Assignments: Jaheim Gray
Two assignments I did was two excels projects for macroeconomics these assignments helped me a lot because it thought me how to have patience how do work on a different platform and how to brainstorm this is how these assignments help me
Co-Curricular Activities: Jaheim Gray
Co-Curricular Activities
For my Co-Curricular Activities, I play football and video games
Cultural Background: Jaheim Gray
Cultural Background
I was born in Trinidad and Tobago which has a population of 1.5 million people it's located in the Caribbean and our country is most famous for its wonderful food beaches and one of the best ever events in the world carnival.
Educational Background: Jaheim Gray
Educational Background
My Educational Background is good I have 6 CXC passes I'm currently trying to get my master's in college and I graduated from High School.
Educational Background: Jaheim Gray
Education Background
I attended Speyside High School from 2017-2022
I have Six O' Levels - Principles of Business, Agriculture Science, Physical Education, Electronic Document Preparation Management, English, Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Employment History: Jaheim Gray
Employment History
I worked as a warehouse worker at the BB Supermarket in 2023
my duties war verifying and counting items received from vendors,
packing goods received from vendors and other duties as assigned
Exam History: Jaheim Gray
Exam History
I attended Speyside High School from 2017 to 2023 where I got 6 CXC passes now I'm at Bryant Stratton College doing my associate degree in business management.
Fieldwork: Jaheim Gray
The last fieldwork that I did was working in a warehouse at B&B supermarket
Goals (Personal & Professional): Jaheim Gray
Goals (Personal & Professional)
My goals personal & Professional are to become a professional football player and so that one day I can set up training camps to give back to the community.
Honors & Awards: Jaheim Gray
Honors & Awards
Most of my honors and awards came at my sports club I was mostly awarded for my good behavior, being able to be a good leader and for my exceptional work on and off the field.
My Bio: Jaheim Gray
My Bio
I was born in the country of Trinidad and Tobago where the population is 1,507,782 I grew up in the village of Moriah Tobago things I like to go on outdoor adventures play soccer and spend quality time with my loved ones. I'm also a hard worker, and I love to help others and ensure I do my work quickly and correctly. I'm currently doing my business associate degree at Bryant and Stratton College.
Skills: Jaheim Gray
1. Leaderships skills
2. Time management skills
3. Communication skills
4. Teamwork skills
5.Marketing skills