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Katharine Sandvick

School Counselor Candidate

Liberty University

Address: Gillette, WY, 82718

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My Bio: Katharine Sandvick
Katharine Sandvick
My bio goes here. brief, that im a student, something professional, 
My Bio: Katharine Sandvick
Resume & CV: Katharine Sandvick
2025 Resume (.pdf) 0.05mb
Reflective Journal: Katharine Sandvick
Worldview Essay
250124110425_Worldview_of_Education_1_.pdf (.pdf) 0.04mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Katharine Sandvick
Professional Growth Essay
Professional Growth Essay (.pdf) 0.04mb
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
This artifact shows my knowledge and understanding of the competency Foundations because I explain the importance of adhering to the limits of confidentiality within the relationship of client/student and counselor. This artifact also details the specific laws of confidentiality within the state I intend to practice.  Ethical Vignette Paper 1 (.pdf) 0.20mb
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Counseling Prevention and Intervention
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Diversity and Advocacy
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Research and Evaluation
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Academic Development
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Collaboration and Consultation
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Here is an example of how I am demonstrating the competency of Leadership. Attached is my Data Presentation from COSC 661 that displays my ability to present a comprehensive program that utilizes data to implement and evaluate effective school-wide interventions.  Data Presentation (.pdf) 3.16mb
Competency Assessments: Katharine Sandvick
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 501 – Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School Counseling
Benchmark Ethical Vignette Paper: 
Benchmark Attitudes and Beliefs Reflection Paper: Benchmark Ethical Vignette Paper & Benchmark Attitudes and Beliefs Reflection Paper (.pdf) 0.20mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COUC 502 – Human Growth and Development
Benchmark Essay: Addiction & Adolescence Assignment
Benchmark Essay: Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Assignment
Benchmark Paper: Development Analysis Assignment Benchmark Essays and Benchmark Paper (.pdf) 0.24mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COUC 504 – Multicultural Counseling
Cultural Immersion Project (.pdf) 0.36mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 505 – Counseling Techniques
COSC 505 – Counseling Techniques Benchmark Counseling Skills Assignment
Benchmark Final Skills Competency Scale (Consultant)
Benchmark Live Supervision Video Link Assignment COSC 505 – Counseling Techniques Benchmark Counseling Skills Assignment Benchmark Final Skills Competency Scale (Consultant) Benchmark Live Supervision Video Link Assignment (.pdf) 0.47mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 510 – School Counseling Theories
N/A- Not on my DCPA 
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 512 – Structured Groups
Benchmark Psychoeducational Group Assignment 
Instructor Group Facilitation Feedback and Scoring  Benchmark Psychoeducational Group Assignment (.pdf) 0.39mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COUC 515 – Research and Program Evaluation
Qualitative and Quantitative Reporting Assignment
Research Proposal Paper Qualitative and Quantitative Reporting Assignment Research Proposal Paper (.pdf) 0.29mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COUC 522 –Career Development and Counseling
Benchmark Career Self-Assessment and Exploration Paper Assignment: Benchmark Career Development Program Proposal Assignment: Career Self-Assessment & Exploration Assignment & Program Proposal (.pdf) 2.15mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 604 –Foundations of Education
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 611 – Child and Adolescent Counseling in the Schools
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Counseling Benchmark: Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Counseling Benchmark (.pdf) 0.36mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 622 – Educational Assessment and Intervention
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 660 – Principles of School Counseling
Benchmark School Counseling Parent-Teacher Presentation Assignment Benchmark School Counseling Parent-Teacher Presentation Assignment (.pptx) 2.78mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 661 – School Counseling Program Development & Evaluation
School Counseling Brochure Assignment
Data Presentation Assignment School Counseling Brochure Assignment AND Data Presentation Assignment (.pdf) 5.11mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 692/COUC 692 Practicum
Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan
School Counseling Practicum: Final Pre-AIA Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan School Counseling Practicum: Final Pre-AIA (.pdf) 0.34mb
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 693- Internship 1
Courses Taken: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 694- Internship 2
Projects: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 692 Practicum
Attached is my Psycho-Educational small group done on Emotional Regulation. The group had five, first grade students who displayed a need for focused instruction on skills to regulate their emotions. The topics covered in the small group were as follows: developing appropriate strategies to deal with emotions and outbursts, ability to verbalize emotions, using positive coping skills, addressing the size of a problem and understanding other's perspective. Psycho-educational Small group (.pdf) 2.91mb
Projects: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 693 Internship 1
Projects: Katharine Sandvick
COSC 694 Internship 2
Exam History: Katharine Sandvick
School Counseling Exam Score Report
250124021856_Praxis_Exam_1_.pdf (.pdf) 0.34mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
ASCA Membership Card
Membership Card (.pdf) 0.02mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Behavioral Guidelines: The Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia
Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia Modules (.pdf) 0.01mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing, Reporting and Responding for Educators
Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing, Reporting and Responding for Educators (.pdf) 0.09mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Cultural Competency Training Certificate
Cultural Competency Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.53mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Dyslexia Awareness Training Certificate
Dyslexia Awareness Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.04mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Hands-On CPR/First Aid/AED Training Certificate
Hands-On CPR/First Aid/AED Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.20mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Schools and Grief: Helping Students Cope with Death
Schools and Grief: Helping Students Cope with Death (.pdf) 1.72mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Supporting Caregivers of Youth with Substance Use Problems Affected by Trauma
Supporting Caregivers of Youth with Substance Use Problems Affected by Trauma (.pdf) 1.72mb
Licenses & Certifications: Katharine Sandvick
Recognition of Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training: Psychological First Aid (PFA) Certificate
Recognition of Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training: Psychological First Aid (PFA) Certificate (.pdf) 0.55mb