Lindsey Hohlt
Student Pharmacist
The University of Mississippi
I grew up near Saint Louis, Missouri, and developed a love for chemistry at a young age. Since high school, I knew that she wanted to work in medical practice, sprecifically with pharmaceuticals. I am is currently in my third year in the Pharmacy program as a 2025 PharmD canditate. In spring of 2022, I graudated with her BSPS to advance my goal of eventually becoming a practicing pharamcist. Along with being my pharmacy class Vice President, I am involved in Kappa Epsilon, APhA, ASHP, and am the President of the local AMCP chapter. Outside of pharmacy school, I works part time as an Intern at Baptist Medical Center in Jackson.
-Fall 2018-Present
-Kappa Epsilon is an American professional pharmacy fraternity founded by Zada M. Cooper on May 13, 1921. It was founded with the purpose of uniting female pharmacy students in an era when women were a minority in the profession.
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