Athletics: Joscelyne Meyers
My athletics
I play for the Women's Basketball team for Bryant and Stratton. I have been playing basketball for almost my whole life. Throughout these years, I have made this sport my lifestyle. I have built my character due to basketball. I learned leadership, hard work ethics, and team work. I have been team captain and have learned how to build different relationships, be reliable, and discipline.
Employment History: Joscelyne Meyers
Employment History
My first job was when I have 16. I worked at Sunshine Paradise as a Sales Associate. I learned how to fold clothes the perfect way and persuades customers to buy our merchandise. I worked here during the summer. I also worked at Walmart as a stocker. I also worked through the summer. During Fall and Winter, I do not have much time to work so I try to find jobs to work for a season.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Joscelyne Meyers
My personal goal is to get both of my degrees, Business and Pharmaceutical Science. I plan to build my own Pharmaceutical company. Another goal of mine is to become in Pharmaceutical Sales.
My Bio: Joscelyne Meyers
My Biography
My name is Joscelyne Meyers. I am a college student-athlete that attends Bryant and Stratton (VA). I am currently working on my Associates for Business. I am looking to further my education at a University to receive another degree in Pharmaceutical Science. Throughout my school career, I have been an honor roll student and have been on dean's list as well. I am a hard-worker who moves with integrity and always opening my mind to grow as a person!
My Resume (.docx) 0.02mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Joscelyne Meyers
Volunteer Activities
I have mentored children between the ages of 5-6 years old. I read to them and let them talk to me about what they feel comfortable telling me about. I also help them with their homework. Overall, I built personal connections with children to help guide them in the right direction.