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Rebecca Greene

Address: 391 Kaymar Dr. Amherst, NY 14228
Phone: 716 228-1284

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Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
AHLT120 Anatomy/Physiology/Pathophysiology (.docx) 1.44mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
6-- Quantitative skills
250224123719_templates_module_4_portfolio_project_math_201.docx (.docx) 0.05mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
8--EHR, HIPPA, HITECH Presentation
EHR,HIPPA,HITECH Presentation (.pdf) 0.26mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
4--Assessment Reflection Psychology
Assessment Reflection Psychology (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
5--Patient Referral cover letter
Ptient Referral cover letter (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
10--Pharmacology Drug Cards
Pharm Cards (._project_drug_cards) 0.35mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
3--Psychotropic Therapeutic Treatment PPT
Duplicate PPT Psyc (.pdf) 0.23mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
2--Career Plan Reflection
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
1-- Excel Diabetes Data Chart
The tolerance of a patients levels of glucose both Data and Chart Excel Patient Data Chart (.xlsx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
9--Medical Lab Case Study
Chemicals Medical Lab Case Study (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Rebecca Greene
Bryant & Stratton College
A.A.S in Medical Assisting
April, 2025
Goals (Personal & Professional): Rebecca Greene
Professional Goals

My educational and professional goals are to work closely with women's health and educating women with their hormonal imbalances, and to educate patients understand their reproductive system. 
I am also interested in assisting patients with emotional and mental disorders, by helping in developing techniques that assist an individual in a healthy, controlled environment and a positive notion, relating to that persons statues.
My Bio: Rebecca Greene
My Biography

                My interest in life was to study the women’s reproductive system to advance my journey in becoming a gynecologist, and combining this education with a degree in psychology, helping me understand mental disorders and behaviors.     

                  I have kept my promise to myself and my children that I was going to pursue an education at Bryant and Stratton college, to gain a degree in medical assisting. I have gained a whole new perspective of academics in medical clinical patient care, phlebotomy, psychology and technology skills. I will be graduating in April 2025.

My Team's MyCred Portfolio LinksUpdated: No Content
Resume & CV: Rebecca Greene
Resume (._2024) 0.02mb