Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
Career Development III
This project helped me to learn how to demonstrate professionalism, and navigate through presenting information from my portfolio and he required skills to present a career portfolio to prospective employers.
Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
College Mathmatics-Quantitative Reasoning
This project helped me to understand and apply Quantitative Reasoning to evaluate information to repay student loans and how to budget. We created a Power Point Presentation that showed how we could apply this information
Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
Cultural Competence in Health Services
The project I submitted for this course helped me to understand multicultural awareness in healthcare settings and how to assess and apply appropriate communication skills in each setting.
Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
Ethics in Human Services
This project reflected upon how to apply decision making skills to produce a positive outcome in resolving an ethical situation in within healthcare settings and within the community.
Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
Electronic Health Records
the Portfolio Project outcome for this course helped me to understand and ensure confidentiality, compliance and maintain patient privacy. I also learned the importance of maintaining the patients data in an (EHR) Electronic Health Records System.
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Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
Research and Writing
In this course I learned how to research, collect, analyze, and compile information gathered from multiple resources to structure a thesis research paper. This project taught me how to use the college virtual online library and other resources such as Perdue Owl, and Scholarly to research my information and how to apply my references in proper APA formatting
Resource Link
Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
College Mathmatics-Quantitative Reasoning
This project helped me to understand and apply Quantitative Reasoning to evaluate information to repay student loans and how to budget. We created a Power Point Presentation that showed how we could apply this information
Resource Link
Capstone: Tanya Dawn Hart
Career Development II
Informal Career Plan Reflection
This project reflected on our abilities to complete employment interviews, being prepared for interviews, It helped me to learn how to modify my resume and my elevator speech and cover letter for employment.
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Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
INFT124 Computing Skills
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
Math101 Workplace Mathemathics
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
MDAA101 Introduction to Medical Office Supp/Serv.
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
PSYC101 Psychology
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
VOIM109 Office Applications & Word Processing/Keyboarding
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
SOSC225 Career Development II Theory & Practice
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
CAPS 265 Career Development III
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
HUSS130 Cultural Competence in the Health Services
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
MATH201 College Mathematics-Quantitative Reasoning
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
HCAS133 Survey of Anatomy & Physiology
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
MDAA202 Medical Insurance and Billing
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
MCCG100 Introduction to Reimbursement
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
MDAA208 Quality Improvement & Customer Services in Medical Offices
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
MDAA204 Medical Office Procedures
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
ENGL202 Research and Writting
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
HCAS123 Healthcare Terminology
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
PHIL 222 Ethics In Health & Human Services
Courses Taken: Tanya Dawn Hart
HCAS 129 Electronic Health Records
Educational Background: Tanya Dawn Hart
Resource Link
Educational Background: Tanya Dawn Hart
Resource Link
Goals (Personal & Professional): Tanya Dawn Hart
My goals are to further my education and attain my bachelors, and advance in my career in CPS or Health and Human Services.