Educational Background: Cierra Reed
Educational Background: Cierra Reed
Educational Background: Cierra Reed
Valley high school
graduated high school 2013, with a 3.3 GPA
Educational Background: Cierra Reed
Bryant & Stratton
I will be gradating with my Associates June of 2023
Goals (Personal & Professional): Cierra Reed
I want go back to school after I complete this degree and complete my Bachelors.
Honors & Awards: Cierra Reed
Dean's List
I have made the deans list my entire time enrolled into college, with less than 3 months left.
Projects: Cierra Reed
Course Outcome
This project has helped me meet course outcomes.
Projects: Cierra Reed
Portfolio Project
This project helped me meet institutional outcomes.
Projects: Cierra Reed
Institutional outcomes
This portfolio project has helped me meet institutional outcomes to become a human resource specialist.