My Bio: Makya Matthews
I just completed my IPPE hours for this semester at Blanchard Valley Hospital in Findlay, Ohio. For next semester, I plan to complete my hours at the same place in hopes to obtain more great experiences.
After I graduate in 2026, I plan on doing a residency then working as a clinical pharmacist or in ambulatory care.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Makya Matthews
Goals Fall 2024
1. Join the clinical pharmacist on rounds at least once
2. watch 10 different IV medications be compounded in the IV room
Goals (Personal & Professional): Makya Matthews
Goals Spring 2024
My goals for this semester were to help check 10 IV bags and compound 1 IV bag.
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Goals (Personal & Professional): Makya Matthews
Goals Fall 2023
Two goals I have for this semester is to help check at least 10 IV bags and communicate to another health professional on 5-10 different occasions.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Makya Matthews
Goals Spring 2023
Two of the goals I have for this IPPE experience is to administer 10 subQ allergy shots and and assist in 5 medication transfers.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Makya Matthews
Goals Fall 2022
Two of the goals I had for this semester were to administer 10 vaccines and to fill 20 prescriptions.
Internships: Makya Matthews
IPPE Reflection Spring 2024
Preceptor- Joshua Cain
Blanchard Valley Health System
I completed my IPPE hours her at this Cancer center. This introduced my to oncology and taught me about many new drugs I didn't know before.
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Internships: Makya Matthews
IPPE Reflection Fall 2023
Preceptor: Nicholas Reid
Wyandot Memorial Hospital
I completed my IPPE hours at this very small critical care hospital. It was only a 25 bed hospital where most of the patients were elderly and cancer patients.
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Internships: Makya Matthews
IPPE Reflection Spring 2023
Preceptor- Brad Stultz
Stultz Pharmacy
I completed my IPPE hours here, a very busy independent pharmacy, and I learned a lot about working under pressure and doing the most you can with what you have.
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Internships: Makya Matthews
IPPE Reflection Fall 2022
Preceptor- Dallas Sterling
Great Scot Pharmacy
I completed my IPPE hours here and learned a lot about community pharmacies and the relationships you build with the patients.
221122091513_IPPE_Reflection.pdf (.pdf) 0.03mb
Licenses & Certifications: Makya Matthews
HIPAA (.pdf) 0.19mb