Megan A. Mills
Student Pharmacist
Medical College of Wisconsin- School of Pharmacy Class 2023
I am Megan Mills, a P1 student at the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy (Class 2023). I grew up in Racine, WI where I attended Case High School. Further, I continued my education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and graduated in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Genomics and a certificate in Global Health. Something I am very enthusiastic about is the rapidly developing field of pharmacogenomics.
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate 2023
Bachelor of Science- Genetics and Genomics
Certificate- Global Health
In order to complete my SMART goal of working up two of my own patients per day on rotation, I will discuss this with my preceptor in order for them to understand my goal. I also would like my preceptor to be aware of my excitement in the ambulatory care field specifically in oncology. In order to prepare for this rotation, I will review my oncology notes and discuss my goals with my preceptor before the rotation.
In order to complete my SMART goal of working up 1 of my own patients per day on rotation, I will discuss this with my preceptor in order for them to understand my goal. I also would like my preceptor to be aware of my excitement in the ambulatory care field but have not had experience in this specialty yet. I am confident that I will be successful in working up a patient and identifying drug problems through my patient care lab and other rotation experience.
In order to complete my SMART goal of gaining understanding of the roles and scope pharmacists have in clinical trials, I will review a different institutional guideline each rotation. This will allow me to gain knowledge on proper administration, storage, handling, etc. for the investigatonal drug trials. I am looking forward to this rotation as it is very unique compared to the other IPPEs I have been on. I will also ask the pharmacists questions about their day to day role in this department.
In order to complete my SMART goal of improving my skills in effective communication during rounding, I will discuss medication questions to address before going into the rounds. I will find one medication issue per rounding day to discuss with the team. This will give me the opportunity to see how other healthcare professionals work in a team and what the role of pharmacy in the team is. I can use the knowledge learned from IS courses and the soft skills from the patient care lab in order to accomplish this task.
In order to complete my SMART goal of improving my skills in inpatient medication verification, I will "verify" three prescriptions on my own for my preceptor to check on rotation. I will inform my preceptor that I have only observed this being done in the inpatient setting, so it will be helpful to see how to perform this inspection from a different point of view. This also could give me the opportunity to practice skills I have learned in the patient care lab.
In order to complete my SMART goal of observing and participating in 1 patient round with the healthcare team or pharmacist per day of the rotation, I will make it clear to my preceptor that this is something I would like to participate in during this rotation. I will inform my preceptor that I have never had inpatient pharmacy experience, so this is something I have never seen in practice before. This also could give me the opportunity to practice skills I have learned in the patient care lab, such as medication history collection.
In order to complete my SMART goal of observing 1 product being compounded and compounding 1 product myself per day of the rotation, I will make it clear to my preceptor that this is something I would like to practice during this rotation. I will inform my preceptor of the compounding experience I have had in my lab courses at MCW and how I have never done in actually in practice.
In order to complete my SMART goal of observing 3 patient counsels per day of the rotation, I will make it clear with my preceptor that this is something I would like to achieve during this rotation. In order to get to where I want to go, I will seek opportunities to watch counseling in action and make sure to ask questions to make sure the patient counseling practice is clear.
In order to complete my SMART goal of working up two patients on my own each rotation day, I will discuss this goal with my preceptor. I am really looking forward to this experience as this is an area of pharmacy I am interested in possibly practicing in someday. I am extremely interested in seeing how the collaborative practice agreements work in the oncology field and utilize my drug knowledge. This will be an extremely valuable experience I am looking forward to.
In order to complete my SMART goal of working up one patient on my own each rotation day, I will discuss this goal with my preceptor. I am really looking forward to this experience since I have not had a rotation in this area of pharmacy yet. I am extremely interested in seeing how the collaborative practice agreements work in practice and utilize my drug knowledge. This will be an extremely valuable experience I am looking forward to.
My SMART goal for this rotation is to understand the roles and scope pharmacists have in clinical trials. I am looking forward to gaining appreciation and understanding of FDA regulations and the IRB board. Further, I will become familiar with the pharmacy investigational drug services through interacting with a variety of providers and reviewing a number of resources.
In order to complete my SMART goal of improving my skills in effective communication during rounding, I will discuss medication questions to address before going into the rounds. This experience will be valuable to me because I have never worked under a different healthcare provider on a rotation. Not only will this help me expand my knowledge and help get me comfortable with communicating with the team, but it will also teach me what other people on the team do. This will be an extremely valuable experience I am looking forward to.
My SMART goal for this rotation is to focus on improving my skills in inpatient medication verification, I will "verify" three prescriptions on my own for my preceptor to check on rotation. This is a skill very important to pharmacists to learn how to do efficiently. I am looking forward to learning how other pharmacists at different institutions perform this skill. Also, I am looking forward to collaborating with a healthcare team on a prescription order.
My SMART goal for this rotation is to observe and participate in 1 patient round per day at rotation. I am looking forward to starting this rotation since I have no experience in an inpatient pharmacy setting. I am hopeful this experience will help me not only learn about the inpatient world but will show me how a pediatric setting could be different than an adult setting.
My SMART goal for this rotation is to observe 1 product being compounded and then compound 1 product myself. I am looking forward to starting this rotation since I have no experience in a compounding pharmacy before. This will be an interesting experience for me since this is a pharmacy in my hometown I did not really know much about until seeing it was my assigned rotation site. I am hopeful that this pharmacy will give me more hands-on experience with the medications. I am thankful that I am about to complete this rotation and serve my hometown community in such a unique way. Also, I am thankful I am starting a rotation in a compounding pharmacy after having had two compounding courses, so then I have the knowledge to start an IPPE in this type of setting.
I am looking forward to starting IPPE rotations as a pharmacy student. One of my greatest strengths is that I am very open-minded and willing to try new things. This strength will serve me well during my rotation in the community pharmacy because my weakness is my lack of experience in a pharmacy setting. I know that being open-minded will help me learn about the workflow of a community pharmacy and strengthen my pharmacy experience skills. In the community setting, I am looking forward to experiencing the patient-pharmacist interaction from behind the counter. The only experience I have with a community pharmacy is as the patient so I am looking forward to seeing this play out from a different point of view. My SMART goal for this rotation is to observe 3 patient counsels per day of the rotation.
- Collaborated with pharmacy residents on patient cases
- Discharge counseled on medications under the supervision of a preceptor
- Utilized and documented medication histories within the EHR
- Communicate and collaborate with the healthcare team on hospital rounds and on a case-by-case basis
- Participate in a topic discussion on different clinical cases specific to the pediatric population
- Attend and engage in hospital Grand Rounds presentations weekly
- Assisted and performed non-sterile compounding under direct pharmacist supervision
- Collaborated with healthcare professionals regarding medication regimens in the long-term care pharmacy
- Participated in pharmacy workflow through contacting patients about their prescriptions, practiced counseling patients, and provided over-the-counter recommendations
- Observed immunizations and immunization recording
- Observed the prescription pre-verification and verification process
- Participated in pharmacy workflow through contacting patients about their prescriptions, practiced counseling patients, and provided over-the-counter recommendations