Lisa M. Jenkins
Build and Improve My Professional Relationships
Improve My Time Management Skills
Improve My Emotional Intelligence
Grow My Professional Network
Engage in More Self-Care
Learn to Set More Personal Boundaries
Expect Change and Learn to Accept it

The outcome was met because I was able to use current technology and resources such as the college’s virtual library and web searches to conduct research for the project and then communicate my findings in the form of written essays and a PowerPoint presentation.

The outcome was met by describing the ethical theories and philosophical approaches followed for assessing moral/ethical decisions in typical health care scenarios; identifying underlying ethical issues influencing decision-making in the provision of health care service; the application of analytical techniques to resolve ethical dilemmas presented in health care case studies; formulating moral/ethical obligations of a health care entity to the community it serves; the evaluation of the relative strengths and weaknesses of personal moral judgments as well as the judgments and choices of others.

The outcome was met by demonstrating creative problem solving; Integrating knowledge from diverse viewpoints into a unified whole; Composing a research paper with appropriate citation style, demonstrating application of critical thinking, and thought processes and strategies

The outcome was met through organizing data for analysis in the form of graphs, tables, and frequency distributions; calculating statistical data for measures of central tendency and dispersion; Investigating dispersion through normal distributions using range, mean, standard deviation and z scores; Collecting, organizing, and interpreting data to perform regression analysis; Measuring location, variation, probabilities, distributions, and expectations; Formulating a hypothesis, test a hypothesis, and interpret the results; Drawing conclusions and/or making decisions through the application and analysis of mathematical models using Microsoft Excel.

The outcome was met because through the weekly deliverables I was able to evaluate my own behavior and how it affects others in the workplace.

The outcome was met through the analysis of the balance and income statements and formulating a strategic plan for the organization’s anticipated budget; Articulation of the strategic financial planning process, preparing revenue forecasts, constant growth forecasts, and real-world forecasts

The outcome was met by researching different long-term care providers and examining the impact of the following: financial aspects, staffing, legal and ethical issues, and management challenges and opportunities for purposes of applying this knowledge to health care managerial settings; Identified necessary leadership skills for long-term care and evaluated their effective application

The outcome was met by assessing the role, trends, and challenges in health care management; the employment of basic management techniques in health care organizations; the evaluation of the critical role that communication plays in a health care organization; Demonstrating an understanding of financial responsibility and the budgetary process in healthcare

The outcome was met by analyzing laws that apply to the health care environment and the examination of the specific rights and responsibilities of health care professionals; analyzing the liability issues for health care corporations, departments within a health care organization, as well as various occupations within the health care field to inform decision making; explaining the meaning of “Informed Consent” and describing the various forms of consent; examining the rights and responsibilities of a patient.

The outcome was met because I will be able to leverage the knowledge gained in conducting research for the “Health Information System Analysis Essay” into benefiting me in my future career in health care management. I have more knowledge regarding electronic health records and patient portals. These are health information systems that I will more than likely use in the healthcare facility where I will eventually work