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Shelitha Kent

Behavioral Therapist

Bryant & Stratton College

Address: Ellenwood Ga 30294
Phone: 6783535752

As a dedicated professional with a degree in Human Resources and Social Services, I bring a unique blend of skills and experiences.
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Academic Service: Shelitha Kent
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Academic Service: Shelitha Kent
Shelitha Kent
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Academic Service: Shelitha Kent
Child Abuse Certification
certificate (.pdf) 0.25mb
Academic Service: Shelitha Kent
Kiddie World Learning Center provides educational programs for children aged 4-5, focusing on early childhood development and preparing them for elementary school. certificate (.pdf) 0.25mb
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Shelitha Kent
Bryant Stratton College
Obtained an Associate Degree in Human Resources and Social Services.
Case logs provide a record to show a list of actions taken with a patient, facility of encounter, and date of service.

The entries below are the case logs I've submitted for during my academic career.
Employment History: Shelitha Kent
Resume (._Kent_resume2) 0.04mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Shelitha Kent
My objectives include building partnerships between HR and social services to establish a comprehensive support system for employees. I also seek to design and implement training programs that cater to HR and social service requirements, focusing on areas like stress management and work-life balance. Additionally, I aspire to research to discover innovative methods and optimal practices that can be utilized in both fields.
Honors & Awards: Shelitha Kent
Child Abuse Training
certificate (.pdf) 0.25mb
Honors & Awards: Shelitha Kent
Honors & Awards: Shelitha Kent
Strengthening Families
I have completed training in the Strengthening Families Program (SFP). This program is an evidence-based family skills training initiative designed to improve family relationships, parenting skills, and youth life skills. It is recognized nationally and internationally for helping high-risk and general-population families.  240719072526_StrengtheningFamiliesGAEffectiveApproachemailmgs1_8_2020_1_.pdf (.pdf) 0.14mb