Educational Background: Oneida Rosa
Institutional outcome
Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Educational Background: Oneida Rosa
Program outcome
Demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal communication specific to the health and human services environments.
Educational Background: Oneida Rosa
BAVPA High school
Graduated 2014
High School Diploma
Educational Background: Oneida Rosa
Bryant and Stratton Healthcare Administration
Graduate in 2023
Associates degree
Educational Background: Oneida Rosa
Bryant and Stratton 2015
Received phlebotomy certification
Goals (Personal & Professional): Oneida Rosa
> Build a Network
> Manage over 50 people
> Become a part of a company that has the same values as I do
> Produce a more cohesive staff
My Bio: Oneida Rosa
Get to know me
I find myself always looking for new and interesting things to get my hands on. Anything that can activate and stimulate my brain and imagination. I am a goal-orientated person who likes to have a plan in place when trying to complete tasks. I have a very outgoing personality and I'm able to get along with everyone I come in counter with. Building long-lasting relationships are very important to me and making sure they are built on trust. I am the youngest of 10 children and with that comes its own challenges, but I also love the chaos. I would say I am a play hard but work harder type of person.
Projects: Oneida Rosa
Examine humankind’s business accomplishments in international and domestic markets. ECON325 K51
Microeconomics Portfolio Project
Creating a new product for a company that already has a huge market that extends internationally and has a domestic market. That is what I had to do for this project, I chose Carmex but used new and innovative packaging. I Had to look at their current accomplishments in reaching consumers and determine how I improve upon their product and extend their reach. This gave me the skills to investigate both sides, not just domestic, and see how they market differently. It gave me the knowledge to understand that going international can come with its own sets of challenges. In the workplace, I will be able to point out those challenges and take them head on to resolve them.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment. BUSS410 J02
Performance Management Portfolio Project
Three scenarios were given to me about employees that were underperforming, being disrespectful, and coming late to work. However, in every scenario the employee was a diverse person whether that be skin color, age, disability. I had to determine the best way to go about handling the situation without making the person feel like we are doing this because of those differences. This project showed me the proper behavior needed to address these individuals in a manner that doesn't seem offensive or cause my future workplace to get a lawsuit against them. It gave me the knowledge to document everything so I can have proof that there was no ill intentions.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Analyze management processes as well as the role businesses play in a high-tech global economy BUSS340
Operations Management Case Study
For this case study we were given the company Lego we had to determine what made Lego so successful and how did they managed to grow as large as they did. Lego had to be able to coordinate activities and make sure they were completed effectively. As they grew, they had an increase in staff and new machinery to keep up with the customers' demands. This project gave me knowledge on how I could potentially grow a company and to know when it's time to expand whether that be space, staff or machinery.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Apply contemporary knowledge and skills in the evolving business marketplace. BUSS320 151
Marketing Management Portfolio Project
Choosing a charity where you would like to invest your money in is not always easy, I was tasked finding a charity that aligned with Radio flyer values and mission. I decided that Birthday wishes was the best option because based of my knowledge providing children with the ultimate joy is the position that both company's hold. This has provided me with the skills to compare companies, see how they coincide and what they can gain from each other. In my future workplace I will be able to effectively decide who my company should partner with in an evolving business based on the alignment of our goals and values.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth. BUSS325 J01 International Negotiation Case Study
Best Buy is the company I investigated to understand why their international partnership did not work with China and what they could have done better to keep the doors open. I had to participate in a professional community which involved all of my classmates and teachers. We bounced ideas off each other as to how this partnership could be improved. The skills I learned is how to voice my opinion in a way that did not offend or tear down my classmates.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. MATH309 D51 Statistics Portfolio Project
As a manager of ABC Company, I had to gather data on my employees which included race, age and employee satisfaction. I then had to place this information in an excel spread sheet which I then turned into a graph. Lastly, I had to take the average for employee satisfaction and decide if we were doing well or how we could improve on that. I can take the skills inputting data accurately to any workplace as I will need to do inventory and staff payroll. Calculating averages to determine how my workplace is progressing is important as a manager.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. BUSS340 001 Operations Management Forecasting Case Study
For this project we had to create a chart with our current demand and what we forecast would be our demand the following year. We used qualitative and quantitative reasoning to get the best educated guess. For my future workplace, I will be able to use qualitative and quantitative reasoning skills to reflect on my company's history to see what I can expect from the following year. This will also show me where I can improve the company sales.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. PSYC310 351 Organizational Psychology Portfolio Project
Psychological principles include motivation and time management for this project I had to find articles that show how these principles relate to collaborative workplace environment and everyday situations. I learned the behaviors required to motivate my future employees in the workplace internally and external motivation. I also can use my time management skills to help with a proper work life balance.
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Projects: Oneida Rosa
Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats. ECON325 K51 Microeconomics Portfolio Project.
For this project we were tasked with creating a new product to put on the market with a brand that has already been well established. I had chosen Carmex, a new way of packaging the product to help with the messiness and to reach a new customer base. I had to use current technology such as my computer, student library and my phone to look up information about how I would measure demand, and analyze competitors, and economic Profits. Once I gathered all that information, I had to place it in a concise document so that it could be given to the leadership board to hopefully gain approval on this new product. In the workplace I will now be able to determine my Explicit and implicit cost, I can calculate Economic profits using the formula and overall be able to create a well-written document for any new product I may be looking to introduce to my workplace.
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