Melica Boukani
PharmD Candidate, Class of 2027
St. John's University
Ten years ago I received my doctoral degree-if you consider an A4-sized paper with my name barely written across it a degree. Six-years old me couldn’t imagine what a degree looked like. As my older sister handed me the crayon-designed degree, I felt like I had actually become a doctor. It felt as if I had found all of the skills and the personal qualities a physician needs: knowledge, patience, and the ability to empathize. A kind heart I have, which I try to keep kind only at heart so that it doesn’t get in the way of logic. And a creed that makes me driven to my goal regardless if there is or isn’t anyone who supports me, because if it’s one place that I look to when I need to only be heard, it's the one who created me and has given me more blessing than I could’ve possibly asked for. One big factor that I am confident in is being able to talk in public and create safe relationships with my peers. This characteristic has helped me a lot throughout my years of adapting to new school environments and an awareness of whom I should have contact with inside and outside of my school environment. It has helped me get through multiple successful team works, labs, and a positive outlook as to who I am and where I stand in society. As bad as COVID-19 was for everyone, it helped me solidify who I want to stand as, both as a pharmacist years from now and as a person in society. One can’t be everything in this world for humans are fallible beings, but one can try to live true to themselves and live to be their best versions. If it's one similarity every human being shares in common, it's that we all strive to be happy or maintain happiness throughout our lives; a set goal that I hope to achieve one day. My goal is simple, but not easy. I want to be someone that doesn’t stay on the sidelines but rather is out in action. I know my goal; in order to reach my goal, I have to look at where I am now and continue on forward. Of course, there will be obstacles in my path. But, with my mindset, I will try my best to make my childhood degree into an official one.
- Being happy with myself and not regretting my major choice.
- Learning to love my major so much that I put my all to achieve the best in every field/subject
- Maintaining my status as a full-time student
- Maintaining a GPA of 3.5 - 4.0
- Becoming a hospital pharmacist intern; hopefully at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.
- Have a Phlebotomist certification (Before starting work in a hospital)
- Have an EMT certification (Before starting work in a hospital)
- Have a stable career in hospital pharmacy; NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
- Be an inspiration for patients and colleagues; and if I have children for them as well.
- Have my parents retire and provide for them.
- Start a chain pharmacy business.
Pharmacy (Six-year Pharm.D) Major
Pharm D Candidate, 2021
Advanced Regents Diploma
- PAS 2301 - SOCIAL ASPECTS OF PHARMACY PRACTICE Introduced the social aspects of pharmacy practice. Important areas to be discussed include the pharmacy profession, the professionalization of the student pharmacist, and the image of pharmacists held by patients. The role of the pharmacist in various practice settings as related to patient care and interaction with other health care professionals will be explored. An overview of how the pharmacist plays a crucial element in drug therapy, drug product selection, and therapeutic interchange was also discussed. Particular emphasis was placed on understanding the social aspects of drug use in today’s society and the importance of providing pharmaceutical care to the patient.
- THE 2030 - INTRODUCTION TO HINDUISM The Hindu religion: Its scriptures, theology, philosophy, and creeds—Vaisnavism, Saivism, eastern mysticism, yoga, and modern Hindu religious consciousness.
- CHE 1132 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III RECITATION Recitation helped students understand the role of organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry, in any of the life sciences, and our lives in general. The goal was to use group/teamwork and peer discussion to improve your problem-solving skills, as this will lead you to an enhanced comprehension of basic chemical principles. The recitation exercises were intended to help you develop the analytical skills needed for successful problem-solving.
- CHE 1131 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III LAB The course focused on the different types of hydrocarbons, vocabulary and their select derivatives, chemical structures with various functional groups, and their effects on physical and chemical (reactivity) properties, stereochemistry, organic reactions, and their mechanisms. The class enabled the student to perform various organic reactions safely. Different organic compounds will be synthesized, isolated, and purified utilizing fundamental techniques such as reflux, extraction, filtration, distillation, and recrystallization.
- RCT 1005C – INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION FOR PHARMACISTS The course was designed for pharmacy majors to explore interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationships in and out of the pharmacy setting. Interpersonal relationships can involve more than two people, but this class will focus primarily on dyadic relationships. This course focuses most frequently on interpersonal communication in the pharmacy profession, e.g., pharmacist-patient, pharmacist-doctor, supervisor-subordinate, pharmacist-pharmacist, etc. The material covered in the class had practical application to your career as a pharmacist and is based on research findings and theories in the study of interpersonal communication.
- PHI 3000C - METAPHYSICS The course served as an introduction to Western metaphysics. In particular, questions about the nature of reality, the existence of God, and the nature of knowledge will be discussed in terms of the writings of authors such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, and Heidegger.
- CHE 1122R-0 (INTRO-GEN & ORG CHEM II RECITATION) - Helps students to understand the role of general and organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This recitation aims to use group work and peer discussion to improve your problem-solving skills, as this enhances students' comprehension of basic chemical principles. The recitation exercises help students develop the analytical skills needed to engage in successful problem-solving.
- CHE 1121L-0 (INTRO-GEN & ORG CHEM II LAB) - In this course, students can: evaluate chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to obtain chemical hazards and safety information, collect and generate experimental data utilizing specific analytical instruments, perform fundamental Organic Chemistry techniques such as reflux, extraction, filtration, distillation, and drying organic liquids, execute the synthesis, isolation, and purification of various organic compounds & solve stoichiometry problems to calculate the limiting reagent, theoretical and percentage yields.
- CHE 1120-0 (INTRO GEN & ORGANIC CHEM II) - The foundations of General and Organic Chemistry are covered in this course. The General Chemistry portion covers principles of colligative properties, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and acid-base chemistry. For the Organic Chemistry portion, the course focuses on hydrocarbons, vocabulary and their select derivatives, chemical structures with various functional groups, and their effects on physical and chemical properties, stereochemistry, organic reactions, and their mechanisms.
- ENG 1100C-103 (CORE: LITERATURE IN GLOBAL CONT) - Students are required to read a myriad of works of literature in this class and screen films that can be considered in a global context. In this course, students read and engage with these texts in a way that allows gaining insight into the cultural, socioeconomic, and psychological landscapes surrounding the characters that are encountered.
- CPP 1101-0 (INTRO TO PHARMACY PRACTICE) - The course provides students an introductory overview of the pharmacy profession and contemporary pharmacy practice issues. It emphasizes describing the attributes of the pharmacy profession, the roles of the pharmacist as a member of a patient care team, and discussing the expectations and realities of being a pharmacist.
- THE 1000C-357 (CORE: PERS. ON CHRISTIANITY) - Introduction to Christianity highlighting scripture, credal statements, rites, theological writings, artistic expressions, and other discourses manifesting and expressing the Christian faith in its various traditions throughout its two thousand years of development.
- PHI 2240C-0 (CORE: MORAL LIFE-ETH HLTH CARE) - Multiple discussions of the nature of human happiness and the development of moral principles and their impact on one's life dimensions: personal, familial, social, political, and professional. These principles are then applied to ethical issues in medical and pharmacy practice.
- CHE 1112R-0 (INTRO-GEN & ORG CHE RECITATION): Helps students to understand the role of general and organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. This recitation aims to use group work and peer discussion to improve your problem-solving skills, as this enhances students' comprehension of basic chemical principles. The recitation exercises help students develop the analytical skills needed to engage in successful problem-solving.
- CHE 1111L-0 (INTRO TO GEN & ORG CHEM LAB): Students gained experience in performing basic lab techniques throughout the class. The activities aimed to familiarize students with the scientific method, assess uncertainty and errors regarding data collection, develop a proper presentation of data, and understand the chemical safety, precautions, and disposal of hazardous material.
- CHE 1110-0 (INTRO TO GEN & ORG CHEMISTRY): During the online class, we reviewed the lecture note and worked on the class activity sheet. Students worked on the reading assignments before the class. There were online quizzes and an online final exam for this course. Also, there was graded online homework using the WileyPLUS homework system.
- DNY 1000C-551 (NYC BEFORE 1898) - The course examined New York City through mixed mediums of geography and history. It used them to understand that geography is the primary factor in determining the viability of human settlement. We comprehended the effects of human settlement on natural landscapes, recognized layers of history in an urban place, and learned to navigate the city on foot and by public transportation, thereby taking full advantage of New York's educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities.
- MTH 1250C-0 (CORE: STAT APP-PHAR/ALLIED HLTH) - During this course, the following were taught: calculating the probabilities of events using the basic rules of probability, using commonly occurring probability distributions to evaluate probabilities, calculating measures of central tendency and dispersion for data sets, finding confidence intervals for unknown population parameters using the appropriate statistic, for both one and two populations and using Excel to perform some calculations, including fundamental analysis of sample data.
- PHI 1000C -110 (CORE: PHILOSOPHY HUMAN PERSON): Examination and discussion of some of these questions through a series of philosophical works that have stood the test of time. Are human beings by nature good or evil? How do human beings get to know reality? What is happiness? What is the nature of evil? What is the justification for governments to exist? Can morality be defined on a purely rational basis? If so, what are some personal and political implications? If not, what alternatives do we have to judge what is right and wrong? At the end of the course, we arrived at a multi-faceted understanding of the human person.
- FYW 1000C-599 (CARPENTRY OF WRITING): The class examined and explored the "Carpentry of Writing" in four sections: writing about you, writing about others, writing for others & writing with others.
- PHR 1000-0 (INTRO SEMINAR FOR PHARMACY STU): This seminar course introduced incoming pharmacy students to the activities, responsibilities, and requirements for students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy Program. This course presented areas such as an overview of the curriculum, advisement, experiential and academic service-learning, professionalism, and legal and technical standards required for degree completion.
Freshman honor society for students with at least a 3.70 cumulative GPA at the end of their first year (Fall 2021 – Spring 2022)
Student member of The National Society of Leadership and Success at St. John’s University (Fall 2022 – Present)
- Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
- Date Received: February 2021
- Description: First-time freshmen and new transfer students entering St. John’s in the fall will automatically be considered for this award when they indicate on their admission application that their grandparents, parents, or siblings received a degree from St. John’s University. The University will award $2,000 per year for up to four years of continuous, full-time undergraduate enrollment at St. John’s.
- Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
- Date Received: February 2021
- Description: This scholarship provides an annual award of $2,500, for a maximum award of $10,000 over four years of undergraduate study, and is automatically awarded to incoming freshmen who will be graduating from a Catholic high school and entering St. John’s in the fall.
- Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
- Date Received: February 2021
- Description: College Advantage students who enroll at St. John’s University the semester after high school graduation receive a $3,000 Tuition Grant per year.
- Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
- Date Received: February 2021
- Description: Merit-based scholarships to first-year, full-time undergraduate students who enroll in a bachelor’s level degree program for the Fall semester.
- Sponsoring Organization: St. Francis Prep.
- Dates Received: January 2018, January 2019, June 2019, April 2021
- Description: Grade point (Avg. 90 to 94.99) Given Quarterly (4 Quarters per year)
- Sponsoring Organization: St. Francis Prep.
- Dates Received: January 2020, April 2020, June 2020, November 2020, January 2021, May 2021
- Description: (Grade point Avg. 95 to 100), Given Quarterly (4 Quarters per year)
- Service Date: November 29, 2021
- Description: I was able to assist members of the Instant Wild Zoological Society of London (ZSL) for six hours in this service. Founded in 1826, ZSL is a global conservation charity with a mission to conserve the planet's wildlife and their habitats. How it works: ZSL uses motion-triggered cameras, which are a crucial tool for monitoring animal populations and movements, and this information allows them to develop methods for conserving them. As an animal moves past one of the Instant Wild cameras, it will trigger, taking a photo which then is immediately sent back to the app/website in real-time for identification by you. Identifying thousands of images takes time, but with our help, they can identify even more species and help to protect them. And so, to take part in this project, I tried my best the identification over six-hundred animals from the images that were provided to me. I needed to tag the animal(s) in the images with the right animal name. The researchers/scientists behind the project can then download the results of my identification and use them for their work. ZSL’s Instant Wild empowered me to take part in vital conservation work by bringing live images and videos from amazing locations all around the world. By identifying the animals in each image, I was able to contribute to conservation and make a positive impact on the future of wildlife.
Being raised in a household in which my parent's native language was used, I was able to create love in learning new languages. Currently, I am able to fluently speak, write, and read English, Farsi, Turkish, and for Arabic, I know how to fluently read and write and speak at an intermediate level. Knowing how to speak multiple languages has helped me communicate with people of multiple cultures more comfortably since I had a better understanding of their position. I also find it beneficial to my future in pharmacy since patient interaction is going to be beyond the boundaries of nationality.
I wasn't one of those students who easily knew what I wanted to choose as my future career. It was because of my multiple interests in a variety of subjects that I couldn't find a career that encompassed all of them. As ironic as it may be, what I was looking for was closer than I imagined. I always knew that my mother was a Pharmacist, but I didn’t understand what that meant until I saw it firsthand when I visited her at her job. I saw that pharmacy wasn’t only about drugs and prescriptions, but it was also a major part of a cohesive network within the hospital that was necessary for it to function smoothly. Even when it only dealt with the medications and prescriptions, there was so much scientific and mathematic knowledge needed beforehand, that it stimulated the puzzle-loving side of my brain. This was intriguing to me since it seemed as if this career was made for my science-loving side, my communicative side, as well as my interest in making sure my career was geared towards helping people. I didn’t have to look far for a school that offered a program for my career choice of interest. St. John’s was undoubtedly the first for me, both because my mother always commended the program with its diverse student body and informative classes, and because it is one of the best in NY and is relatively close to my home.
What surprised me about my strengths was that they don't define me as a person but who I am working to be. My strategic strength comes from my intuition of how to get things done in a proper manner even if put under pressure it won't shudder my mindset. My futuristic strength comes from the fact that I won't plan out for my future in the present moment, but as I work for the future I work to gain and create the best outcome possible. My restorative, achiever, and developer strengths work all hand-in-hand as these strengths come from my mentality that I won't let my past mistakes hurt me and hold me from what I want to achieve, and so I have the ability to restore from mistakes rather quickly because I find with this strength I am able to develop and achieve the best outcomes in any filed I aim and put the effort in.