My Bio: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
Nancy Langberg Bio
Hi! I’m Nancy Langberg, and I’m passionate about supporting the academic, social, and emotional growth of students as an aspiring school counselor. My 10 year career in education is driven by a deep belief in fostering intellectual development alongside emotional resilience and well-being. As I transition into school counseling, I am dedicated to helping students navigate their challenges with confidence, empathy, and self-awareness.
I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Development, a Master's Degree in Education Leadership, and I will be completing my Master's Degree in School Counseling this spring.
On a personal note, I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys who are the loves of my life. We’re also proud beekeepers!
I look forward to connecting with fellow counselors, educators, and professionals who share my passion for holistic student development and emotional health. Together, we can shape a compassionate, resilient generation of students.
Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
In this 661 Benchmark PowerPoint assignment, I was to gather data from students and teachers concerning students' mindsets. Based on this data, I designed a data-driven program to improve student outcomes. The ASCA National Model guided me as the school counselor to make sure my program was based on data and was developmentally appropriate and focused on the mindsets and behaviors the targeted students needed for success.
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
As showcased in this COSC 692 Benchmark assignment, I provided small group counseling to 6th grade girls who were demonstrating a need for a positive leadership group. This group was developed based on the needs assessment and data received from the teachers, counselors, and social worker as both a prevention and intervention. Throughout our time together, we worked on developing self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the ability to relate to others who are different from us.
You will see in my presentation that the group was very engaged and the outcome data proved that the group was successful in achieving the measured goal. Please also see photos of our time together.
Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
In this 611 diversity and transitions presentation, you will see that I demonstrated multicultural competencies in relation to diversity, equity, and post-secondary opportunities. As school counselors we have an ethical responsibility to ensure all students and families have access to
culturally appropriate interventions, including transition programs that prepare students for postsecondary planning. In this presentation I demonstrated the ability to design and implement a transition program that increased the number of students engaged in formal postsecondary participation (including college, tradeschools, job training, apprenticeships, formal school-to-work programs, etc.) Enjoy!
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
This is the COSC 622 test critique assignment where we learned how counselors must evaluate instruments when selecting which assessment strategies to use. Counselors must be able to evaluate the appropriateness of using an assessment in a comprehensive manner. I demonstrated my ability to apply the established guidelines used by professionals to evaluate the appropriateness of using an assessment. As a result of this assignment, I learned how to select appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student's academic, career, and social/emotional development.
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
In this COSC 661 Benchmark Data Presentation, I learned that sharing data is an excellent advocacy tool for the counseling profession. Announcing data to stakeholders will demonstrate the impact of the school counselor on closing achievement and opportunity gaps in the school system. Demonstrating that we as counselors can analyze and use data to enhance the counseling program strengthens our support.
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
This is the COSC 661 ASCA-aligned classroom guidance lesson plan presentation on the impact of having a positive mindset on a students academic, career, and social/emotional well-being. As a school counselor, we must be familiar with the 3 developmental domains: academic, career and social-emotional as well as classroom management strategies to effectively deliver the lesson. We must implement differentiated instructional strategies to ensure that every student can learn, and every student can succeed. Enjoy!
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
As school counselors we must recognize our duty to collaborate with parent/ guardians when providing services to minorstudents in schools. We must inform parents/guardians of the mission of the school counseling program as well as academic, career, andsocial/ emotional program standards that promote and enhance learning for all students. In this COSC 661 Brochure assignment, you will see this is an effective way to inform stakeholders of the services our comprehensive school counseling program offers. It is also an excellent advocacy tool for our program. Enjoy!
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
This is my COSC 692 Psycho-educational small group proposal completed at my practicum site. I designed, implemented, managed, and evaluated a positive girls' leadership small group. In collaboration with stakeholders, we identified
achievement gaps and needs. I gained competency in locating existing data from the school report card and behavior data sources. I obtained parent/guardian consent, and worked in collaboration with other counselors and teachers to support the psycho-educational group. Each session was aligned with ASCA's Mindsets & Behaviors and an evaluation was conducted upon completion, demonstrating success of measured goal.
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Competency Assessments: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
Because of my international background and experiences I have been able to make connections with all students. I am growing in my ability to be cognizant of the ethical and legal implications as well as the cultural sensitivities that need to be considered when interacting with our students.
I have been a part of developing an intervention plan for a 5th grade student who was struggling academically and with their attendance. I have helped develop the appropriate group and classroom strategies as well as connecting with parents to help support and include them.
I have helped our team develop our annual student outcome goal and our closing the achievement gap goal. During the developmental phase of these documents we looked at student assessment data, attendance, and behavior referrals to determine what we should focus on this year and how we are planning to support our students.
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Courses Taken: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
COSC 604 - Foundations of Education
Benchmark School Sims: Final Assignment Benchmark Educational Philosophy in Practice Assignment -
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Courses Taken: Nancy Langberg, M.Ed.
COSC 505 - Counseling Techniques
Benchmark Counseling Skills Assignment
Benchmark Final Skills Competency Scale (Consultant)
Benchmark Live Supervision Video Link Assignment