers and injecting insulin

b)    Increase my experience with vaccines for the general population and vaccine administration

Immunization History: Mouna Dallal
Background Check
240408043302_Background_check.pdf (.pdf) 0.51mb
Immunization History: Mouna Dallal
Immunization History

Vaccines (.) 0.09mb
Immunization History: Mouna Dallal
Liability Insurance
Liability Insurance (.pdf) 0.03mb
Immunization History: Mouna Dallal
Health Insurance

201124011119_health.pdf (.pdf) 0.08mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Rotation 6 (February 2025) - Intensive Care
Rotation Type: Intensive Care Unit
Preceptor: Dr. Jenna Conner
Site: Wood County Hospital. Bowling Green, OH
Description: During this rotation, I was able to do a detailed work up on  patients who were in the ICU. I was able to look at all of their medications and labs and determine what medications need to be stopped, added, or adjusted based on specific patient measures. I was also able to go to ICU rounds every morning and at times, present recommendations for changes. Another task I was charged to do during this rotation was review all patients who were on anticoagulation and determine if the any adjustments need to be made based on patient specific factors. During this rotation, I put together an informational guide regarding the treatment of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii (CRAB). Below as an attached copy of the informational guide.  250224013651_Beat_on_bugs_submit.docx (.docx) 0.08mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Rotation 6 (January 2025) - Community Pharmacy
Rotation Type: Community Pharmacy
Preceptor: Dr. Ryann Holsinger
Site: ProMedica Fostoria Community Hospital Fostoria, OH
Description: During this rotation, I was able to experience day to day tasks of a community pharmacy and I was able to shadow the pharmacist conducting final checks on medications. I was able to counsel patients on new and existing medications, provide recommendations for over the counter medications and connect with prescribers to alter a patients prescription due to allergies, drug shortages, inappropriate dosing for the patient. It was a very educational rotation for me as I was able to enhance my counseling skills for both prescription medications and over the counter medications. Below, I have attached a presentation on this months best work. This months best work is a powerpoint I put together based on over the counter and prescription medications I am unfamiliar with. 250127105106_OTC_and_RX_PPT_Autosaved_Autosaved_.pptx (.pptx) 0.11mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Rotation 5 (November 2024) - Ambulatory Care Practice
Rotation Type: Medication Therapy Management
Preceptor: Dr. Johanna Harris
Site: ProMedica Fostoria County Hospital Fostoria, OH
Description: During this rotation, I was able to conduct appointments with the direct supervision of my pharmacists for the anticoagulation clinic along with the diabetes clinic. I was able to adjust Warfarin doses, recommend a bridge therapy for patients undergoing a procedure, adjust diabetic medications depending on blood glucose levels, and educate patients on a healthy lifestyle to improve blood glucose levels. It was a very educational rotation for me, as I left the rotation with a lot more information than what I had anticipated. During this rotation, I presented a case presentation on a patient who had a stroke and put together a handout based off the presentation. The handout is attached below. 241120073142_Stroke_Presentation_handout.pdf (.pdf) 0.26mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Rotation 4 (October 2024) - Institutional Rotation
Rotation Type: Institutional
Preceptor: Dr.  Lindsay Spridgeon
Site: ProMedica Fostoria Community Hospital
Description: During this rotation, I was able to enhance my clinical skills. I was able to attend interdisciplinary rounds, recommend renal dose adjustments, and perform pharmacokinetic dosing!  During this rotation, I was able to create a newsletter that discuss the different vaccines available during flu season and which vaccines are appropriate for select patient populations. My best work for this month is a copy of my newsletter that reviews the different vaccines available during flu season. Below I have attached a copy of the newsletter I created. 241106082613_Protect_Yourself_Against_Updted.pdf (.pdf) 0.15mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Rotation 3 (September 2024) - Elective 1- Academic Rotation
Rotation Type: Academia
Preceptor: Dr.  Nira Kadakia
Site: University of Findlay College of Pharmacy
Description: During this rotation, I was able to dive deep into the reality of being a professor at a college of pharmacy. I was able to attend several meetings with advisors, different committees, and even sat in a meeting with the dean of the college! I also proctored several exams and was able to participate in grading students' labs. I was able to attend several lectures and monitored the way the professors presented their material in preparation for when I present my lecture to a class. During this rotation, I was able to create and present a lecture to a classroom. My best work for this month was a powerpoint presentation I created to present to a classroom of pharmacy students. Below I have attached a copy of the lecture I created and presented. 240930072338_SUBMIT_To_coreelms.pdf (.pdf) 7.53mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Rotation 2 (August 2024) - General Medicine
Rotation Type: General Medicine
Preceptor: Dr. Jenna Connor
Site: Wood County Hospital, Bowling Green, OH
Description: During this rotation, I completed a daily review of all the patients in the hospital to confirm all medications are dosed appropriately based off of their disease states and current lab values. I also had the ability to verify anticoagulation doses based off patient parameters and monitoring platelet values to assess safety. I attended two sets of rounds daily, one with the ICU physicians and one with the floor physicians. During rounds, I was able to provide my recommendations to physicians if medications had to be adjusted/discontinued. My best work for this month is a powerpoint I composed and presented to the staff to learn about a new medication called Inpefa. The powerpoint is attached below. 240830084320_Inpefa_Autosaved_.pdf (.pdf) 1.10mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Advanced Placement Practice Experience - Rotation 1 (July 2024) - Elective 3-Medication Therapy Management
Rotation Type: Medication Therapy Management Elective
Preceptor: Rachel O'Malley
Site: University of Findlay Telehealth Center 1319 N Main St, Findlay, OH 45840
Description: Completed transition of care to patients who were admitted to the hospital or had a recent emergency room visit. During transition of care, I was able to counsel patients on new medications, identify drug-drug interactions, and review the patients medication list to verify all medications are up to date.  I was also able to spend some time completing remote patient monitoring where I was able to provide monitoring parameters to patients with heart failure via Telehealth.
My best work during this month was conducting a presentation on Pediatric Acute Otitis Media. I have attached the presentation below. 240731013327_PAOM.pdf (.pdf) 3.56mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
Spring 2024 Assignments
240408044041_SPRING_2024_ASSIGHNEMNTS.docx (.docx) 1.68mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
IPE Evaluation
240408042838_IPE_submit (.) 0.04mb
Internships: Mouna Dallal
IPPE Spring 2024 Reflection

My rotation for Spring 2024 at Mercy Health St. Charles Hospital was beyond exceptional. I was interning at the ED department and I was able to put a lot of my current knowledge to use. It allows a student to use several different aspects of different modules covered during the professional years. For example, for one patient, I was able to apply my knowledge on antibiotics to appropriately treat a patient and on another patient, I had to use knowledge from the renal module to dose Vancomycin. 

Student Development: Preceptorships / Mentorships: Mouna Dallal
Mentor Discussion
Mentor Discussion (.pdf) 0.93mb
Resume & CV: Mouna Dallal
250224102440_Updated_February_CV.pdf (.pdf) 0.14mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
Business Plan
250130110132_Vet_rx_submit_Autosaved_.pdf (.pdf) 0.58mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
Final Assessment-April 2025
250128113811_April_Final_Submit.pdf (.pdf) 2.69mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
Midpoint Assessment-November 13th, 2024
This document contains:
  • Longitudinal Form Progress

  • Patient Communication Evaluation Form and Reflection

  • IPE Assessment Form and Reflection

Midpoint Assessment-November (.pdf) 0.50mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
Inpefa Presentation
241025095058_Inpefa_Autosaved_.pptx (.pptx) 0.99mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
Journal Club Presentation
240731013830_Farxiga_Journal_Club.pdf (.pdf) 3.67mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
PAOM Topic Discussion
240731013800_PAOM.pdf (.pdf) 3.56mb
Assignments: Mouna Dallal
Spring 2024 Assignments
240408042627_SPRING_2024_ASSIGHNEMNTS.docx (.docx) 1.68mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
240408044317_ACLS.pdf (.pdf) 0.14mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
Immunization Certificate
220926060945_vaccine_cert_1_.pdf (.pdf) 0.13mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
BLS Certificate
241120071936_BLS_4.2026.pdf (.2026) 0.11mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Certification
240320101518_BBP_certificiate.pdf (.pdf) 0.10mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Certification
201123063619_FWA.pdf (.pdf) 0.43mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Certification
201123063335_HIPPA.pdf (.pdf) 0.14mb
Licenses & Certifications: Mouna Dallal
Ohio Intern's License
231120103644_updated_pharmacy_intern_license.pdf (.pdf) 0.04mb