Academic Service: Taylor McConnell
05 - Differentiate between ethical and unethical decisions
I have chosen this project to meet this outcome because I learned what would be the correct way to file for a couple that is still living together but has kids and is getting a divorce.
220427082016_Ethical_and_unethical.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Academic Service: Taylor McConnell
03 - Analyze and interpret financial information to assist users in the management decision-making process. Add Comment
When doing this project, I have met the outcome by realizing that when looking at other people's financial information I am able to help them make their choice for the falling year. If they need to budget better for taxes or what they need to do.
Week 7
Academic Service: Taylor McConnell
01 - Interpret and apply generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to analyze, record, and report financial information.
During this project I have met the outcome by being able to apply my knowledge I have learned to be able to record accounting data.
Academic Service: Taylor McConnell
Academic Service: Taylor McConnell
: CAPS265
Educational Background: Taylor McConnell
I am attending Bryant and Stratton college to have a degree in Accounting.
Educational Background: Taylor McConnell
High School
I graduated High School with my Dipolma from Northwestern High Schools.
Educational Background: Taylor McConnell
Technical & Computer Skills: Taylor McConnell
Computer Experience
I have many years of computer expeince. I have worked with all the following
- Word
- Excel
- Quickbooks
- Powerpoints