Jahaira Cubero
Medical Administrative Assistant
Bryant & Stratton College

Of course, my long-term goal is to Graduate from Bryant and Stratton with a degree in Applied Science. But also, one of my short-term goals is to gain as much knowledge and learn to navigate all tools provided. A few tools I know will help me strongly in my career and is now would be the calendar, it would keep me updated and organized, I’ll be able to strategize and plan accordingly every day. Emailing helps me out just as much as my calendar I access it anywhere I go; file attachment is a faster way for me to send off what I need while I’m at work or too busy to get to my computer. Smart thinking gave me a clearer look at what my goals and steps are to get where I’m aiming to be, as a Bryant and Stratton student I benefited a lot from working with so many strategies and tools to help further me achieve within my academics and Graduate College in 2021.
My Name is Jahaira Cubero I currently am enrolled at Bryant & Stratton College as a Medical Administrative Assistant student. I am 29 years of age and have 3 children who I also homeschool. I identify myself as realistic, logical, and analytical. I enjoy reading, writing, and researching I believe self-knowledge is also important it keeps my mind fresh with new ideas and understandings. In my spare time, I like to adventure off into nature to gather my thoughts.