My Bio: MarQuita Morgan
My Bio
My name is MarQuita Morgan. Thank you for taking the time to review my bio, so here is all about me. I am married with two children. My husband and I have been married for 14 years, and he serves in the Military. We are currently stationed in Virginia, and plan to retire here.
I have had the pleasure of being a stay at home Mother for 12 years. Teaching my children and setting a strong foundation over these years is something that my husband and I wanted to focus on to help build their characters.
Now, as our children are school-aged, it is time, and I am ready to get back into the workforce. I'm a graduate from Bryant & Stratton College with an AAS in Medical Reimbursement & Coding. I hope to learn, grow, and be a success in this field and I look forward to what is to come. Thank you again for your time and consideration.
MarQuita Morgan
Mark 16:15
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
ENGL202 Research and Writing
Research and Writing Portfolio Project demonstrated by developing and supporting thesis statement through a written academic essay that contains an introduction, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Meets Bryant & Stratton College Institutional outcome 5.
ENGL202 - Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
MCCG262 Professional Coder Practicum II
MCCG262 portfolio project is a graduation ready articulation presentation. Through this presentation, summary and articulation was done showing the skills gained through multiple courses at Bryant & Stratton College in video format. Meets the Institutional outcome 6.
HIPAA Security Essay
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
SOSC225 Career Development II: Theory & Practice
Theorist essay showing thinking abilities by applying career development theories and ethics to shape employment goals and plans. Meets Bryant & Stratton College Institutional outcome 7.
SOSC225 Theorist Essay
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
MATH201 College Mathematics: Quantitative Reasoning
College Mathematics: Quantitative Reasoning Portfolio Project demonstrating budget basics, assets, savings and analysis, and far from average understanding. Meets Bryant & Stratton Institutional outcome 8.
MATH201 - Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.06mb
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
COMM104 Learning Communities
This Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Assessment demonstrates the application of study skills, time management, and goal setting strategies through the utilization of planning tools. Meets Bryant & Stratton College institutional outcome 9.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Assessment
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
MCCG240 Evaluation and Management Services
Evaluation and Management Services Portfolio Project demonstrating how to assign accurate E/M codes, correct use of the CPT manual, use of Modifiers, abbreviations and format. Meets Bryant & Stratton College institutional outcome 1.
MCCG240 - Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.05mb
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
MCCG212 Advanced ICD Diagnostic Coding
Advanced ICD Diagnostic Coding portfolio project demonstrating a timeline and training program consisting of an overview of basic ICD-10-CM coding, Inpatient & Outpatient case scenario reviews, and a continued education plan. Meets Bryant & Stratton College program outcome 2.
MCCG212 - Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
MCCG222 Advanced CPT and HCPCS Level II Coding
MCCG222 Portfolio Project demonstrating assigning correct codes for ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS Level II codes with rationale. Meets Bryant & Stratton College program outcome 3.
MCCG222- Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
MCCG210 Clinical Documentation Integrity and Quality
MCCG210 Portfolio Project demonstrating the five key components in the preparation process of an audit. Meets Bryant & Stratton College program outcome 4.
MCCG210 - Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
Bryant & Stratton College
Associate of Applied Science in Medical Reimbursement & Coding, 04/2024.
Educational Background: MarQuita Morgan
Bryant & Stratton College
Medical Billing & Coding Dual Certificate, 08/2023.
Goals (Personal & Professional): MarQuita Morgan
Personal & Professional Goals
My personal goals are to pay off our home early, send my children to college, and to enjoy a bit of travel with my family.
My professional goals are to gain experience as a coding specialist for 3 years, then to progress to a CDI Specialist. I want to become an asset in this career path, learn from others and make a positive impact in this field of Medical Reimbursement & Coding.