Assignments: Toree Scheible
Electronic Health Records
In these Electronic Health records, I had to demonstrate that I understood how to maintain, store, and analyze health information data.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Audit Assesment
This assignment shows that I understand what medical necessity is and how it should be met in order to bill accurately.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Advanced CPT and HCPCS Level II coding Portfolio Project
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Clinical Documentation Integrity and Quality
This project shows how I can evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the patient record as defined by policy, external regulations and standards.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Career Development II
This portfolio project encompasses my journey through the course and outlines acquired knowledge, skills, and future career goals I have. It also reflects on my development in areas such as communication, time management, and career readiness, demonstrating a transfer of knowledge and skills acquired through formal and informal learning experiences to new situations. I was able to acknowledge the advances I was able to make and how to effectively communicate in a professional setting, through my interview responses and portfolio walk-through.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Research and Writing
This portfolio project I presented in essay format so written format. It explored the concept of universal healthcare in the United States and whether it was possible. I utilized proper resources by referring to resources such as the World Health Organization, studies published in reputable journals, and reports from research institutions to gather information that I needed to accomplish my goal of advocating for universal healthcare. In summary, this project met the outcome by using appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish the goal by leveraging reputable sources and I was able to present a well-researched analysis of universal healthcare. I effectively communicated my findings through written format, providing insight into the potential benefits and challenges of implementing universal healthcare in the United States.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Domain reflection
This shows I am able to employ strategies for reflection on my learning and practice in order to adjust my learning process for continual improvement
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Quantative Reasoning
This project shows how I follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Discussion Board post
By participating in my discussion boards I am being able to show professional, personal, and so much more growth in the multicultural world.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Health Record Audit Training
I created a Health Record Audit Training for my portfolio project.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
CPT and HCPCS Level II Coding
This project was another example of how I know how to abstract information from medical charts to assign the correct diagnosis (ICD-10) procedure(CPT) and supply (HCPCS Level II) code in a variety of medical situations.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
ICD-10-CM Training Course
This project showed that I know how to Abstract information from medical charts to assign the correct diagnosis (ICD-10) procedure(CPT) and supply (HCPCS Level II) code in a variety of medical situations.
Assignments: Toree Scheible
Culminating Case Studies
This culminating case study was a case study where we had to extract patient information and justify and explain his case. We had to demonstrate how to process, abstract, and analyze the case study information.
Courses Taken: Toree Scheible
Fall term 2022-2023
Comm104- Learning Communities
Engl102-Research and writing for the workplace
Inft124- Computing skills
- (learned Microsoft software: Excel, word, power point, etc.)
MCCG100- Introduction to Reimbursement and Coding
- Introduced to ICD-10 CM, ICD-10-PCS, and CPT
Courses Taken: Toree Scheible
Winter term 2023
HCAS123- Healthcare Terminology
- Introduced to Terminology used on patient documents, etc.
HCAS129-Electronic Health Records
- Introduced to Electronic Health Records and systems
HCAS133-Survey of Anatomy and Physiology
- We learned how anatomy refers to the internal and external structures of the body and their physical relationships, whereas physiology refers to the study of the functions of those structures.
Math101-Workplace Math
- We reviewed math that could be used in the workplace as far as percentages, growth, etc.
Courses Taken: Toree Scheible
Spring Term 2023
HCAS143-Human Disease and Drug Pharmacol
- We were introduced to how Medications function within the human body and react as well as what they are affected by.
MCCG137- ICD Diagnostic Coding
- I was introduced to ICD more in depth and started coding Diagnosis.
MCCG146- CPT and HCPCS Level II coding
- I was introduced to HCPCS and was also starting to code using CPT.
MCCG150-ICD Procedural Coding
- In this class we learned about ICD-10-PCS in depth and how to create the code based off the tables.
Courses Taken: Toree Scheible
Fall term 2023-2024
Engl202- Research and writing
- In this class I learned how to research important topics and how to properly write a paper based on it.
Math201- College Mathematics
- In this class we dove deeper into formulas, probability, statistics, etc.
MCCG210-Clinical Documentation
- We learned about CDI's, physician queries, Data Analysis, Case management,etc.
MCCG212- Advanced ICD Diagnostic Coding
- We learned about Medical Necessity, Guidelines for Principal diagnoses, Diagnosis selection, and automated coders.
Educational Background: Toree Scheible
Bryant and Stratton College
-Graduating April 2024 with Honors
-3.98 GPA
Educational Background: Toree Scheible
Independence High School of Bakersfield, CA
2017 Graduate
-Graduated with the Golden State Merit Award with a 4.0
Employment History: Toree Scheible
Ernst Consulting Solutions DBA Peo Select Insurance Services February 2023- Current
I work as an Employee Advocate.
-check patient Explanation of benefits
-work as a communication for providers and insurance services
-Handle and process Health Reimbursement Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts
-Terminate and process COBRA's for Employees
Goals (Personal & Professional): Toree Scheible
My professional goals
Graduate with my CCA and CCSP certificate.
My Bio: Toree Scheible
My bio
I am a highly accomplished professional background in health insurance. With a strong foundation in customer service. I have a proven track record of success in problem solving.
I hold an Associates degree in Medical Reimbursement and coding from Bryant and Stratton University, and I am dedicated to delivering exceptional results for my clients and employers. I thrive in fast paced environments and I am adept at managing multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining a high level of attention to detail.
I am known for my excellent communication skills, strategic thinking, and ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to further my career and make a positive impact in the Medical reimbursement and coding field.
In my free time I enjoy Playing with my son, and I am actively involved in The Bakersfield Angels, a foster care support group. I am committed to continuous growth and learning, and I am always seeking ways to expand my knowledge and skills in order to stay at the forefront of my field.