Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Explain the role of business in a global environment.
Marketing Report: I was able to explain where the business sits withing the global environment and how it expanded to meet the needs of various markets within it.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Recognize management and leadership skills.
For this project our goal was to recognize and describe the different roles of management as well as skills used to do so effectively. This included our own reflection of a large project and how it could have been improved upon.
BUSS230 Porfolio Project (.docx) 0.04mb
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Demonstrate knowledge of numeric measurements within the business environment to make informed decisions.
Data Breech Power Point: shows my ability to address an unpleasant scenario such as a data breech. We asses the outcome and potential cost as a result. I compare to past events and provided insight in to cost of continued prevention.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Identify and apply the basic functions of management such as staffing, planning, organizing, controlling, and leading to the decision-making process.
For each part of this project we spent a week learning, observing, and explaining our understanding of each of the basic functions of management. As I completed this project I described each on in detail and how it was utilized in the building project we studied as a whole.
BUSS230 Porfolio Project (.docx) 0.04mb
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Select and apply current technology skills to specific business applications such as social media and cloud technology.
Business Principles Applied: I use my understanding of business principles as well as the available technology to summarize two businesses and how their use of marketing varies. This included searching for the companies social accounts and developing a document with the information that would be used to compare and contrast later.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Formulate ethical decision-making skills that can be applied in the workplace.
Business Ethics and Crazy Dave: Within this essay, I provided my response to Ethical problems faced a business and the culture of that business. Within the text I provided examples of how a company could go forward in the business by making ethical choices instead of unethical ones as well as fostering an ethical business culture.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
This reflection to a business document creation assignment describes my experience on working through overwhelming moments by changing my approach to brainstorming before essays. I utilized my new skills from class to source the best ways to brainstorm and applied them in my assignment. This reflection talks on how I then provided that in written format to accomplish my goal of easier brainstorming techniques for writing essays.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
During this reflection on job application and resume creation, I focused on the goal of completing a resume, the review of that resume by peers, and the resulting resume that followed after the review. This formal and informal learning allowed me to use multiple perspectives and apply them directly to my project. This type of project was new to me as I had never had peers review my resumes before.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
in my graphic literacy reflection, I demonstrated my self reflection skills as I described my assignment that offered insight into creating as well as presenting information from a graph and PowerPoint. This reflection is based specifically on graphic literacy and the importance of practicing the skill to become better overtime.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
This Quantitative Reasoning Assignment had me inquire about my current budget and utilized mathematics to generate ratios and percentages. I formed comparisons to current market ratios. From that information I was able to form conclusions about spending habits, the ability to purchase a home, and make decisions to get on track as well as set budgeting goals.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
my Career Development Plan describes my goals and skills for literacy as well as how the career path interacts with the community. We took multiple assessments prior to this project to see how we use interpersonal skills and many other skills to interact with others. Learning more about myself allows me to adjust and grow as a person so that I may interact better with my community and it
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
Fundraiser Proposal
Provided is my proposal to manage a fundraiser. The sections include each of the major parts of management and go into detail on how each may be implemented.
Competency Assessments: Haley Hills
informal Career Plan
to continue to provide improvement one must reflect. This is a reflection of my SOSC225 class and how it advanced my career and career based networks
Goals (Personal & Professional): Haley Hills
Professional Goals
The listed Word Doc is a brief outline of some professional goals I wish to maintain in my businesses and in my work.
240210032500_Professional_Goals.docx (.docx) 0.02mb