Assignments: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
group project
Assignments: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
forecasting projct
Assignments: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
relationship Management Project
Assignments: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
final project 4.11.24
Assignments: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
accounting essay
Courses Taken: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
Classes Different Semesters
Accounting Principles I & II
Management Principles I & II
Marketing Principles
Project Management
Computer Skills
Reseach & Writing
Languages Spoken / Skills: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
Fluent In Spanish. Raised and born in Puerto Rico.
Presentations: Keishla M Martinez Rivera
My First presentation was talking about HPV and how that sexual disease can affect our system, body and our private parts.
why is the reason we get contagious and how to avoid it.
I also have a presentation of the how Puerto Rico became part of United States.
I also talked about my experiences as a Nurse in a Veteran's hospital.
Travel (My Travel Experience): Keishla M Martinez Rivera
I travel to Orlando to the parks.
Boston to see the whales and a museum.
Alabama to see a military boat.
Pennsylvania visited my family.
Washington D.C. march for abortion.