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Nathalia Aildasani

Pharmacy Student

Cedarville Univeristy

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Faculty Positions: Nathalia Aildasani
I would really like a faculty position, and to start an academic life after some years of clinical experience and residency.
Faculty Positions: Nathalia Aildasani
I am Brazilian, I was born and raised in Brazil. So, in addition to English I also speak Portuguese fluently.
Languages Spoken / Skills: Nathalia Aildasani
I am bilingual, I speak both English and Portuguese fluently.
What is a residency? Residency is a specific stage of graduate medical education. It refers to a qualified physician, podiatrist, dentist, pharmacist, or veterinarian (one who holds the degree of MD, DPM, DDS, DMD, DVM, DO, BDS, PharmD, or BDent; or MB; BS, MBChB, or BMed) who practices medicine or pharmacy, usually in a hospital or clinic, under the direct or indirect supervision of a senior medical clinician registered in that specialty such as an attending physician or consultant.
Residency: Nathalia Aildasani
I am currently very interested in having a residency in ambulatory care or oncology so I can have my understanding deepened and will be able to help more patients with certain conditions.