My Bio: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Self Introduction
I am a graduate of Tunkhannock High School, in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania the class of 1987. I am a current student at Bryant & Stratton College, I will graduate in August 2022 with an Associate's Degree in Medical Reimbursement. I work great working with a team or on my own. I am willing to learn all aspects of an organization where I can show what is expected of me as well as the education I have learned throughout my college courses. I am a very dedicated individual with the eagerness to get out into the world and show that I would be a productive member of society.
Educational Background: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Participate in social, academic learning, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world
I learned how to function in a workplace as a professional and treat everyone with respect and understand that in different cultures people do things differently.
Educational Background: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Participate in social, academic learning, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world
I learned how to function in a workplace as a professional and treat everyone with respect and understand that in different cultures people do things differently.
Educational Background: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Abstract information from medical charts to assign the correct diagnosis.
I learned how to read medical charts and to assign the proper codes through advanced CPT/HCPCS 2 coding and advanced ICD-Diagnostic coding.
Educational Background: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Demonstrate competency to assemble, process, maintain, abstract, analyze index and retrieve health information data.
Through college mathematics, I learned to analyze problems and how to solve mathematical equations as well as how to budget and how to understand the mortgage process.
Educational Background: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the patient record as defined by policy, external regulations, and standards.
In clinical documentation, I learned how to read patient records to make sure they are accurate and complete.
Educational Background: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement
In research and writing, I learned how to reflect on what I was reading and then be able to write a paper on what I read.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Adelaide Gwen Barnes
My goals
My goal is upon graduation to find employment as soon as possible. I would like to work remotely in my field of study. My personal goal is to get a job and finally be able to have no financial problems.
Honors & Awards: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
My Honors and Rewards
I was on the Dean's list at Bryant & Stratton College in my first year.
Technical & Computer Skills: Adelaide Gwen Barnes
Technical and Computer skills
I am proficient in all aspects of Microsoft Office. I can type 82 words/minute. I like learning more about computers as the internet changes every day.